Nature Friday ~ May 10, 2024

Wilson & ElsaGood Friday morning. As is our usual MO, we’re joining Rosy and Sunny from the LLB life for this week’s Mother’s Day edition. Be sure to click on the link to see what others have shared.


Elsa: Before we get started sharing some of this week’s photos, I personally want to wish our own Mom a very Happy Mother’s Day weekend.

Mother's Day

Wilson: Yes, Mum, I too want to wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day. You provide us both with treats, unconditional love, great ear scritches and belly rubs, and are the best walking companion who happens to be a super duper pooper scooper. In fact, I’ll go one better…I wish all dog mums a Happy Mother’s Day.

Elsa: Yo Big Guy, this isn’t a competition. Those are all implied in my Happy Mother’s Day wish, so stop trying to up your game, okay?

Wilson: Well I just wanted to elaborate just a tad in case Mum didn’t know how I felt about her.

Elsa: Face it House Pony, you’re a brown nose and are trying to make up for being a pill yesterday. Trust me, Mom loves us no matter what we chew up or do. She may be unhappy for a quick moment, but I guarantee you she still loves us, so stop going overboard.

Wilson: You mean she won’t be upset with me because I chewed one of her craft tools when she took you for a separate walk? Whew…glad to hear that. And again, you seem to be a bit colorblind, my nose is most assuredly black, not brown. Just wanted to point that out for the record.

Elsa: Oh for crying out loud. STOP, just stop. I told you before it’s a figure of speech. Now that we’re 300 words in, let’s get on with the post, all right?

Wilson: Just wanted the record to be clear. It’s been a very windy week accompanied by cool temps. Yesterday morning it was a cool 36ºF (2ºC) when we went outside for our morning wee. I didn’t mind it but Mum seemed a tad chilled.

Elsa: She was sleep walking I think. She made sure she had a jacket on this morning. While it’s ever so slightly misting, at least it wasn’t quite as chilly. Neither of us seem to mind (well at least not the cooler temps-but I’m not walking around if it’s raining) but at least we’re not in the mountains where 1-3 inches of white stuff are expected. Over the past 4 of the past 5 years, we’ve actually had a bit of snow during Mother’s Day week so I guess we should consider ourselves lucky.

Spring snow
Spring snow from a few years ago

Wilson: Snow? Hmm, I thought we were over all that.  Well it hasn’t seemed to damping any spring flowers from what I can tell on our walkabouts. I mean just look at this gorgeous lilac bush. Mum said it’s different that the solid color ones we’ve seen over the past couple of weeks. Each bloom is rimmed in a narrow stripe of white and the purple is quite intense. It smells amazing, too.


Elsa: Whoa…that’s quite a beauty, dude. I haven’t seen that variety on my route but then I don’t walk the Santa Fe trail like you do. I’m not good with a deviation from the route so probably won’t get to see it before it’s finished.

Wilson: You should try a different route, it’s good to experience new things-trust me. I’m exposed to all sorts of new and look how great I am.

Elsa: Umm, I wouldn’t be going there, Pony. You still get wigged out with large trucks and…

Wilson: {interrupting} Excuse me…those things are terrifying to a country boy like me. I don’t know how you city chaps manage to not freak out whenever a UPS or garbage truck rumbles past. They are quite noisy and they startle my otherwise calm demeanor.

Elsa: Oh brother…just deal with it. As long as you’re with Mom, nothing is going to get you. Chill dude, ok.

Wilson: Well I’m trying, but I don’t have to like them.

Elsa: What’s to like. Just look pitiful and not like some scaredy-cat and Mom will likely give you a treat if you don’t freak out.

Wilson: {wheels turning in his brain} Hmm, treats you say? Ok, I’ll keep that in mind and practice on the pitiful look for the best effect.

Elsa: Yeah, I thought that might make you stand up straight. Yeesh, what a chow hound. What else did you see on your travels?

Wilson: Well the bearded irises are blooming all over the place. Gosh some of them are quite striking. Like this one.


Wilson: Mum was very excited at this bearded iris from her garden. Most of her’s are in the very early stages since the garden doesn’t get as much intense sunlight. This one is actually a reblooming hybrid that she really likes but that hasn’t performed as reliably as she’d like. Still, it’s rather pretty even if it doesn’t have any scent. What’s up with that?


Elsa: Hey, do I look like a botanist? I don’t know why some plants have scents and others don’t. I just like the way they look.

Wilson: Well scent is very important to me, I mean have you seen my nose?

Elsa: Good point. That honker was made for sniffing. I’m surprised they don’t use Old English Sheepdogs like bloodhounds.

Wilson: Well we need to sniff out potential predators, so maybe that’s why. Sniff then drive them for forward together. That’s us.

Elsa: {eyes rolling} Look dude, this isn’t a job interview. We’re sharing slice of Mother Nature, okay? What else have you got?

Wilson: Mum noticed this blooming wisteria a couple of days ago. I asked her, “Where’s the leaves?” She assured me they’ll start forming soon. Seems rather odd to me, those droopy racemes hanging down. Mum said they are part of the legume family so naturally I inquired if they are edible but she said the pods and seeds are quite toxic and for me not to get any clever ideas about noshing on them. Luckily this house has a wrought iron fence so it’s not likely pets will mistakenly snack on the toxic parts.


Elsa: There are plenty of things for you to nosh on, you don’t need to sample poisonous things. This next plant is also toxic so don’t get any bright ideas.


Wilson: These plants are tucked into an overgrown corner of a garden we pass every day and Mum liked that park bench in the back. She thought what a lovely secluded spot. They come in a variety of colors and are quite ornamental. Mum says they’re part of the garlic/onion family and can make us dogs sick if they ingested. She said some species are quite poisonous so I’ll be staying away. Don’t need any stomach upset any time soon.

Elsa: Whoa…you’re actually not interesting in eating something. That’s gotta be a first!

Wilson: Ahem…don’t sell me short. Yes I enjoy food but it’s just not worth a case of diarrhea or vomiting. Not when Mum hands out tasty treats like Tic-Tacs.

Elsa: Hmm, maybe you are trainable! So when you were out on your walks, did you come across these flowering trees?

Chestnut tree

Wilson: Yes, we did see one near the post office the other afternoon. Mum said it’s a Aesculus x carnea..a red buckeye/horse chestnut an artificial hybrid. Mum said it’s a medium sized showy tree with toothed leaves. It’s pretty striking to look at and makes a great shade tree. Those flowers can be messy when they’ve finished blooming.

Elsa: That looks like it for this edition. Nice job, Pony. So what’s on the agenda for Mother’s Day? I heard Mom is going to see the new great grandbaby for brunch tomorrow. I keep asking Mom when are we going to be able to see her and she said soon. She turned one month old yesterday. Kinda a cute little chunk, isn’t she?

Baby Halia

Wilson: She sure is. Mum is nuts about her. I’m not sure just how I’ll react when she starts wailing but I’m sure I’ll be Johnny on the spot, ready to soothe her with a pup kiss or three. I always react to videos of her with a cocked head, with  upright posture and loads of bum wiggles. Crying babies need to be soothed and they don’t call us sheepies Nanny dogs for nothing.

Elsa: You do know she’s not edible, right?

Wilson: Of course I do. But she is kissable and I can’t wait to see and meet her. Mum says soon and I can’t wait. We hope all mums have a wonderful Mum’s Day whether your ‘kids’ have two or four legs. Enjoy your weekend being the center of attention-you totally deserve it. And don’t forget to enjoy some nature over the weekend.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ April 26, 2024

Welcome to this week’s edition of Nature Friday where we share bits of urban nature. Well another week of Spring is in the books but like always, we are joining those cuties from Adventures of the LLB Gang. Don’t forget to click on the link to see what other posts were shared.


