Nature Friday ~ May 10, 2024

Wilson & ElsaGood Friday morning. As is our usual MO, we’re joining Rosy and Sunny from the LLB life for this week’s Mother’s Day edition. Be sure to click on the link to see what others have shared.


Elsa: Before we get started sharing some of this week’s photos, I personally want to wish our own Mom a very Happy Mother’s Day weekend.

Mother's Day

Wilson: Yes, Mum, I too want to wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day. You provide us both with treats, unconditional love, great ear scritches and belly rubs, and are the best walking companion who happens to be a super duper pooper scooper. In fact, I’ll go one better…I wish all dog mums a Happy Mother’s Day.

Elsa: Yo Big Guy, this isn’t a competition. Those are all implied in my Happy Mother’s Day wish, so stop trying to up your game, okay?

Wilson: Well I just wanted to elaborate just a tad in case Mum didn’t know how I felt about her.

Elsa: Face it House Pony, you’re a brown nose and are trying to make up for being a pill yesterday. Trust me, Mom loves us no matter what we chew up or do. She may be unhappy for a quick moment, but I guarantee you she still loves us, so stop going overboard.

Wilson: You mean she won’t be upset with me because I chewed one of her craft tools when she took you for a separate walk? Whew…glad to hear that. And again, you seem to be a bit colorblind, my nose is most assuredly black, not brown. Just wanted to point that out for the record.

Elsa: Oh for crying out loud. STOP, just stop. I told you before it’s a figure of speech. Now that we’re 300 words in, let’s get on with the post, all right?

Wilson: Just wanted the record to be clear. It’s been a very windy week accompanied by cool temps. Yesterday morning it was a cool 36ºF (2ºC) when we went outside for our morning wee. I didn’t mind it but Mum seemed a tad chilled.

Elsa: She was sleep walking I think. She made sure she had a jacket on this morning. While it’s ever so slightly misting, at least it wasn’t quite as chilly. Neither of us seem to mind (well at least not the cooler temps-but I’m not walking around if it’s raining) but at least we’re not in the mountains where 1-3 inches of white stuff are expected. Over the past 4 of the past 5 years, we’ve actually had a bit of snow during Mother’s Day week so I guess we should consider ourselves lucky.

Spring snow
Spring snow from a few years ago

Wilson: Snow? Hmm, I thought we were over all that.  Well it hasn’t seemed to damping any spring flowers from what I can tell on our walkabouts. I mean just look at this gorgeous lilac bush. Mum said it’s different that the solid color ones we’ve seen over the past couple of weeks. Each bloom is rimmed in a narrow stripe of white and the purple is quite intense. It smells amazing, too.


Elsa: Whoa…that’s quite a beauty, dude. I haven’t seen that variety on my route but then I don’t walk the Santa Fe trail like you do. I’m not good with a deviation from the route so probably won’t get to see it before it’s finished.

Wilson: You should try a different route, it’s good to experience new things-trust me. I’m exposed to all sorts of new and look how great I am.

Elsa: Umm, I wouldn’t be going there, Pony. You still get wigged out with large trucks and…

Wilson: {interrupting} Excuse me…those things are terrifying to a country boy like me. I don’t know how you city chaps manage to not freak out whenever a UPS or garbage truck rumbles past. They are quite noisy and they startle my otherwise calm demeanor.

Elsa: Oh brother…just deal with it. As long as you’re with Mom, nothing is going to get you. Chill dude, ok.

Wilson: Well I’m trying, but I don’t have to like them.

Elsa: What’s to like. Just look pitiful and not like some scaredy-cat and Mom will likely give you a treat if you don’t freak out.

Wilson: {wheels turning in his brain} Hmm, treats you say? Ok, I’ll keep that in mind and practice on the pitiful look for the best effect.

Elsa: Yeah, I thought that might make you stand up straight. Yeesh, what a chow hound. What else did you see on your travels?

Wilson: Well the bearded irises are blooming all over the place. Gosh some of them are quite striking. Like this one.


Wilson: Mum was very excited at this bearded iris from her garden. Most of her’s are in the very early stages since the garden doesn’t get as much intense sunlight. This one is actually a reblooming hybrid that she really likes but that hasn’t performed as reliably as she’d like. Still, it’s rather pretty even if it doesn’t have any scent. What’s up with that?


Elsa: Hey, do I look like a botanist? I don’t know why some plants have scents and others don’t. I just like the way they look.

Wilson: Well scent is very important to me, I mean have you seen my nose?

Elsa: Good point. That honker was made for sniffing. I’m surprised they don’t use Old English Sheepdogs like bloodhounds.

