Nature Friday ~ December 10, 2021

Nature FridayHoly cow, can you believe it’s Friday? Where has this week gone?  There’s just a couple of weeks until “Santa Paws” brings goodies to all good dogs. Sorry Elsa…I’m sure there’s some category whereby Santa might still bring you something other than coal, then again, you’d probably eat that as well. At any rate, welcome to this week’s edition of  Nature Friday where we join our pals, Rosy, Sunny and Jakey from LLB in Our Backyard.

This week had me being busier than a North Pole elf this time of year with meetings, holiday related preparations and tons things to handle that have kept me from really being able to check out most of the nature around the ‘Hood, but I have begun to notice a lot of seasonal decor popping up that seems “nature inspired.” Surely that counts, right? Anyway, let’s set the Wayback Machine for yesterday’s afternoon errand run and see some of the more interesting ones, shall we?

A pop-up Christmas tree lot opened nearby and as expected, with a much smaller inventory of trees and wreaths. Supply and demand rule everything these days. There was a decent supply of holiday decor which piggybacked nicely when paired with trees. I rather liked these lighted orbs.

Holiday decor


One aspect of nature inspired sightings has been several ‘woodland creatures’ showing up throughout the neighborhood. Do these inflatables count as elements of nature?



Can you say PSSST?


The fingernail moon has been appearing in the southern skies this week and has nicely silhouetted tree branches at sunset.

Last night on the way to meet up with a friend, I  came across a ‘snowflake’ landscape near her house. It reminded me of one thing what’s been sorely missing this holiday season. It also made me think I need to tour the neighborhood after dark to see other installations. Seeing them always brightens my spirits even if things are dry as an old bone.

Nature decor

When we woke this morning I was actually able to see a real slice of nature, at least I think it’s real. It’s been so long I’m not sure what it actually is, perhaps you can identify it for me?

1st Snow

The forecast called for a slight chance of snow today, but Denver’s heart has been disappointed too often lately so I wasn’t exactly hopeful since skies were quite clear last night but any precipitation would be welcome at this point. Imagine my surprise waking up to this, though not nearly as surprised as the Ranch Hands. Norman was particularly unimpressed but I reassured him the weekend should see temps returning back to the 50-60F’s. His reaction was less than impressed with an audible sigh/hrumph. Apparently dogs cannot imagine the future, unless it takes the shape of a tasty treat. Take comfort sweet boy, when we participate at tomorrow’s OES Rescue event and fundraiser, I promise you’ll enjoy the weather a whole lot more. Plus, I reminded him, there would be lots of people and tasty snacks. That piqued his attention and prompted a little butt wiggle.

Here’s hoping you have a ‘pawsome’ weekend and can break away more than I did this week to enjoy some of Mother Nature’s lovelier sights.

Live, love, bark!  🐾

52 thoughts on “Nature Friday ~ December 10, 2021

  1. I love the lit snowflakes too. They’re pretty but not cold, LOL! Our neighborhood’s really lit up at night. Hope you had good weather and fun at Norman’s event.

    1. Weather was great, Norman was a star and we’ll go to hospital tomorrow. Should be fun. Wednesday we are able to go back to West Pines. I’m hopeful he likes it as much as Sam did.

    1. Thanks. Not nearly enough snow in Colorado but hopefully it’s a start. I think the northern part of the country will be the recipient of the ongoing LaNina. Have a great weekend.

  2. Not only can I not believe it’s Friday, OH MY … is it still Friday? Love the lighting orbs. Cheers to the sharing the sights of the season. The penguins riding the polar bear made me laugh. We walked our neighborhood the other night looking at the lights, but thankfully we didn’t have the snow.

    1. Glad you were able to catch some nighttime viewing of Christmas decorations. It always makes me feel like a kid again with wonder in my eyes and heart. Yesterday’s snow is practically gone and the weekend will be warm enough to erase it entirely. I hope it isn’t a harbinger of what’s to come this weekend. The snowpack is less than pitiful. Have a great weekend!

  3. We had a couple inches all at once earlier this week, but now we are having a thunderstorm with tons of rain. UGH.

    I love all your pretty creatures!! Yup, the jungle or other regions all come to your city to celebrate Christmas! Benji would growl and bark them to go away, He’s like bah -humbug!

    Those orbs are so pretty!

    We had a bus take quite a few of the residents from where I work to see the lights in the next town over. They all said it was beautiful.

    1. Those orbs are especially pretty in the dark. So simple yet beautiful. My first OES used to growl at statutes and things like inflatables. It always made me chuckle. Have a terrific weekend and don’t work too hard!

  4. If Colorado doesn’t get snow, then we never will:( We Sibes want SNOW!!!

    We have lots of those funny creatures popping up in our neighborhood too. But some of them sleep flat on the ground all day and only pop up to life at night:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Boy I hope we get more soon! We shattered an over 80 year old record for latest first snowstorm. Hope that isn’t the beginning of a dry winter. For both of us! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  5. Nothing like a bit of snow to put us in the holiday mood. Hope you get a pic of the ‘Norman’ inflatable!
    We had 3″ yesterday, but it is melting and the temps next week are shockingly warm for this time of year. Definitely is going to be a ‘green/brown’ Christmas this year. Sigh.