Elsa: Yo…yo, House Pony, wake up…it’s time to dish up a few images of spring from around the neighborhood.

Wilson:  {soft snoring} Huh…wha….Oh good morning. The crisp morning air left me wanting to stay in bed a bit longer but now that I’m awake, let’s get rolling!

Elsa: My goodness…aren’t you the eager beaver. So what’s on today’s hit parade?

Wilson: Not sure about any parade but with all the miles we’ve put on this week sniffing around, Mum said Spring is in full display The tulips in particular have been quite posh this Spring though they always disappoint me since they have no fragrance-trust me-I’ve checked. Mum’s red tulips are finally blooming. And notice the volunteer grape hyacinths in the background? Mum has been trying to corral them and even dug som to give to a friend who came by to take some irises and perennials for her garden. Talk about prolific!


Elsa: Yeah, I’ve noticed those little scamps popping up in the oddest spots. There’s a whole patch in the garden where they’ve spread like weeds. I’m surprised Mom hasn’t gone on a terror yanking them up.

Wilson: She told me she didn’t mind them naturalizing but then said they were beginning to start acting like the lupines so she may need to start some remediation so they don’t go crazy. I haven’t seen the lupines but Mum told me there likely won’t be many this year. With all her talk about them, I was rather hoping I’d get to experience them. You can see past photos here.

Elsa: Yeah, she took zillions of photos, first with Sam and me and then Norman and me. I dreaded seeing them because it always meant we’d have to pose for 87 hours in the middle of them. Everyone who walked by would wax on about how beautiful they were. They had no idea how us dogs had to put up with photo sessions. I mean, it was almost animal cruelty!

Wilson: Oh gosh, sorry you had to endure that, Ninja. Must have been awful.

Elsa: You have no idea. It was like Christmas pictures. Hours and hours of “sit-stay” poses with all manner of Christmas decorations. The only good thing about it was Mom doled out lots of treats.

Wilson: Treats? Sign me up! I’ll stand on my head if there are treats involved.

Elsa: You say that now, but trust me, you’ll change your tune come later this year when we do our annual Christmas photos.

Wilson: Well I’m up for the challenge. I know Mum has some very high value treats she dispenses when she wants me to do something. I’ll humor her.

Elsa: Jeez, what a brown nose!

Wilson: {correcting} No-no…I have a very black nose. It’s one of those standout features about us Old English Sheepdogs.

Elsa: I was talking figuratively, New Guy. We’re gonna have to work on the meaning of ‘figuratively’ and ‘literally.’ You just don’t seem to understand the difference.

Wilson: I just go by what you tell me. I’m not a mind reading dog, I’m a herding dog. There’s a difference.

Elsa: Whatever. What else have you got?

Wilson: The lilacs are in full bloom and Mum is quite surprised since it’s early in the season. Now, those things DO smell great. Especially on a pretty blue sky day.


Elsa: Be careful where you stick that honker, bees like those flowers for their nectar.

Wilson: I’m not afraid of bees but I think wasps like this one might make me reconsider. Yesterday he was drinking from the solar fountain, buzzing around. I started to take a snap at him but Mum said that would be a very bad idea.


Elsa: Trust me, dude. Stay away from those nasty things-they’ll make your tongue swell up if you try to eat one of those things. And then you won’t be able to taste the treats Mom gives you.

Wilson: Egad!! Thanks for that advice. I’ll try hard to avoid them. You can believe I want to be able to taste all the tasty treats Mum gives me.

Elsa: {head shaking} My gawd, you’re like a canine garbage disposal, aren’t you?

Wilson: Mum never gives me garbage.

Elsa: I can’t. I just can’t even begin to school you on the difference of stuff like that.

Wilson: What? I don’t understand…

Elsa: {interrupting} Precisely and I don’t have the time nor the patience to teach you. Let’s move along, House Pony, shall we? Beside that wasp, I think there was another encounter with some urban wildlife, though in all my years at the Ranch, I’ve never seen one of those.

Wilson: I have no idea what the bloody hell that thing was doing sashaying across this yard. I did have a feeling Mum did me a solid but not letting me try to herd it.


Elsa: Darn straight she did. You don’t want to mess with those birds. They’ll mess you up but good. Probably came from someone’s city chicken coop.

Wilson: I could sense there was danger in that turkey by how tightly Mum held my leash and kept reinforcing the “leave it!” command with her clicker. Naturally I was a good boy and complied.

Elsa: {hysterical laughter} Complied? Right…I’ve seen how you handle the command to “Leave it!” when there’s a squirrel anywhere around {more raucous laughter}.

Wilson: If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were being quite cheeky with me.

Elsa: Umm, that’s one way of putting it. Good catch. Maybe you’ll figure things out eventually yet. Hope springs eternal.

Wilson:  I’m just going to ignore you and show you some other images we encountered yesterday afternoon. Mum tells me this plant is the state flower.


Elsa: Well technically it’s the blue one that’s the state flower but like many of the perennials in the city, it’s blooming early.

Wilson: It’s quite striking, I say. But nothing compared to this purple flower. Mum said she’s never seen these blooming in April.


Elsa: Yeah, I’d agree. It was quite a shock seeing that pop up in a pile of weeds. Mother Nature seems to be teasing us.

Wilson: Right you are. When Mum and I walked back from the library, we came across this field of yellow flowers. I had to stop and admire them.


Elsa:  I hope Mom told you those yellow flowers are weeds and the bane of gardeners everywhere. With the moisture we’ve received this Spring, they have been a bumper crop of them everywhere. But they are kinda pretty.

Wilson: I should say so…they are quite cheerful. Well, that’s all I have today. I heard we’re going to visit our Grandpa this weekend and I will get to meet Mum’s youngest sister who’s coming from Texas for a short visit. I’m excited to meet more of the family and promise I’ll be on my best behavior.

Elsa: Uh, huh…best, eh? Not sure what you mean by ‘best’ but it should be a nice visit for a few days. What are your plans for the weekend? You doing anything exciting for this last weekend of April? We’re still amazed that May is upon us and just around the corner. Where is this year going?

Wilson: Not sure but it does seem to be moving along quickly. Whatever you do, we hope you’re able to see loads of Nature’s finest. Just avoid the turkeys and wasps.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ April 19, 2024

Wilson & ElsaWelcome to Nature Friday where we share bits of nature from the urban landscape. As always, we are joining our friendly hosts from Adventures of the LLB Gang. Don’t forget to click on the link to see what other posts were shared.

It’s been another crazy weather week with wide swings in the temperatures which have seemed to accelerate spring’s presence. Fifty degree temperature swings are not uncommon around here, especially at this time of year. Let’s see what we have, shall we?

Elsa: First off, on behalf of Mom who has become super forgetful since the birth of her great granddaughter, we need to apologize for not expressing our shock gratitude for being a winner last week on the Teaser. She’s never first to arrive  but she was first to correctly guess on April 9th, the day Baby Halia arrived. Naturally she’s been gaga ever since so we hope you don’t hold it against her. Originally she thought it was a photo of a pile of gravel she had delivered many years ago but I convinced her to look for some clues to figure out where that photo was taken. Many thanks to Two Spoiled Cats for awarding her this cool badge. We have our paws crossed she starts to remember things better. {shouting out}…oh Mom…don’t forget to put your pants on today, okay?

Teaser Badge

The Mom:  Umm, for the record, yes, I remembered to put on  my pants {eyes rolling}.

Elsa: Whew…anywho…now that we’ve expressed our thanks, I’m gonna wake up the Pony and see what he’s put together for today.

Wilson: {butt wiggling with excitement} I’m here, I’m here…let’s get going!

Elsa: Down Sportor…don’t weird out on me.

