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Tuesday Treat

Because yesterday was Labor Day, we didn’t post our usual Monday Musings. A few days ago, I saw this browsing the ‘Net so while today’s title may be somewhat misleading (I will have a post about pup treats soon), this is the treat I’m referring to…the annual (and some would say, far too overdone flavoring of everyday life) opportunity to wash down some good old-fashioned Pumpkin Spice latte at your favorite Starbucks. You do have to admit though, the “Pugkin” spice is pretty adorable.

Are you a fan of the ubiquitous flavor, be it from Starbucks or some other coffee shop or do you limit it to candles? I used to be a big fan, but it’s just too sweet for me anymore, so now I just like to scent candles with this seasonal autumn scent.

Live, love, bark! ❤︎

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