The 411 on CBD

CBD is getting a whole lot of press these days and for good reason. From pain management to managing anxiety responses and a whole lot in between, CBD oil is making quite the name for itself with numerous opportunities for medical benefit. CBD is a natural way of regulating the body’s endocannabinoid system. So what is this CBD oil all about, you ask?

Cannabis sativa is a species of plant with well over 60 active agents called cannabinoids, the most well-known of which are THC and CBDTHC is the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana, while CBD is non-psychoactiveCBD, derived from industrial hemp must contain less than 0.3% THC. Cannabinoid receptors are normally found throughout the body in both human and canine nervous systems, glands and organs and all mammals rely on the endocannabinoid system to regulate the immune response. Use of CBD is a natural way in regulating this system.

According to PetCareRx, 20% of all dogs will suffer from some developmental or degenerative joint pain during their lives. Whether it’s caused by genetics or age, joint pain will definitely reduce the their quality of life. Starting out as mild discomfort, it can progress to chronic pain. CBD can target receptors throughout the body and reduce any inflammation or nerve-related pain.

CBD is also an effective treatment for anxiety. Triggers like a trip to the vet, a thunderstorm, separation anxiety or phobias can be reduced when CBD is administered in advance. For the estimated 5% of dogs who suffer from epilepsy like Elsa, CBD in combination with vet prescribed anti-seizure medication, has allowed a reduction in her Phenobarbital dosage by 25%. CBD is known to have properties that block symptoms from taking over the brain and can potentially reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. Colorado State University is currently conducting a study that suggests 89% of dogs who received CBD had a reduction in frequency of seizures. Dr. Stephanie McGrath, overseeing clinical trials on the use of CBD treatment for epilepsy and osteoarthritis, presented her findings last month at the annual convention of the American Veterinary Medication Association. “This pilot study is important and it does seem like there is a positive effect from the use of CBD for dogs with epilepsy,” said Dr. McGrath. To learn more about the clinical trial, visit the hospital’s website.

Although much confusion exists, CBD oil derived from hemp is legal for purchase in all 50 states. Initial studies show CBD is safe for dogs and most veterinary professionals recommend starting with small doses as our vet recommended. We had to tinker with Elsa’s dosage and finally settled on 15 drops of 300 mg spread out throughout the day in conjunction with the vet’s recommendation. Since switching to Blackdog Botanicals, she has had only 2 seizures, both of which were extremely minor. Elsa’s vet is very pleased with her progress on CBD oil.

“CBD has been shown to decrease the production and release of inflammatory cytokines that can cause allergies, hypersensitivities and autoimmunity. It can also suppress something called Th17 dominance, which is a major cause of autoimmune diseases. CBD also inhibits the production of inflammatory macrophages and decreases chronic inflammation. CBD is also a powerful antioxidant that’s shown to be more powerful than vitamins C and E.” [Source: Dogs Naturally Magazine]

According to Wikipedia: “Research suggests that CBD may exert some of its pharmacological action through its inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which may then increase the levels of endocannabinoids, such as anandamide, produced by the body. Speculation suggested some of the metabolites of CBD have pharmacological effects that contribute to the biological activity of CBD.”

As more and more vet professionals become aware of the benefits CBD provides pets, it stands to reason that more and more people are getting into the business of CBD oil,  which is quite lucrative. It’s imperative that owners be aware of the strength and efficacy of the product as not all products are created equal. In other words, make sure to do your homework and discuss CBD usage with your vet

Live, love, bark! 🐾

66 thoughts on “The 411 on CBD

  1. It has been a busy week here, so I haven’t had much time to read anything, BUT….

    I just started using my bottle of CBD oil that I bought from you last week, so it’s a little early to tell yet if it’s working. And then there’s Shadow’s aversion to *any* liquid added to her food, especially when she’s not feeling up to par. I decided to up her dosage to a full dropper per day, though. I’ll keep you posted.

    1. Oh please do keep me posted. I have my fingers crossed it helps sweet Shadow. Setting up the shop has been…let’s just say…an experience.

