Heroes of Hope ~ Event Highlights

Smiling for attention

This past weekend mom and I ‘pawticipated’ at Lutheran Medical Center’s Heroes of Hope race featuring a 10K, 5K and a 1-mile walk. Sam here. Like a few others in the pet therapy program we competed in the 1-mile walk. But first we had to check in at registration where this terrific volunteer had to have a photo with me. She told me I could help her check in the other pawticipants but it was such a lovely cool morning so I decided to ‘walk the walk’ with my peeps figuring there would be all kinds of fur-bulous adventures just for me. It was a good calculation on my part as you can see from mom’s gazillion photos below.

Lutheran’s Heroes of Hope Run/Walk is the largest National Cancer Survivors Day event in Jefferson County (which is just west of Denver). We had a good time and got to see some of our favorite therapy peeps. Naturally there were a ton of kids, dogs and folks walking along the scenic course through Lutheran’s tree-lined campus. This race, designed for fun for the whole family, celebrates and benefits the hospital’s cancer survivorship program including “genetic counseling program, patient navigation, survivor and nurse education and patient care on the oncology unit.” Following the race, we met some hopeful candidates wanting to join our therapy program. Woo-hoo, that means more cool dogs! Well color me happy on this gorgeous cloudless day.

Runners… take your mark, get set…GO!!
Post-race hydration

I finished first among the pet therapists though mom was a little cheesed at me since I stopped to say hi to a bunch of kids lined up along the curb several yards before crossing the finish line. She said I could check out my adoring fans AFTER we actually finish the race. Oops. Still it was only another 3 or 4 minutes additional time. Sheesh…talk about competitive-lighten up, ma!

After the post-race celebratory refreshment, I begin to mingle. This is our fur-iend Zoe, (whose mom is also a blogger (check out her blog here). She’s going to be joining our ranks in about 6 months (she’s a little under age now as dogs must be at least 2 years old). Is she just as cute as a button?!

Zoe, the adorably earnest Corgi

Here are some other photos from the event.

Spreading the word about pet therapy
Focused Kai, an agility champion and Dogtor
Little One, a beloved Greyhound racer from the program
A costumed team from the 5K

Little Riley below is waiting to join our ranks next year. Her mom had a Golden in the program up until last year when Roxie passed away unexpectedly. We’re looking forward to the day when she is old enough to follow in her sister’s fore-paws.
Look at THAT face!

Meet Calypso, a Keeshond who is currently a pet therapist at a non-hospital facility but who is interested in joining our group.

Meet adorable Calypso

Naturally I had to scope out all the cute girls. Here’s Jillian, who placed first in her race.

Last but not least, is our own little Bindy, who is the current Miss June in the calendar. You may remember I was Mr. May. What a cute little pocket dog! Everybody loves Bindy who has been a long-time therapy dog.

Little Bindy, 5 pounds of adorable with a long tongue

We had a great time, for a great cause. Mom took me home where I got to have a nice nap while she then went over to the Rocky Mountain Pet Expo. She’s working on a post showcasing that event for later this week. If you follow us on Instagram (you do follow us, don’t you?), you may have seen some of the photos posted there. Mom said it was a nice expo and she learned lots of interesting stuff.

Live, love, bark! 🐾

52 thoughts on “Heroes of Hope ~ Event Highlights

  1. OMD what an incredible event!!! And…congrats on your finish! (don’t blame Mom for being upset while you tended to your adoring fans lol!!!)………I love seeing events like this and thank you for sharing! just wonderful!

  2. what a great event and what great photographs. I think that Jillian took a bit of a shine to you Can understand why, of course.. I really liked Little Miss Bindy, she was gorgeous although she did remind me a little of the WaWa. The photograph of you and the Corgi was good – you looked well together. A really good day out. Thanks for this post Sam, I really enjoyed it. P.S. Say Hi to Elsa.

    1. Yes, Miss Jillian really was rather taken by me. She was a really good sport with all the pet therapists. Trust me, little Bindy is NOTHING like the Wa-Wa, except maybe a little in appearance. She’s as sweet as honey.

  3. Sam, you won! But you’re always a winner, no matter what, big guy. Hey, that Jillian has it going on. Maybe…
    Pee S Mom doesn’t use Twitter or Instagram, so what you put here is what we all find out is happenin’. <3 ~Lucy

  4. Aw, Sam, you and your Mom did great! And you’re such a handsome dude! But Zoe and Riley are precious. Yeah, I’m prejudiced – I love Corgis (Ducky is at least 50% CWC) and Goldens; but I love Poodles, too. I grew up with two miniatures; Mom got a third when the first one got her angel wings; and my Kissy was a large toy/small mini. I’m with your Mom, though – I don’t have the energy for puppies any more, either. Thankfully, Ducky has grown up a lot these last several months.

  5. What a wonderful day and a wonderful cause! Of course, you have to acknowledge all of your adoring fans. ♥ I am simply in love with Riley.

  6. What a great event and all of the pawtential therapy dogs are just too adorable! Sam, you are doing a great thing and I’m glad you stopped to greet your adoring fans, but not too long to loose the race. A little bit of competition is a good thing. Sounds like the best way to spend such a gorgeous day!

  7. I just squealed at Little Riley’s picture. He’ll be successful at whatever he tries (and look quite adorable while doing it too!). Good job, Sam! We know you’re more interested in loving people than winning – and it just shows your priorities are straight!

  8. My favorite is…Samster! By a nose. (Snorf). Great post and loved the pics. A wonderful cause and it sounds like a terrific time was had by all!

  9. What a wonderful event! We thank you for all that you do to help others.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. oh that was so great to join this wonderful event… every survivor is sure a hero and once we all together will find a cure… and all our tears for those we lost will wash away this evil darned big c

  11. what a good time! The dogs are ALL so cute! That golden puppy is so so so cute and I love a corgi, And a greyhound, and an aussie, well, all of them. Sam you are sure a handsome sweet fellow.

  12. What a fun and enriching event. Love mom’s photos and (of course!) little Riley is my favorite. Sorry Sam – this time it’s Riley; you get plenty of props from me and as you should know with me it’s all about the Goldens.

  13. While I do have a penchant for poodles, oh how Little One (Greyhound) made me smile! All the fur-babies photos are awesome. What a great event! Thanks for sharing.

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