Wordy Wednesday ~ June 8, 2022

We’re departing from our usual wordless format in favour of a pictorial recollection from the weekend fundraiser held at the Park Meadows location of Orvis who offered gift wrapping to their customers for a donation to the OES Rescue. We are always grateful for their support but to visit directly with customers at an event is extra special. Because of Norman’s pet therapy experience, he was the weekend’s ambassador showing the general public how great rescued dogs can be, given a chance.

Welcoming us to the store was a sandwich board showing current conditions at favorite regional fishing spots, and sporting an adorable OES face. After a quick set up of the wrapping table and after meeting the staff who showered Norman with affection. Customers began arriving shortly thereafter and we enjoyed chatting with them. My good friend and fellow volunteer, Anastacia (who arranged for this event), and I wrapped gifts while chatting with folks while Norman did his thing.


For those unfamiliar with Orvis, it’s an American family-owned retail and mail-order business specializing in fly fishing, hunting and sporting goods. Founded in Manchester, Vermont, back in 1856 by Charles F. Orvis to sell fishing tackle, it is the nation’s oldest mail-order retailer and this location is a dog friendly retailer at a large mall.

One of the first visitors was a woman who instantly fell in love with Norman and said she would return with her daughter and granddaughter. Shortly thereafter, this little cutie marched in and strolled up to meet Norman.

Her mom and grandmother chatted with us for several minutes and all enjoyed their time with Norman. His soft fur and patient disposition never disappoint.

Norman is nothing if not an equal-opportunity therapist…he enjoys youngsters as well as older folks alike.


Norman easily size people up and seems to know who will offer an ear rub and those who will offer a nice belly rub as well.


Norman spent the entire day meeting and greeting customers. Most didn’t want gift wrapping but still left a donation nonetheless for which we were most thankful. To reward Norman for all his hard work, he got to pick out a toy from  numerous offerings. You may recall the customer who liked Norman so much at Orvis’ Christmas event, she purchased one that he still adores to this day.

Oh…the choices

The elephant had been intriguing to Norman back in December, but he barely acknowledged it this time.

Hmm…this one has possibilities

He thoroughly checked all the offerings.


In the end, Norman put his paw of approval on the sloth, a choice that was most unexpected.


This was THE one.

My favorite!

It was a long day yet Norman performed like the consummate professional he is. He was one happy but tuckered out boy.


Next week Orvis will host another event where a different pup and volunteer will help out Anastacia. It should be a good one for the rescue too since Orvis is running a big promotion to coincide with Father’s Day weekend. While Norman and I won’t be there, we are excited at the potential for another very successful day.

Hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a few pics from our day at Orvis. We want to thank Orvis and their gracious staff for their ongoing support of our rescue.

Live, love, bark! 🐾

56 thoughts on “Wordy Wednesday ~ June 8, 2022

        1. You know what they say, everyone thinks they have the best pet and you know what…they’d be right 😉

    1. They are so accommodating. LOVE the staff and the store. Great experience but a long day for the big galute.

  1. What a furabuluss day youss’ all had!! An Sweet Norman you made so many mew frendss!!! The wee girl was so cute wassn’t shee?
    Miss Monika yore wunderful fore volunteerin fore OES!! Rite on!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Aww, thanks, you’re too kind dear Kitty and Mum. I have a soft spot for rescues and if I can help, then count me in!

      Yes, the little girl was such a cutie and Norman loved her gentleness.

  2. Love it! What a great day for Norman, surrounded by admiring people and irresistible toys. Love the pics of him with the little girl. He certainly earned his snooze.

    1. He was exceptionally good with her but after spending a spot of time with her, she’s pretty seasoned around dogs and was very gentle and not at all loud and screechy which freaks out most dogs.

        1. They sure are cute for little dogs, that’s for sure. And the puppies–little balls of fluff.

  3. We love Orvis – what a very cool event and Norman was a STAR! I think he picked out a wonderful stuffie – sloths love to move slowly and nap. Perfect!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Sloths never break into kitchen windows either. Just being a sloth is enough cuteness to warrant unlimited treats-they don’t have to resort to larceny.

  4. oooh what a super day for you norman… we would love to be there with you… butt we are sadly no social butterflies, let’s say we are more butcher-flies LOL

    1. Bwahahaha…no doubt the hunters at Orvis would fall all over you and shower you boys with treats.

  5. We think Norman is the consummate pup for that role. And now we need to send Mom to Orvis to find some of those toys for us.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Their toys are ‘furbulous!’ Well made and loads of fun. Hope she finds you guys some-you totally deserve it!

    1. It was a great time spent with great people for a great cause. Sheepdogs! 😍

  6. So good to see a company helping out like this….and Norman was just so good! Love his sloth…we see them here in real life from time to time.

    1. One of my highlights to Honduras was holding a female sloth-she was adorably precious. You’re so right, Orvis is a great company and we sure reap their generosity.

    1. I know, right? I never would have guessed it though at the pace he moves most of the time, I shouldn’t have been so surprised. 😆

  7. I knew I would be proud of both of you! The last photo of Norm is my favorite, he looks so adorable! <3
    He defintiely deserved his sloth! 🙂

    1. Thank you! That last photo just makes me smile inside and out. He was so exhausted but so adorably cute with his bottom teeth showing.

  8. How adorable is Norman? What a special and patient boy he is! That little girl petting him will NEVER EVER forget him! They looked so cute together!!! So glad it was a huge success!

    1. She was a very self assured little girl and adorably cute next to him. There were more than a few awww’s when she walked up to him. 😍

    1. Norman is ever so patient with all sorts of people, far more so than me most days. LOL

  9. What a handsome guy. Who could possibly resist him? No one, I say!
    My son’s favourite animal (for years) is (was?) the sloth!

    1. Thank you! It’s such a pleasure taking him to these kinds of events. He makes everyone smile.

  10. We love Orvis. They have lots of great and rugged clothes. Last forever.

    Wish I could have been there to love all over Norman. I would have.

    Have a fabulous Wordy Wednesday and rest of the week. Scritches to the pups, a smooch to Norman and a big hug to you., ♥

    1. Orvis is wonderful and that location has always been very supportive of the rescue. We’d have let you love on him as long as you wanted. 😉

    1. He saw something in it I missed. Then again I [rarely] chew on things. 😉

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