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Monday Misbehaving

We’ve been keeping tabs on Sam through the Daily Wag video cam. First he was off away from all the other dogs, then he began shadowing the attendants like a lost lamb. The past couple days though he’s been, um…how can I say this delicately…ah…a bit more ‘amorous?’ That knuckle headed dog was all over one dog and it made me feel so badly for the poor recipient. Sunday’s early morning viewing showed Sam no where in sight so I suspected he had been put into ‘time-out’ for his ‘sharing the love’. But then like a bad penny he showed up and I watched him for several minutes, just wandering around, swimming along with the herd. Then ‘it’ started again. Every time we went to check up on him, there he was…being a sub-standard horny-dog poodle. Gah!! I’m glad they are spraying him with a squirt bottle…he despises water. And hopefully he’ll catch on though being a sub-standard, it’s doubtful. I notice however the poor Basset Hound has drawn the attention of another dog when Sam isn’t ‘loving’ on him. Poor guy. The attendants need to follow that boy around, not checking up on the two trying to dominate him.  Here’s a PG general population pic-after all, this is a PG rated blog so there’ll be no photos of a Boogie Nights porn star, Sam doing his ‘thang.’ Ugh.

So that you can go about the day sans dog porn visions, here are a couple of pics to keep you from feeling completely skeezed out (with apologies to those who saw these on FB). Besides, can you really ever see too many Hibiscus or Plumeria photos? Happy Monday.








Live, love, bark! <3

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