Wilson: Well I just wanted to let you know I’m quite bright eyed and bushy…

Elsa: {sighing while interjecting} Ugh…this guy is way too literal, not to mention, way too bouncy. Let’s move along, shall we? What do you have to share first?

Wilson: {giddy with excitement…tail and bum wiggling like crazy} Well, this week Mum installed this cool garden whirligig that she received as a Christmas gift. She had put it away in the garage and forgot about it…mostly because the ground was frozen at the time. But she came across it and decided now would be a good time to install it. It took her a few minutes to figure out the instructions but figured it out. I can stare at that thing for ages. It’s very calming and Mum is hoping it will not only be lovely to passersby but also that it’ll the squirrels from coming in the front garden. Notice the wet stuff. We are grateful Mother Nature decided to gift us a little bit of moisture but hope she is even more generous later today.

Elsa: Erm…o-kay. Whatever cranks your handle. I suppose if it keeps you from going bananas, it’ll be worth it.

Wilson: As you well know, I’m pretty plugged into anything that moves so maybe this will keep me occupied. Otherwise, Mum is going to have to go back to the drawing board.

Elsa:  I’m guessing this is the first of many strategies Mom is going to have to employ to keep you from killing her.

Wilson: {protesting and sounding slightly miffed} I’d never kill Mum. I just. am. always. hyper-vigilant about my surroundings.

Elsa: Hyper-vigilant? How about you’re a crazed lunatic?

Wilson: Name calling is not necessary. Besides, I’m the big strong one and must protect Mum.

Elsa: Ha! She’s managed to survive on her own without your help for 87 years so don’t flatter yourself. Just try not to run either of us over, and we’ll all be cool, okay.

Wilson: So…moving along. I thought this week we’d share photos of how accelerated spring is this year. Mum tells me she’s never seen perennials in such an early state of blooming.

Elsa: Yeah, I’ve noticed things in various stages of bloom and I’m not just talking about flowering trees although they’ve been nice. Here are a redbud and crabapple trees.

Flowering trees

Wilson: Oh I love that redbud tree and Mum tells me all of us dogs love it too because we always try to potty beneath its low branches. She’s not having any of that and at least with me, she drags me off.

Elsa: Don’t feel special. She does the same thing with me while she’s grumbling something about how she’s not bending over like a gnome picking up after us under those low branches.

Wilson: Oh yes, she said the same thing with me. She was quite testy about it, too.

Elsa: Old people…what can you do but humor them. But I know we’ll both try every time we walk past that house. Angels Norman and Sam did the same thing. Maybe someone can explain to Mom why we do that. I can’t explain it.

Wilson: It’s quite a mystery to me but then I’m the new guy and a lot of things are mysterious to me here.

Elsa: So what’s up with this next pic? Care to explain it?


Wilson: Mum said it’s a mushroom clump and she thought it was rather fascinating. Because of our lack of humidity, seeing clumps like this are fairly unusual. It was quite a fragrant spot but Mum dragged me off again. She won’t let me pee on plants.

Elsa: She mentioned to me she can’t remember the last time so many perennials have started to bloom so early in the season. Mother Nature seems to be playing tricks on us. From poppies to irises and peonies and Bachelor Buttons from seed…I mean, for crying out loud, even some lilacs started blooming. In the middle of April! Say what you will, there is definitely something about this global warming thing. How else can you explain it?

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Wilson: It sure seems that way, but I’m a herder, not a scientist so don’t rely on my observations.

Elsa: Boy you can say that again. Trust me, I wouldn’t rely on your thoughts, even if you WERE a scientist. But the absolute wildest thing we saw on our walks from yesterday were some blooming Bleeding Hearts. We were almost to our house and Mom saw them as she walked by. And BAM! she stopped and yelled, “What the bloody dog?!” and walked back to take a photo. I thought I was going to have to revive her, I tell you.Bleeding HeartsWilson: It’s quite something, that’s for sure. Well that’s it for the flora this week but Mum was super excited that she saw some wildlife as well. It’s not a very good photo since all she had was her cell phone but she was blown away to see what she thinks was a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk in her silver maple tree. They’re not unheard of but seeing one in the city seems somewhat unusual.


Elsa: We need to remind Mom to get an arborist out to trim that tree. The squirrels are playing havoc with new branches and there are lots of old ones that need to be pruned away.

Wilson: Squirrels??? Where, I’ll get them!

Elsa: Down Pony…I said we need to have Mom take care of it. You’ll just create a mess and hurt yourself or more likely, someone else. I know you mean well but I’m starting to grow used to you and would hate to see you get hurt. Besides, I think I used up the entire veterinary budget this year. So let’s agree to let Mom take care of this. Guess that’s it for us this week. We hope you have a great weekend. So dude…are we doing anything exciting?

Wilson:  Don’t think so. Mum said something about seeing the baby again. I wish she’d let me go with her…I definitely want to meet her. Mum can’t stop banging on about how fabulous she is and hopefully I’ll get to meet her soon when Mum’s sister comes to Colorado for a visit in a couple of weeks. We hope you have a splendid weekend and are able to get outside and take in the beauty Nature shares with us. In the meantime, we’ll leave you with this week’s image of the little sprout on her one week anniversary.

Baby Halia
Baby Halia – one week old

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ April 12, 2024

Welcome to Nature Friday where we share a few slices of Nature from around our ‘Hood. As always, we are joining our hosts from Adventures of the LLB Gang. Please click on the link to see what other posts were shared.

ElsaIt’s been an exciting and busy week around the Ranch. For a couple of days both me and the New Guy wondered why Mom was gone so much. I mean, what could possibly be more important than us? Elsa here. Well, it turns out our family increased in size. We will now have five, yes FIVE living generations around the Ranch House. How is that possible, you ask? Mom’s first granddaughter gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl (who was just a tad reluctant to leave the comfy womb but who finally made her debut at 12:34 pm on Tuesday). Mom, Dad and baby are all doing well even if they’re massively tuckered out.

Baby Halia
Courtesy of Bella Baby Photography

I can say without reservation Mom is over the moon even if she’s not sure about being called a great grandma. I think that means she’s older than dirt but we’ll love her just the same. We can hardly wait to meet this little one. The Pony told me he’s an excellent and very responsive baby watcher. We’ll see but he does seem to respond to crying babies, puppies and mewing kittens whenever he hears them in a video.

Wilson: I say, little sister, does this mean I’m an uncle now?

Elsa: No Oaf…you’re not an uncle. Because this is a G-rated blog, I can’t say what you are but you will be expected to be on your best, furry behavior.

Wilson: So what do WE call this bundle?

Elsa: I was gonna guess Princess, but Mom says her name is Halia which is apparently Hawaiian for “remembrance.” Her name is an homage to all the grandparents who didn’t live long enough to welcome her to this world. She’s going to be so loved by this family.

Wilson: Bravo, I suspect Mum’s dad is over the moon too? He’s very attached to Hailey, the baby’s mum.

Elsa: He most certainly is which means you’re no longer going to be top banana at his house. But I’m positive he’ll still be glad to see us the next time we go down to visit him.

Wilson: I should hope so. I’d hate to think we’ve lost our station. {sniffling}

Elsa: No chance of that, I mean…after all we’re pretty, cuddly and irresistible still so put your British insecurities at rest.

Wilson: Well if you say so…now what else do we have to share this week.

Elsa: Well you can bet your tea and crumpets it isn’t going to be a weather report, though it has been pretty gorgeous outside and Nature seems to be fairly happy. She’s coaxing more blooms out in the garden. What did you find to share, Hoss?

Wilson: Hmm, there you go again with another nickname. Since there appears to be no point in correcting you again, I’ll just continue and share some lovely blooms from around the neighborhood. First up are some Creeping Phlox. They are blooming everywhere in loads of shades of pink and purple.