Wilson: Well we need to sniff out potential predators, so maybe that’s why. Sniff then drive them for forward together. That’s us.

Elsa: {eyes rolling} Look dude, this isn’t a job interview. We’re sharing slice of Mother Nature, okay? What else have you got?

Wilson: Mum noticed this blooming wisteria a couple of days ago. I asked her, “Where’s the leaves?” She assured me they’ll start forming soon. Seems rather odd to me, those droopy racemes hanging down. Mum said they are part of the legume family so naturally I inquired if they are edible but she said the pods and seeds are quite toxic and for me not to get any clever ideas about noshing on them. Luckily this house has a wrought iron fence so it’s not likely pets will mistakenly snack on the toxic parts.


Elsa: There are plenty of things for you to nosh on, you don’t need to sample poisonous things. This next plant is also toxic so don’t get any bright ideas.


Wilson: These plants are tucked into an overgrown corner of a garden we pass every day and Mum liked that park bench in the back. She thought what a lovely secluded spot. They come in a variety of colors and are quite ornamental. Mum says they’re part of the garlic/onion family and can make us dogs sick if they ingested. She said some species are quite poisonous so I’ll be staying away. Don’t need any stomach upset any time soon.

Elsa: Whoa…you’re actually not interesting in eating something. That’s gotta be a first!

Wilson: Ahem…don’t sell me short. Yes I enjoy food but it’s just not worth a case of diarrhea or vomiting. Not when Mum hands out tasty treats like Tic-Tacs.

Elsa: Hmm, maybe you are trainable! So when you were out on your walks, did you come across these flowering trees?

Chestnut tree

Wilson: Yes, we did see one near the post office the other afternoon. Mum said it’s a Aesculus x carnea..a red buckeye/horse chestnut an artificial hybrid. Mum said it’s a medium sized showy tree with toothed leaves. It’s pretty striking to look at and makes a great shade tree. Those flowers can be messy when they’ve finished blooming.

Elsa: That looks like it for this edition. Nice job, Pony. So what’s on the agenda for Mother’s Day? I heard Mom is going to see the new great grandbaby for brunch tomorrow. I keep asking Mom when are we going to be able to see her and she said soon. She turned one month old yesterday. Kinda a cute little chunk, isn’t she?

Baby Halia

Wilson: She sure is. Mum is nuts about her. I’m not sure just how I’ll react when she starts wailing but I’m sure I’ll be Johnny on the spot, ready to soothe her with a pup kiss or three. I always react to videos of her with a cocked head, with  upright posture and loads of bum wiggles. Crying babies need to be soothed and they don’t call us sheepies Nanny dogs for nothing.

Elsa: You do know she’s not edible, right?

Wilson: Of course I do. But she is kissable and I can’t wait to see and meet her. Mum says soon and I can’t wait. We hope all mums have a wonderful Mum’s Day whether your ‘kids’ have two or four legs. Enjoy your weekend being the center of attention-you totally deserve it. And don’t forget to enjoy some nature over the weekend.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

50 thoughts on “Nature Friday ~ May 10, 2024

    1. Nah, we like snow this time of year. If comes quickly, dumps a lot of wet sloppy flakes and melts quickly. And the bonus-we almost never have to shovel the walks. 😉

    1. Thank you. Hope you had an amazing Mother’s Day. We love finding the uncommon around our ‘Hood since it seems most offerings at the big box stores are so generic. Here’s to a fantabulous week full of the best of plants that are gorgeous and unusual.

  1. Beautiful blooms, I love the lilac. Adorable baby, so precious. Happy Mother’s Day to your wonderful mom! XO

    1. Thanks, Ellen. We wish all pet mom’s a very Happy Mother’s Day and hope yours was a lovely day.

    1. Thank you, Java Bean. We hope your mom has a terrific Mother’s Day as well.

  2. Happy Mother’s Day weekend to your mom! Be nice to her and no silly business. All the flowers outside right now are so pretty, we pups don’t even need to get our moms flowers, right? Have a Grand weekend!

    1. Aww, thanks, guys. Wilson and I send our best Mother’s Day wishes to your Mom and hope she has a great day celebrating her fur-kids.

  3. Happy Mom’s Day to your Mom and to all Moms everywhere who have a VERY TOUGH JOB to do being Moms. Thanks for the beautiful “nature walk” with all the pretty plants – you guys have different outside stuff than we have in our area so it’s fun to see. Also fun to see is the new grandbaby – she’s cute and looks very “huggable”. Maybe soon you can have a visit with her!