        1. Business plan. With the challenges I’m experiencing, I think I’d rather set my hair on fire than migrate to a self-hosted site. 😖

            1. I’m working with WordPress now and have another one on one session later this morning.

                1. They’re great to work with. I think the problem is with me. 🤣 I’m sure I’m not leaving them so happy.

                    1. Their “Help” chat is pretty awesome and they are fairly responsive. They must all e very young-they’re so cheerful and certainly not as old as this cranky broad. LOL

  2. This is helpful. Ruby has some anxiety and immune system issues. I have considered CBD oil but there are so many choices and lots of confusion. I need to do more homework, but definitely might try it eventually

  3. Great informative post… I have to say that I am learning fast about CBD oil. I only first learned of it and potential benefits a couple of months ago… Must have been on another planet somewhere.😂😁

  4. Ma is trying it for her arthritis and migraines, and while it’s too soon to tell any significant change yet, it sure does help with the muscle spasms! She did a lot of research on the different brands, and checked out Consumer Labs independent testing, and found a couple of good companies, butts the bestest value and product comes from Colorado! Bluebird botanicals. It’s a great company, and Ma is very pleased with the value and quality. She is going to start me on the drops to see if it helps my shoulder. (and my hyperness at the vettie ☺)
    Thanks for the additional info! I loves hearing news abouts the CBD!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Glad your ma is getting relief. I’ve been reading about two many peeps who order CBD that’s…lets just say not exactly as billed. It helps both Elsa and makes a bum shoulder of mine gel better. This stuff is a miracle.

  5. Thank you for the info. I have been hearing good things about it helping older dogs
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. Great benefits for people & humans. I believe 100% in CBD oil…much safer too!! I’m glad it works for Elsa. And I’m assuming no side effects?? Which is great

    1. No side effects and it’s working great for both her with her seizures and for me with pain management of an old injury. Win-win!

  7. Wow. I had no idea CBD can be used for so many conditions. After a bad experience with supplements and Kitty years ago, I really hesitate to try anything again even though I know logically my cats might benefit.

  8. Have to confess ignorance on this subject since it is illegal in Australia. Perhaps one day – in the fullness of time – we might start to have discussions on the subject. In the meantime it remains legal limbol and discussion is muted .

      1. Hemp food and some hemp oil has been legal in Australia since November 2017. The production and use of CBD Oil is prohibited. There have been a number of well publicized prosecutions regarding the use of this product. And yes, it is and continues to be a legal minefield and causing some division within the medical community. For the time present, it remains prohibited and likely to be for some time.

  9. That is such great news about the possible impact that CBD is having on Elsa and her seizures. A great product for sure. Good luck and we hope things continue to go very well.
    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. I love the 411 you’ve supplied on this topic. I’ve learned a ton about it and I’ve shared with my sister and some friends as well. Muchisimas gracias Monika!

  11. Very interesting, I have read of this oil lately a lot, because it is said to help as a painkiller for people who can’t use normal painkillers, and for everlasting pain. I have not tried it yet, I need some information more. It really has helped Elsa, that is so great.

    1. It’s helped me with pain I’ve had for a long time from an old motorcycle injury. And it’s made a huge difference with some neuropathy in a foot. I’m living proof (along with Elsa) this stuff works!

        1. Finland becomes always after Europe, and I mean really after. Even to get painkillers for an obvious disease, is difficult, I feel always like a criminal with my recipes when answering to all the questions they have. And they clearly see in X-ray and MRI my spinal cord and bones. That is the reason, plus pain, why I am so interested of that oil.

          1. So sorry, that must be very frustrating. Hopefully your country will see the light soon; CBD has really helped manage pain in a shoulder injury and with some arthritis in my foot.

  12. Wagnificent look at CBD & how it benefits both us dogs & you humans!

    Recently we were given a couple of bottles (prescription) of CBD oils. Both Q & I are presently taking a very low dose. I have taken it before but CBDs are new to Q.
    Before Q came to us she had lived outdoors for 7+ years 24/7 with no bedding. HuMom started her on her CBDs (a single drop x daily)just days ago & already Q’s bounce has increased 😉

    Congratulations on a successful beta test!🎉🐾

    💜nose nudges💜

  13. Hoping you work out the kinks in payment and are able to offer this through your site. I have read many good things about CBD oil, including it’s benefits for a healthy dog, to prevent future problems.

  14. it has a lot of benefits… but not all oils are good… it is the same with coconut oil and lin seed oil, there are some black sheeps on the market, we have to look what we get…

    1. Indeed, because of the opportunities of selling, there are a LOT of imposters out there. Really makes me sick to take advantage of people trying to help their beloved pets (or family members) from some terrible ailments.

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