Elsa: Well everywhere but in our yard. Mom had a small patch of it but it didn’t come back this year. That one is from the guy across the street’s garden. Mom’s going to ask him if he knows why her’s failed to come back.

Wilson: Gosh how sad, I know how much Mum likes to see flowers in the garden. Look at these grape hyacinths we discovered on our walk this week. We hadn’t noticed these ombre colored ones before. How brilliant is that?! Dark on the bottom and lighter at the top. Ours are only one color-be they purple or the blue ones.


Elsa: Whoa…the ones in our garden aren’t ombre colored. That IS pretty cool.

Wilson: Quite right!

Elsa: Some of the flowering trees have started their annual show too. I think these are plum trees. I’ll know more if the squirrels start munching on the fruit.


Wilson: Squirrels?!?! Where? I’ll take care of those rotten buggers.

Elsa: Down Bucko. Don’t get excited just yet.

Wilson: Well you know how I feel about squirrels!

Elsa: Unlax dude. Why not share some of the pretty pink tulips Mom found recently. She’s been looking for tulips that weren’t red for the past couple of weeks and they’re finally out. Yay…maybe now she’ll stop whining about it.FlowersWilson: I can see why she likes them. They are quite lovely. Well, she really doesn’t mind the red ones, but she says she wanted to see other colors. She still hasn’t seen yellow, white or purple ones yet…

Elsa: {interrupting} Gah…don’t bring it up or we’ll never hear the end of it. Let’s move along and share this other tulip instead.


Wilson: Right. So what do you think about this shrub? I think it’s a flowering quince. I checked it out but it was decidedly unfriendly to my nose.Quince

Elsa: I’d be unfriendly too if you stuck that big ole honker up my grill.

Wilson: Ahem, excuse me…I’ve noticed you sniffing at things a lot more since your surgeries. Sniffing is how I process the world around me. I’m still getting used to how differently things smell from my old home. Things here in Colorado are quite different. Some things remain the same scent-wise to humans but I still need to check and make sure. That’s where my nose comes in.


Elsa: And here I thought it was because you’re a nosey-nellie. I stand corrected.

Wilson: I’m going to ignore that comment. Mum has also noticed loads of Creeping Phlox along our daily walks beyond what the neighbor has. It sure is a cheerful addition to a sidewalk path.Phlox

Elsa: Here’s another blooming tree branch I found on my walk yesterday. Looks like pink is this week’s showcase color. It sure makes Mom happy when she sees it.

Wilson: Seems only fitting that pink is the week’s theme color. After all, it goes well with the little pink human who arrived. Flowering tree

Elsa: Good one, House Pony. You may actually be on to something.

Wilson: Well I’m not just a furry face, you know.

Elsa: Umm, the jury is still out on that.

Wilson: {ignoring the snarky comment) So Mum showed me this art installation. She waxed on and on about how clever it was and how original but I’m afraid I didn’t get it. Can you explain it to me?

Elsa: There’s no explanation, dude. She just likes it. You have to realize art is in the eye of the beholder and leave it at that.

Wilson: Okay, but it was almost creepy. I wasn’t sure I should sniff it or growl at it. I’m always suspicious of faces with big eyes that don’t blink. It’s a bit unnerving, don’t you think?

Elsa: That’s nothing-you should have seen it when it was wearing a gigantic mask during COVID. Talk about unnerving


Wilson: Oh dear, glad I didn’t see that! I like looking at faces, they usually have a smile, an ear rub and offer me a treat. I’ll try to be on my best behavior whenever I see them. Mum says she’s going to start training me to join the pet therapy dog program soon. She thinks people will love meeting me. And well…if there are treats involved, I’m sure I can do it without any trouble.

Elsa: {eyes rolling} You and your treats. Dude, you gotta be a bit less enthusiastic about eating things.

Wilson: {eyes moving from left to right and back again…mulling that thought over} Why…I’m not sure I understand that but will try to make Mum proud, regardless. Well, that’s it from me. You have anything to add?

Elsa: Other than Mom’s strawberry just set some fruit which made her mouth water, no. I just hope everyone has a great weekend enjoying Spring. I can’t wait to meet little Halia and hope we get to do that over the weekend. Otherwise, we’ll have to be content with enjoying the sights and sounds of spring and hope you are able to get outside and enjoy Nature at its prettiest. Have a great weekend.


Wilson: Yes, what my dear sister said. Happy weekend. And I can’t wait to taste those lovelies.

Elsa: Oh for dog’s sake. Have a good weekend everyone!

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ April 5, 202

Elsa on sofaHappy first Friday of April peeps…it’s time for another Nature Friday post. Well spring continues to do spring things…you know…like dump tons of snow on the Northeast, bring 70’s and 80’sF to the central portion of the country with higher  temps in gulf states with buckets of moisture to the West Coast. Good golly, it seems like Mother Nature is truly cheesed off. As we typically do on Friday’s, we’re joining our pals at Adventures of the LLB Gang. Be sure to click on the highlighted link to see what other posts were shared.

Elsa: So I finally was released from vet care yesterday by receiving a clean bill of health. They removed my stitches and pronounced me fully healed from a diagnosed UTI, femoral surgery and I received a good report on the histogram of the removed cyst (it was benign but Mom was told it could come back so I guess they’ll monitor it down the road). While the folks at this vet clinic are super nice, I told them I hope to never see them again…any time soon.

Vet office
Sorry about the sun flare-the clinic faces south and it’s been very sunny here

Wilson: That’s jolly good news, Ninja. Congratulations. I’m sure those vet folks will miss seeing you. Mum told me they always enjoyed you coming in because you were a great patient.

Elsa:  They probably enjoyed seeing Mom and her credit card more than me. But now that I think of it, they were quite nice to me and gave me terrific ear rubs…even when I was shaking with fear at their fancy posh office. There’s just no way to disguise the fact that office visits to the vet can be very traumatic. From the first time I arrived with the femoral fracture to the dental procedure…it was doggone scary. But being the Zen Ninja I am, I handled it with great aplomb and dignity.

Wilson: Don’t sell yourself short. Everyone I encounter always says how lucky I am to have you as a sister. And despite the fact I get grumpy sometimes with you because you ofen hog all of Mum’s attention, you do make her smile a lot. Like all those times this past week where you lazed away on the sofa despite the no dogs on furniture rule. She laughed out loud. You didn’t even pretend to be sorry for disobeying both Mum and the vet’s specific instructions to not jump while your shoulder was healing. Tsk, tsk…naughty girl.

Elsa, epilepsy

Elsa: Do I look like I care?

Wilson: Umm, good point. Still, I can’t help wondering why I get yelled at whenever I get up on the sofa.

Elsa: Well, you’re you and I’m me. There are different rules for Ninjas versus House Ponies. The sooner you realize that, the better we’ll all be.

Wilson: {somewhat dejected} Whatever happened to equality for all?

Elsa: {jumping up on the sofa as Mom types} You want  equality? You need to look up it on page 391 of Mom’s  Webster’s dictionary.

Wilson: {frowning} Umm, perhaps instead we should share some of this week’s nature images.

Elsa: Whatever cranks your handle. Mom has been walking past this little tree/shrub for months now and wondered what it was. According to her plant app, it was identified as an American Pussy Willow but she was somewhat dubious since it’s not known to be found in Colorado. Still, it’s pretty cool and Mom liked it.

Pussy willow

Wilson: Whoa…look at those silky catkins! I guess they start blooming on the bare stems before the leaves appear, and provide a wonderful source of pollen for native bees early in the season.

Elsa: Supposedly the male and female flowers are produced on separate plants yet both plants have flowers. There was only the one there so Mom wasn’t sure if it was male or female. While the male plant produces pollen, both sexes produce nectar and the flowers of the male plant produce those nubby catkins that are used in flower arrangements.