    1. You’re so right about green/brown thing going on. Nature can’t really decide which way she wants to go. The Norman inflatable is on our Instagram page(should show up on the right side of the post, too🤞🏻).

    1. The first snow is always the prettiest (before you’ve had to scrape it repeatedly). Norman cracks me up-all my other sheepies loved romping in the snow. He’s such a fair weather hound!

    HURRAH!!!!! HURRAH!!!!! Wee are so furry xcited an happy too!!
    Wee love THE Catmess Orb; it iss so lovelee. An THE snowflake scene iss so purrty!!!
    Wee hope you have snow on Catmess Day!
    **purrss** bellaDahrma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

    Pee S: Pleese give Sweet Norman sum reel ***kissess*** from mee!
    An pleese give Elsa sum ~~head rubss~~ from mee two!

    1. It was surreal to say the least. Sadly only about 2” and most has already melted but a small drink is better then no drink, right?

      1. Yore rite a small drink iss bettur than NO drink Miss Monika!
        Guess what?? It went up to 57 FREAKY deegreess today an such hugh howly windss!
        Wee saw what happened inn Kentucky an THE other Statess an wee think those howly windsss came here.
        An tonite it iss freezin again an tryin to snow!! Creepy weather….toetally creepy….
        Pleese givee mee **nose kissess** To Sweet Norman an Elsa an stay safe!

        1. We heard about those awful storms that roared through the lower Midwest and upper southern states. So tragic and so unbelievable. Stay safe!

          1. Wee had a nice day an mee sat our yesterday inn Condo…it was 57 deegreess… then sum high windss came an then it got sorta chilley. Inn an hour it was rainin an windy an then it got cold enuff an started to snow!!! An THE wind was scarey! Efurrythin settled down by 9 Pee em…it was sure a weerd day butt wee are OKay!!
            Wee see more mewss from THE Blown Apart Statess an iss so furry sad! 🙁

            1. Glad you’re okay. It’s been somewhat breezy here too the past few days. I’d take cold temps over wind…any day!

  7. Great pictures as always! I like the lighted orbs as well, they are cool, and of course all the different animals. 🙂
    Happy Weekend to you all! Hopefully you can slow down and relax this weekend!

    1. Happy weekend to you as well! Those orbs are pretty cool. I’d have bought one if I’d had my wallet with me 😉

  8. Wonderful and super festive photos……….I love the “Christmas elephant” on the front lawn…..”All God’s Creatures love Christmas” I think!! Snow? We keep hearing the word but haven’t seen but a SUPER light dusting that melted in half an hour. Rain most of next week though – if it gets colder than they think maybe we’ll get snow?????

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    1. It’s been dangerously dry here so even a tiny storm is better than nothing. It pretty much melted in the ground now already and definitely will be this weekend when the temps go up again.

  9. I’m trying to figure out how to make a lighted orb now. The snow was like balm to my heart this morning. It’s so much prettier in your part of Colorado for lights

    1. A friend of mine made one using one of those willow balls from the craft store and added a string of light inside. It was very pretty.

  10. Fun decorations and the snow is so pretty. Even though there isn’t any snow in Denver.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups, a smooch to Norman and a big hug to mom. ♥

    1. This morning’s snow, while paltry (only about 2″) was most welcome. The first snow is always the prettiest and it will help with calm the dust down from crunched up leaves.

  11. Good Friday to you, Monika. Poor Norman would be aghast at the quantity of snow we already have. It`s not all that much, really, but it’s been awfully cold. Cold enough to freeze the lake across where I work. Not yet cold enough to freeze it as deep as it should be before attempting to cross it as an unfortunate high school girl found out this week. Luckily she was saved and hopefully it will put the kybosh on other dumbass kids attempting it again.
    It’s looking lovely in your ‘hood and wow! I have never seen plush inflatables before!
    Here’s to more precipitation going your way! xoxo

    1. Yikes! Ice on water is deceiving. I always err on the extra cautious. The inflatables are everywhere. A house down the street has a HUGE Old English Sheepdog (much like that reindeer) that I can’t wait to see inflated. Normally I’m not a fan of them but he’s just too cute. Deflated, he resembled Norman napping yesterday. LOL Happy Friday and thanks for the precip wishes!

      1. That’s because you use your head.
        I’m not a huge fan of the inflatables but have to admit some are really cute.
        Buahaha! Too funny! Have a marvy day.

        1. Not sure about the use of my head (clearly I make tons of mistakes all the time) but let’s agree to the notion that I have a goodly amount of respect for icy water, especially when camouflaged by thin ice. 🤣

  12. Holiday hugs and Christmas blessings to you and yours ~ as always, we have very much enjoyed your lovely wandering photos … I must also roam the neighborhood by night, it may be full of
    bright surprises!

    1. Thank you, Ann. Yes, night excursions can produce some cheerful and bright surprises. Have a great weekend!

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