    Hugs, Teddy and Pam

    1. Thanks Teddy. It’s nice to see nature from different places and makes us realize there’s a big world out there beyond our little place. Walking through nature touches our souls and allows us to be more relatable to all truly important things, like hugging on a sweet baby which I plan to do lots of this afternoon. 😍 Wishing your Mom a happy Mother’s Day too!

  4. Y’all are so funny and I know you love your Mama! Hey, that wee one sure is a cutie! Happy Mother’s Day from all of us.

  5. Awww, sweet little one. Mom really misses having a baby around. All the grands are teenagers now.

    You two did a great job showing us all the pretty flowers. Mom is in awe of that lilac bush. She has never seen one like that.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

    1. Thanks, Misty and Timber. That lilac is certainly gorgeous-it blew our Mom away. We’re looking forward to a new little sprout coming for visits soon. We all hope your Mom has a great Mother’s Day weekend.
      Hugs and tail wags,
      Elsa & Wilson 🐾

    1. Many thanks, John. We appreciate you coming on our tour. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, Thomas. Appreciate you swinging by. We all hope you have a weekend!

  6. We are also enjoying the cooler weather while it’s here, thankfully not cold enough for snow though!

    What gorgeous lilacs…I bet it smelled wonderful too!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. Wilson, Chester wishes to advise you of four important words (since he’s older and wiser) Don’t Eat the Baby! Listen to Elsa! I love the spring colors, hopefully the snow is over. Happy Mother’s Day!

    1. LOL…I’ll pass that wise advice on to him. Our guess is he’d lick her to pieces but given that ‘brutal attack’ on a defenseless screwdriver, you just never can tell with him.
      Your fur-iend,
      Elsa 🐾

  8. Wonderful tour, you, two! That lilac! I’ve never seen one like that! And wisteria! I am sooooo jealous! It does not grow here…
    That little one is just too adorable for words.
    Happy Friday to you.

    1. Thanks Dale. We don’t ever recall seeing that lilac before though the ones we’ve seen this spring seem to be older plants and not something new. Wisteria needs a very stout support system. We don’t have anything like that but sure admire it when we see it. Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day weekend.

      1. So cool! If you were to colour one like that, you’d be told it’s cute and no way real…
        Wisteria makes me wistful…
        Oh! Silly me! Happy Mother’s Day to you, my friend! 💞

  9. Elsa & Wilson, a very lovely tour today. It is always good to know which flowers and plants you can get close to, as well as knowing others that you need to keep away from. Yet another thing that makes your Mum such a great Mum. I know you are looking forward to seeing the GG Baby…and you’ll be a soothing influence on her when you do., Happy Mum’s Weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Mr. Bruce. We’re always blow away by some of the things Nature gifts us but that are dangerous for the 4-legged sect. Good thing Mom is a bit neurotic about stuff like that, just wish she didn’t lose her mind if we’re within 3 feet of some of those plants. Boy, can she jerk that leash faster than a truck driver overcompensating on a mountain pass. We hope you and Mrs. Chess have a swell Mother’s Day weekend. 😉

  10. Happy Mother’s Day, Monika, and what a great way to celebrate it with a new grandbaby! Wilson, please try not to chew up your Mum’s stuff. I would have never recognized that as a lilac. Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, Miss Amy, Mom appreciates the good wishes. and Happy Mother’s Day to you. We’re trying to figure out what allure a screwdriver held for the House Pony…who’d have thought any dog would be interested in something like that?

  11. she’s cute alright but that onesie is cute too. We not only got no snow, we didn’t get the 10 drops of rain predicted. Just sun, sun sun

    1. Thank you. Not much sun here, about 12 teeny tiny droplets this morning. Oh well, maybe this afternoon.

    1. Thanks Eliza. It should be fun to celebrate Mother’s Day and the one month birthday. Hope you have a terrific Mother’s Day weekend.

    1. Thank you. Yes, those vines get very weighty. Hope the cats provide you with a lovely Mother’s Day weekend.

  12. No wonder the hounds can’t wait to see the little one…she is adorable.
    When mother was alive I was always being caught out with Mothers’ Day…wherever we were the date was different. I had to rely on advertisements to keep out of trouble.
    That lilac is just lovely.

    1. Thank you Helen. We have to agree with you on both observations. Yeah I know it’s a different date elsewhere in the world too. Same in North America between Canada and the US. Sigh.

    1. Thanks. That variety of lilac is just spectacular. Mom hopes she can find it to add to the garden.

      And well , the baby…don’t get Mom started. She’s totally gah/gah over her.

        1. She does it well, that’s for sure. LOL Have a terrific Mother’s Day weekend.

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