Pussy willows

Wilson: Trust me I checked to see what it smelled like but apparently no one has left any clues about it.

Elsa: Of course you smelled it. Sheesh, I am still of the opinion you’re part Bloodhound. Emphasis on the hound part.

Wilson: {eyes looking left and right, mind mulling over what was just said} Wait, is that some kind of put down because I’m 100% Old English Sheepdog.

Elsa: Hey, you sniff more that your normal English fur ball. You know I just call ’em like I see ’em.

Wilson: Rest assured, I am NOT a hound, blood or otherwise. I’m part of the magnificent group of herding dogs and…

Elsa: Save it dog breath. You try herding me, I’ll show you what Poodles do, ok?

The Mom: Ok you two, no more flexing of breed egos. Just get on with sharing nature this week, ‘kay?

Elsa and Wilson: {in unison and two part harmony} Yes Mom/Mum.

The Mom: {smiling} Whew, that’s better.

Elsa: He started it, Mom.

Wilson: Did not, you started it.

The Mom: Enough guys. Let’s. move. on! I’m sure there are a few more spring photos we can share.

Elsa: Okay, okay…yeesh…so cranky on a Friday. Anywho…the recent snow storms didn’t seem to have too negative of an impact on the emerging tulips, although apparently the moisture produced a by-product plant. Who know snow would cause Pringles containers to bloom? That’s a new one on me. And yes, we disposed of it. {head shaking} Man, what is wrong with uprights?


Wilson: {with stiffened back and shaking head} Unforgivable, I say! At least none of those containers grew with these tulips. Talk about a cheerful bunch.

Tulips Elsa: You’re so right there, Pony. Some people are just beasts.

Wilson: You can say that again. I know it really upsets Mum when we’re out on our constitutionals. She gets very sad seeing trash. Weeds are bad enough but litter is simple unforgivable.

Elsa: We started to see a few of the flowering trees emerging from their winter snooze. Check out this type of cherry tree in bloom. The bees acted like they were having a kegger, buzzing and noshing on all the nectar.

Cherry Blossoms


Wilson: Hmm, what’s a kegger? Sounds like some decidedly American expression. There were a bunch of bees in this ornamental pear as well. It sure was quite the sight against a Colorado bluebird sky.

Ornamental pear

Elsa: It’s going to be another warm day (sorry Northeast peeps). We’re under a Red Flag warning for high winds with extremely low humidity today for much of the state. Winds could reach 75 mph later this morning so we better get cracking and batten down the hatches. Hopefully tomorrow’s forecast for moisture will materialize. And here I just got a bath this week. Ugh.

Wilson: Never fear, sister…I’ll keep you well anchored on the ground. Between me and Mum, you have nothing to fear about blowing away.

The Mom: Umm, I’m sure that was a compliment.

Wilson: Of course it was, Mum.

Elsa: {interrupting} Sounds like the House Pony is saying you’re on the chubby side, Mom. {snickering}.

Wilson: Not at all, dear sister; I was just trying to alleviate any fears you may have about blowing away.

Elsa: There you go, ruining another easy softball I pitched to you. What the dog? Whatever…we hope that whatever Nature dishes out this weekend, you stay safe and are able to ‘enjoy’  whatever she delivers your way. Have a great weekend everyone.

Wilson: Right, enjoy your weekend…even if you’re sipping a nice cuppa with a good book from the sofa watching the snow fly in case you’re not interested in shoveling or sloshing around in it. Stay safe.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ March 22, 2024

Welcome to Nature Friday where it’s time for us to share a few slices of the emerging spring from around our ‘Hood. As always, we are joining our friendly hosts from Adventures of the LLB Gang. Don’t forget to click on the link to see what other posts were shared.

WilsonToday we’re doing things a bit different. Elsa had a major dental procedure and removal of a cyst earlier this week and while she is doing very well, she said she would allow the ‘New Guy’ to to handle today’s post. Wilson was thrilled for the opportunity, with a bit of trepidation but was hopeful he can do a proper job so as to stay in his sister’s good graces.  Take it away, Wilson!

Wilson: Thank you, Mum and Ninja. I’m thrilled (and a bit nervous quite frankly) to be able to host today. Blimey…didn’t get the word until late yesterday so please bear with me. In addition to everything else I’ve endured these past 11 weeks since moving here, I find myself in unchartered waters and umm…well I haven’t decided whether or not I like water yet or not. So I’d be really chuffed if you’d bear with me…

Elsa: Oh for crying out loud…get on with it, you buffoon. You’ve managed to waste 200 words blathering on and I’m ready for my post-breakfast snooze. I know Nike is in Missouri…so Just Do It! Sheesh.

Wilson: {Ahem} Right…sorry…just feeling a bit apprehensive-I know I have some big paws to fill today. Let’s see what we have, shall we?

Elsa: Finally! Go on, get with it, man.

Wilson: So temperature wise, it’s been quite smashing. Pleasant temps, loads of bright sunshine. This is the kind of weather I rather enjoy. Spring is moving along, though it seems a bit slow this year. Trees are just barely beginning to leaf out.

Tree leafing out

Wilson: Mum thought this might be a flowering plum tree. It’ll take a few more days before we know for sure. It makes a keen back scratcher.

Wilson: The maple trees have begun setting their flowers which are littering walkways throughout the neighborhood. They vex Mum because she has to sweep off the patio and front porch frequently but I tried to remind her at least she wasn’t shoveling snow. She agreed with me but Elsa was apparently not amused.

Maple leafing out

Elsa: Brown nose!

Wilson: I beg your pardon…my nose is decidedly black. It’s a hallmark of us sheepdogs and…

Elsa: {Interrupting} Oh give it a rest, ‘Pony.’ You need to stop taking things so literally.

Wilson: Right, I’ll work on that, but blimey…there’s just so much to remember and keep in check. {heavy sigh} Anyway, as I was saying…spring bulbs continue to do their thing and Mum is quite amused by where they sometimes voluntarily appear. This Scilla clearly wasn’t planted there as it showed up between the sidewalk and an adjoining retaining timber. Mum took a bunch of photos yesterday but didn’t realize the lens wasn’t clean so several of today’s photos are a bit ‘smeary’ with our deepest apologies. But it was so bright outside we weren’t able to easily tell while walking along on our constitutional. Mum say; this plant is commonly called Bossier’s glory-of-the-snow or Lucile’s glory-of-the-snow, but she just refers to it as Squill. It’s a perennial from western Turkey that flowers in early spring. Once it’s finished flowering, it will become dormant until next spring. It’s such a lovely shade of blue, much like the skies have been.


Wilson: Those Squill will become dormant that is, unless a certain rodent, digs it up. There are a gobsmacking amount of these creatures and I’ve quite determined they must be exterminated. Bloody tossers, the lot of them, I say. And they apparently feel the same about me and proceed to race away whenever I get even remotely close (sorry this is another smeary photo). Mum needs to learn to not pull her phone out with her finger over the lens but time was of the essence as they say and she hoped it wouldn’t look too awful when she could look closer at home. Now mind you, I’m a quick, speedy dog but these bloody buggers still manage to escape me. I’ve never even been close to catching them. Mum was not appreciative of my speed…well until she managed to land back on solid ground and resume normal breathing. She said something about agility competition and then grumbled about not enjoying being a human kite. I’ve apologized like a proper gentlemen but these cheeky monsters get my dander up.

Wilson & the squirrel


Wilson: One of smaller trees that’s fully leafed out is Mountain Mahogany. It’s a small but extremely hardy tree barely reaching 16 feet tall and can be found in Colorado, Utah, northern Arizona and Central California. It’s quite dense and slow growing. I avoided this one because of the cactus planted in front of it.  It’s wood is so dense and hard it will not float. If only I could have gotten closer, I’m sure it would make an excellent back scratcher.

