Wordless Wednesday ~ May 26, 2021


Live, love, bark! 🐾

36 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ May 26, 2021

    1. Weren’t those something else?! They just begged to be photographed.

    1. I think they’re some sort of plum blossom though I could be wrong. Won’t know till it starts to leaf out. It sure was pretty and I didn’t edit the image at all.

    1. I walk passed this tree every single day and this just stunned me. It’s a really unremarkable tree but now I’m going to pay more attention to it!

    1. Especially on a cloudy wet day. They were just begging for people to stop and look more closely.

    1. Surprisingly not. They were blooms on a tree (some sort of plum I think but I could be wrong). So striking on the branches.

    2. I feel the same way and will now pay more attention to that unremarkable looking tree!

    1. I thought so too. Norman & Elsa weren’t nearly as captivated as I was by that shock of color.

    1. Thank you Sandee. Their vibrancy was hypnotizing on a cloudy wet day last week. The pupsters say thank you for the scritches and smooches.

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