Monday Musings ~ August 9, 2021

Let’s hope all your ‘pee-vites’ receive a proper RSVP this week. Happy Monday.


Live, love, bark! 🐾

49 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ August 9, 2021

  1. How rude to not respond to a peevite. At the very least you send a peenote apologizing for not being able to make it…
    Oh wait, maybe he didn’t even get it! It is summer and maybe he’s gone to the coast 🙂

    1. People just don’t seem to understand common courtesy when it comes to invites. 😬

    1. Glad you got a chuckle out that one. We giggled seeing it too. We hope you have a terrific Monday and week!

    1. Perhaps your pooches are just more polite. Emily Post approves on their behavior. 😉

    1. 😇 Is this a full blown piddle or perhaps just a bit of leakage from a female?

        1. Hmm…how odd…someone seems to be making quite the statement, aren’t they?

            1. Dogs live in the moment and (supposedly) do not have the capacity for vengeance according to science. A lot of owners seems to dispute that notion. 😊

    1. We love starting out the week with a smile. Hope your week is ‘fur-bulous!’

    1. It tickled my funny bone, too. Cupcake would make Miss Manners happy for her RSVP-ing.

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