Mountain Mahogany
Elsa: What is it about scratching your backside amongst shrubs and low branched trees that you like so much, dude?

Wilson: Oh come on…I’ve seen you do it on occasion yourself. It just feels good.

Elsa: Whatever. When I do it, it’s important. When you do it, it’s weirdly dumb.

Wilson: {Huffing with indignation} Well, I never…

Elsa: If only.

Wilson: {straightening his back and puffing out his chest} I see we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this. Mum says she’s surprised I’m not more interested in the flying visitors of our garden. I told her I’m too focused with my duties on squirrel patrol. She was however gleeful there were several of them buzzing around the blue grape hyacinths which she said have multiplied like crazy from when they were first planted and are now all in full bloom. They have naturalized so vigorously; she’s found some on the far opposite side of the garden. She’s hoping they don’t take over like the Lupines did but she’ll worry about that later.

Bees & grape hyacinths

Wilson: On our daily constitutionals, we pass by this tall guy who always manages to make my Mum smile. He seems to look rather sporting and no worse for wear after last week’s snowstorm. I’m sure I could use his help sorting out the squirrel situation around the neighborhood. They wouldn’t be able to easily escape if we worked together.


Wilson: One of the earliest blooming flowers around here are the Pasque Flowers which typically bloom around Easter. They are part of the Buttercup family (and are native to meadows and prairies in many states and is the state flower of South Dakota. The showy part of the flower are called sepals, not petals. Mum gets quite gleeful when she sees them. I took a quick sniff but it really didn’t do anything for me. The buds and stems are soft and fuzzy though.

Pasque flowerWilson: Well that’s all I have this week. Profuse thanks to my sister for giving me this opportunity as she recovers. Hopefully she’ll be back full stop next week for another go at Nature Friday. All of us at the Ranch hope you have a jolly good weekend and are able to see Nature first hand.

Elsa: Egad you bozo…you forget to mention that Mom won this week’s Teaser contest by knowing where it was, first. Thanks to One Spoiled Cat for the cool badge. Sheesh, I guess I need to do everything myself while you’re lazing about.

Teaser badge

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ March 1, 2024

It’s time for another Nature Friday post. Holy canine…it may be the first of March already but it won’t stop us from joining our pals at Adventures of the LLB Gang. Be sure to click on the highlighted link to see what other posts were shared.

Elsa on sofaElsa: 🎶 humming and singing 🎶  Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo…here comes the sun, 🎶 and…oh, Hiya. It’s me, Elsa…just chillaxing on the sofa this morning…

Wilson: {interrupting} Blimey, how come you are allowed to get up on the sofa and Mum always makes me get down?

Elsa: It’s simple, dog breath, I. am. me. and I’m a Ninja. I think they’re called special rights and I was grandfathered in. You’re just the new guy. You have to earn those privileges though I’m certain that ain’t happening any time soon…not only are you the new guy but you’re a gigantic, new guy. There are different rules for the likes of you.

Wilson: I say, that doesn’t seem fair at all. I’m gonna go ask Mum for a clarification. {gallops into other room hollering} Oh Mum…how come Elsa gets to get up on the sofa and I don’t?

The Mom: ELSA!!  Get down…NOW! You’re not supposed to be (a) jumping up while you’re still recovering and (b) you’re not supposed to get up on the furniture. Period.

Elsa: Wait, I’m not supposed to get up on the furniture? When did that rule go into effect.

The Mom: Remember, I’m trying to train Wilson from getting up on the furniture and decided it was better to make the sofa and my bed off limits to both of you.

Elsa: Well that’s just dumb. I never agreed to that and besides, I’m feeling pretty good recovery wise so there’s no need to not let me get up on the sofa.

The Mom: Beg to differ missy; I’m the boss. The current rule in place is that no dog shall be allowed on the furniture.

Elsa: {grumbling} Well color me unhappy about that rule. {turning toward Wilson} Way to go spoiling things, blabbermouth.

Wilson: W-h-a-t?? I just asked for clarification with the hope of fairness.

Elsa: Considering I am recovering because of you, I might add, I should be allowed special privileges. Way to put the kibosh on my freedoms, fur ball. Harrumph!

Wilson: {contrite} Sorry, didn’t mean to get you in trouble. So shall we soldier on and share some views of Mother Nature from around our neighborhood? I say…we’ve experienced the gamut of weather and nature this week.

Elsa: No kidding. First there was the Snow Moon…Mom of course was too lazy didn’t grab her big camera [in fairness, the battery needed to be charged so I’ll forgive her this time] and she used her cell phone as it was setting early in the morning. This was the best she could do given the limitations of the phone camera and tall trees blocking our view.

Snow moon

Wilson: I contemplated howling at it but then thought better of it. Mum keeps telling me I’m not supposed to bark in the house and I’m working hard on learning better self-control behavior now that I’ve found my voice.

Elsa: Apart from the blaring decibels, you’re not a wolf, new guy.

Wilson:  Well there is that too. And as the new guy, can I just say the weather around here sure does a lot of vacillating. One minute it’s lovely and warm and the next it’s snowy and cold. The ducks didn’t seem to mind but let’s just say I prefer it less wet and chilly.

Snowy pond

Elsa: Jeez, you’re such a wuss! It’s bracing and refreshing.

Elsa in snow

Wilson: {Shivering} To each his own, eh? But the day after the snow squall, Mum and I noticed elements of spring trying to emerge. We saw more blooming bulbs. These little lovelies were quite colorful and I for one, love their stripes.


Elsa: Those are crocuses. They’re often the first of the spring bulbs to bloom. Here’s a solid purple version and a pic with  another daffodil and crocus.


Daffodil & crocuses

Wilson: I say, those are quite grand! They didn’t seem to be any worse for the wear after yet another snow storm arrived. It seems like every other day that white stuff falls around here.


Elsa: Boy do you have a lot to learn about gardening in the Mile High City. If you don’t like the weather, just wait ten minutes. Snow doesn’t seem to bother these guys-I’ve seen them completely buried and yet they’ll still bloom. Look at these reticulated irises and the first of the baby blue grape hyacinths. Mom loves them both and always shouts when she catches first glimpses of those hyacinths.

Wilson: I know! We were just returning from a long walk when she caught sight of something blue and tiny before we got to the gate. I was worried by those squeals and thought I had to protect her.


Grape hyacinths

Elsa: She was likely more worried that your gigantic ‘hooves’ would squash them. You do tend to plow through stuff rather unceremoniously.

Wilson: I beg your pardon…I’m as delicate stepping about as any sheepdog.

Elsa: I rest my case, Big Foot.

Wilson: {disappointed at the criticism} I might be large but I do have feelings and now you’ve gone and hurt them.

Elsa: Oh please…you’re a big oaf…own it dude.

Wilson: I’m sure I’ll recover…with the proper treat to console my bruised feelings.

Elsa: {eyes rolling} Oh brother. Never fear, the treats will continue to flow your way, for whatever reason. Especially when you go to Grandpa’s house next week. I swear the whole family spoils you rotten. I don’t get it.

Wilson: What’s not to get, I’m a handsome bloke who loves people and they love me.

Elsa: Hmm, is that so? I’m a bit selective although I really do love people. I just make them earn my attention without having to flaunt it.

Wilson: Trust me on this, sister…you catch more flies with a wiggly bum and soft puppy eyes. I mean not many people can resist this face.


Elsa: {eyes rolling at the shameless pose} If you say so. We hope you have a great weekend and hope Nature delivers more early signs of spring. Make sure you get outside to enjoy it and have a great weekend.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾


Nature Friday ~ February 2, 2024

Elsa, surgeryHappy Groundhog Day. Elsa here. If you believe in the predictions of some chubby Pennsylvanian rodent, looks like that Gobbler Knob resident, Punxsutawney Phil, predicted an early spring this year. While I’m not convinced a groundhog can accurately predict Spring’s arrival, apparently this phenomena has been celebrated for ages. How did this custom originate, you ask? Well, I’m here to give you a bit of background on this silliness annual tradition. Diary records from as early as 1841 entry showed weather forecasts had been celebrated among families of German descent in Pennsylvania though most historians agree the custom began in the late 1800’s. According to Don Yoder,  former professor from University of Pennsylvania, he noted a Celtic connection and surmised this annual celebration had its roots in “ancient, undoubtedly prehistoric, weather lore.”

Guess it appears that Celtic people across Europe marked a 4-day period in early February, which is the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Celts observed that Christians celebrated Candlemas (known as Imbolc), which coincided with Joseph and Mary’s presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem. As ancient folk observed sun, stars and animal behavior and those observations influenced their farming practices. They came to the conclusion that the emergence of hibernating animals, coincided with seasonal weather forecasts. Similarly, German traditions observed that badgers or bears emerging from hibernation came around the same time as the arrival of spring. Pennsylvania German settlers apparently substituted the groundhog, which was endemic to the eastern and midwestern United States. Guess you use what you got to keep the myth going, eh? Now that you know the background, let’s move on and see what slices of nature arrived in the 303, shall we?

Welcome to the first Friday of February where we join our friends Rosy and Sunny for their Nature Friday blog hop. Be sure to click on the link to see what others have shared.

I dunno about you, but January seemed to go on forever, and makes you wonder why they do Dry January during such a long month?  Sorry, I’ve been out of commission lately, I’m recuperating from an injury that required surgery. Normally Mom keeps me buttoned up with a horrid satellite dish (aka cone) but she took that pic after I had eaten breakfast to make it easier on me and removes the cone so I don’t bang on walls while trying to locate my bowl. Man…I can’t wait to burn that thing! I’m not even getting Showtime.

Anyway…this week the weather has been almost spring-like with temps nearly 20F degrees warmer than average for this time of year (hmm, maybe that stupid rodent is on to something). The hyacinths in our garden began to wake up which actually surprised Mom. With the subzero temps in January, she didn’t think they’d wake up yet, but lo and behold…warmer temps seemed to coax these little squirts upward.

Spring bulbs

Mom also noticed some daffodils were farther along than we thought they should be. Now don’t go crazy…this isn’t some kind of atmospheric miracle, mind you. When you’re at a Mile High elevation-wise, you’re that much closer to the sun and that makes a huge difference over those near sea level.

Daffodils Daffodils

We’re noticing it’s getting lighter earlier in the morning and some of the recent sunrises have been pretty spectacular. There’s something about winter sunrises that always captivates Mom’s interest. She’s lucky I’m not supposed to walk very fast so she was able to capture this view before the red sky disappeared while waiting on me.


So the integration of the ‘pink-eyed pony’ who’s probably going to be my brother, has been slow going. We still get somewhat bent out of shape especially when I’m too close to my Mom [yo doofus…she was my Mom long before you arrived…so back  #@%$ off] but we’re trying our best. Well that’s not 100% accurate…it’s more like Mom is hyper focused on our proximity to avoid any more collisions or unpleasantness.

Last week Wilson went to the groomer after Mom spent 187 hours dematting his fur (trust me, that’s not much of an exaggeration either-that gallon bag was just from his ears and took almost 5 hours). The groomer said Mom made the job easier for her and Wilson was good getting spiffed up. I’ll admit, that boy does clean up nicely.



Sure his fur is shorter than Mom would like, but it will grow out quickly. The groomer only needed to blend the length from where the mats were cut out. I’m just glad I didn’t have to lose any more fur than what the vet shaved off but Mom mentioned something about trimming up my paws. {Gasp} I hope that was just a rhetorical observation and not real. I’m slow moving right now and wouldn’t be able to escape quickly enough. I hate for my feet to be groomed.

So far, I haven’t decided if I’m going to let Wilson appear as a co-host on my Friday posts. The jury is still out on that one. What do you guys think? Should I let him or just keep this gig to myself? Let me know in your comments.

Got anything exciting on your dance card this weekend? We are planning to enjoy the NHL All-Star Game and then prepare for next weekend’s Super Bowl. Can anyone tell me what the dog is all the hubbub about on this whole Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce thing. I mean, why are people so bent out of shape that a very successful musical star supports her boyfriend at his games? I just don’t get it.

Do you believe Punxsutawney Phil’s forecast will bear out? Whatever you do, we hope you are able to enjoy whatever Mother Nature dishes up.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday ~ December 8, 2023

🎵 Humming to the tune of “Silver Bells” 🎶… and then suddenly barking in verse at the top of her lungs, “it’s Christmas time in the city…fa la la la la, la la la la! Elsa here…

The Mom: Umm, you know you’re combining songs, right?

Elsa: Yeah, what of it? Christmas is the time to get your Irving Berlin on, I say.

The Mom:  Still, you’re mixing your tunes together. Singing Christmas songs isn’t like mixing up a cup of hot chocolate.

Elsa: {Gasp} Mom…you know perfectly well I can’t have chocolate!

The Mom: {Shaking her head} Dear, dear, Elsa…I was just making a metaphor.

Elsa: Well whatever, doesn’t matter, I was just loosening up my vocal chords anyway. Come on…we’re over 100 hundred words and we haven’t even started our post. Move, it, Mom!

The Mom: {Speaking softly under her breath} Oy…why do I feel like I’m losing a battle of wits?

Elsa: What’s that you say? Seriously, you actually think you’re going to win an argument with me? Bwahahaha. Silly Mom…I love you, but {bwahahahaha} I. can’t. even. begin. to. respond, it’s so absurd. You crack me up, Mom, you seriously crack me up.

The Mom: {trying desperately to change the subject and get back on track} um, er…let’s focus on this week’s latest episode of Nature Friday. We can split hairs later.

Elsa: Split hairs? Don’t even begin to think about trimming any of my hairs, thank you very much!

The Mom: I was just…oh never mind.

Elsa: See…you can’t begin to win a discussion with me. My blog, my rules. {puffing out her chest} Lo-di-do-do. Or as they say in the big leagues…Spoo for the win!

The Mom: {eyes rolling} Fine…let’s just get on with it.

Elsa: Yeah, if only you’d taken some pictures. But for the record because I’m such a rule follower, we’re joining our New Mexico friends Rosy and Sunny from LLB in Our Backyard to check out Nature around the ‘Hood. As I noted earlier, you didn’t take any new pics, what’s up with that?

The Mom: {flush with embarrassment} Umm, it was a busy week. And I kinda got wrapped up enjoying the absolute springtime temperatures and trying to mail out Christmas cards and December birthday gifts. And truth be told, there hasn’t been a lot to photograph on outings that we haven’t photographed before.

Elsa: That’s never stopped you before. I mean, why did you dash back into the house early yesterday morning raving about the incredible sunrise? I mean, gawd knows you take a jillion sunrise pics all the time.

The Mom: For the exact reason that you’ll complain about “yet another sunrise” picture.

Elsa: Mom, hate to break it to you but the blogging world doesn’t need yet another sunrise photo. Just saying.

The Mom: See, I kinda rest my case. Anyway yesterday’s was exceptionally vivid….by the time I ran back into the house to grab my phone, it had faded out to ‘merely pretty.’ Not sensational like it was when I took you outside.

Elsa: Ahh, I get it, blame the dog. Fine. So you got anything to share, anything at all? Buehler?

The Mom: Ahem…one of the Christmas cactuses has been blooming…does that count?


Elsa: I’ve been wondering when you’d get around to highlighting them. This one is pretty in pink as the saying goes but didn’t you say there’s a good chance that it’s actually a Thanksgiving cactus since it’s been blooming for the past couple of weeks.

The Mom: You’re right, I think that one is from the genus Schlumbergera, and is one of the two groups within the cultivar Truncata which displays stem segments with pointed teeth. Their flowers are held more or less horizontally, and their upper side is shaped differently from the lower side. This one has been a part of my indoor garden for well over 20 years and is actually considered a tropical plant rather than what we normally think of as cactuses and comes from Brazil. These plants typically require more water and humidity than traditional cactuses, but they’re easy to maintain. Just water deeply whenever the top inch or so of soil is dry, and repot if the soil gets compacted (note to self, since this one has never been repotted, it’s likely more than time to do that). They should only be fertilized when actively growing or blooming. Just make sure to use a well-draining potting soil mix. It likes bright but indirect light for the best blooming conditions and avoid cold, drafty spots or locations close to a heat source like a radiator. Pinching back stem ends aftering blooming helps make for a bushier plant.

Elsa: Don’t you have another one in a different color?

The Mom: Yes, it’s orangey and far less impressive. It’s always been much less prolific than the pink one.

Christmas cactus

Elsa: You were kind of pleasantly surprised it bloomed since it was a starter from a segment you had knocked off.

The Mom: I was. That plant has had a long history of less than stellar blooming. My son left it with me when he moved to Hawaii over 10 years ago. He told me it rarely bloomed for him, at most 1 or 2 blossoms when he had it, which is likely why he didn’t want it back when he moved back to Denver three years ago.

Elsa: I find that hard to believe. Kevin KNOWS how to grow plants. Maybe that genus is a bit like us Standard Poodles, you know…needing to have a certain agenda that maybe, just perhaps doesn’t coincide with you uprights’ idea of how things should be? {snicker}

The Mom: Thanks for the reminder, as if I needed an acknowledgement about poodle agendas.

Elsa: Just trying to keep you grounded, Mom, that’s all. Well that’s it as far as I’m concerned. I hope we have more photos to share next time. I’ll try to persuade you when we’re out on our walks this next week. So what’s on tap for your weekend? I think it’s time to get out Norman’s chef’s hat-I’ve hear that we may be starting our holiday baking. Sure hope that means there will be some fresh, home baked pup treats over the next couple of days. {paws crossed}


Whatever you do, make sure you stop to enjoy Nature’s gifts, however small they may be. Stay warm.

Live, love, bark! 🐾

Nature Friday

Nature Friday ~ October 27, 2023


Well, well, well…lo and behold…it’s  Friday. Elsa here, your intrepid blogging queen with another episode of Nature Friday where we join our New Mexico pals, Rosy and Sunny from LLB in Our Backyard. Don’t forget to click on the link to see what else has been shared.

Elsa: It’s been one of those beautiful autumn weeks with mild temps, blue-bird and cloudless skies and then Nature sent out a memo now that autumn isn’t going to last forever and to get your affairs in order. All our walks have been punctuated with the sound of psst as sprinkling systems were getting shut down.

The Mom:  Right. Last night’s freeze was a rather rude awakening, wasn’t it?

Elsa: Sheesh…rude doesn’t begin to cover it. Even with my luxurious furs, I can tell you straight up that I won’t mind wearing a coat on the morning walk. And the forecast of 1-3″ of white stuff for the weekend with highs in the 30’s…yikes! Oh sure the changing leaves have been terrific, at least the trees received and actually read the memo that ‘things be a-changing,’ but what’s up with all the roses in bloom right now? Oh sure, I expect mums to be blooming this time of year, but what the dog are the roses doing by giving nature the middle thorn and blooming all over the place?

The Mom: {interrupting} Excuse me…middle thorn??

Elsa: Yes, I was being metaphorical.

The Mom: Well, let’s not be quite as crudely metaphorical in the future okay, kiddo?

Elsa: There you go again, harshing on my mellow. As I was saying before you crushed my flow, there have been ooodles of leaves that have turned and started their annual drop although these looked like apple slices to me.


The Mom: Yeah, wasn’t it fun to walk through them? Crunch, crunch, crunch {squealing with delight}.

Elsa: Umm, yeah, no. You may enjoy that crunching but I’m barefooted, or did you forget?

The Mom: Oops, I hadn’t really thought about it from that perspective. Sorry..

Elsa: Well I will concede the ash trees have been pretty amazing-they always are but I still don’t like to walk on their fallen leaves.

Ash tree

The Mom: Considering how bizarre the autumn weather has been, the ash trees really have been pretty colorful. Too many of the maples and elms have just turned brown around the edges and will, no doubt be on the ground once the snow arrives. I noticed this spruce tree where fallen leaves ‘decorated’ the boughs like it was some sort of Christmas tree all dressed up. I’d never seen a leaf garland like that before.

Spruce tree and leaves

Elsa: Nice, but did you get a good look at that ornamental plum we passed by? I almost needed sunglasses it was so bright and colorful. The light was just amazing.

Plum tree

The Mom: Yes, I stopped dead in my tracks because of that beautiful color.

Elsa:  Trust me, I did notice that. There I was happily sniffing through the leaves and {imitating screeching brakes} you just froze. You know our walks are for my olfactory pleasure not for your visual delight.

The Mom: Oh, excuse me. I just got caught up in the moment. Sorry.

Elsa: Ok, just this time. So can you explain why all the roses are going bonkers blooming? For a summer flower, I guess these guys decided to go down in a blaze of beauty. I sure hope Miss Rosy likes these babies.

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The Mom: They sure caught my eye too. But nothing like what I saw in the dog run. I saw these weird, swirly tracks in the dirt and couldn’t for the life of me, figure out what or who left them, and then I found the source. A big worm made them. I moved him back toward where he started out because he was quite a bit away from the initial swirls for that picture, before relocating him permanently.

Elsa: I think he was stoned or worse, high-neither one of us could make any sense out of his path or those swirls. Then again, maybe he just was trying to stay dry after a light shower we received but I’m no worm expert. I’m glad you ended up gently placing him in the front garden to hide in the mulch-maybe he’ll do some aerating before the cold/snow gets him. I think I’m going to name him Jake. Yup, Jake, the Snake…er, worm.

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The Mom: I have my paws crossed for him too. You’ve named him, I see. Oh brother.

Elsa: Doesn’t everyone deserve a name? I mean you named the mouse that lives in the compost bin.

The Mom: {stuttering} Er, umm, well okay, maybe we’ll keep our eyes open for ‘Jake’ in the future.

Elsa: Thought you’d see it my way. So I noticed you were going through the box that houses the dog costumes and hats. I know Halloween is next week. You weren’t thinking of dressing me up now, were you?

The Mom: Umm, me? Uh, probably not.

Elsa: Yeah…I heard you giggling as you found some of the stuff you used to dress up Norman and Sam. Please, I beg of you…don’t do it. No self-respecting poodle wants to be dressed up like that. I’ll be the laughing stock of Blogville and I’ll look ridiculous and be totally humiliated.

The Mom: {innocently whistling while looking the other way} Umm, I’ll think about it.

Elsa: Mom, please, I’m begging you {making sad puppy dog eyes…desperately pleading}. People will think I’m a sell-out.

The Mom: You worry too much. {changing the subject} So…got any plans for the weekend, Ninja?

Elsa: With the snow and temps in the 30’s? Umm, yeah, lots of cozy naps while this storm blows over. I’m no ordinary fool. Throw in couple of toys for a good old fashioned chew-fest and I’ll be good.


The Mom: Well whatever you do, we both hope you manage to enjoy whatever Nature has in store for your region. Make it a great weekend.

Elsa: Yeah, what Mom said.

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