60 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ July 27, 2020

    1. It’s a hard day to begin each week but probably would be the same if it started on Tuesday too. Sigh.

    1. I think I’m a bit like your Dada. Sunday’s were never anything to celebrate when I worked since I knew what would follow it. Now that I’m retired, everyday is “Blursday.”

    1. Tuesday is ALWAYS better, Ruby. It’s one day closer to margarita Friday. 🍹

    1. Oh, Bear…let me tell you, it’s a great word. All us British dogs use it. When using it around our American moms, we can get away with murder. Everyone loves the British accent and it provides us loads of cover. 😉

    1. Woohoo for her! Hope you guys took great advantage of her attention. But bummer on having to work the weekend. It always catches up to us, doesn’t it?

  1. Have to be honest here. Given the huge influx of tourists every weekend, we now breath a sigh of relief when Monday rolls around. The number of TX plates is astonishing.

    1. I know. You’d think the state would require states with hotspots to be quarantined. Stay safe.

  2. Well, ’tis Tuesday here. Monday (Yesterday) wasn’t so great. A day I could have done very well without. It wasn’t quite a “day that will live in Infamy” but pretty close :o) . The car is mechanically sound (brilliant) and running very well BUT to do the repair that I want and restore the heating system will set me back $1500 — Nice news for a Monday morning. The Air Conditioner is working great, but the heating is on a different system.

        1. Whew, I’m glad there was no accident but sorry about the expensive repair to a system. 😢

  3. I’m afraid so, buddy. And it’s a hot, humid one here. Thankfully, the big water oaks in our yard keep the back yard relatively comfortable between the shade and a breeze here and there.

    1. Try to stay cool. We’re getting closer to autumn which gives me hope. Hugs and tail wags.

    1. You know, I think you’ve nailed it! Now if only homeowner’s insurance would cover Monday claims.

    1. Every day is busy when you’re an Old English Sheepdog. Some are just busier than others.

  4. It sure is, Norman. I hope you had a great weekend. You’re so cute.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to you, Elsa and your wonderful mom. ♥

  5. Monday here is a public holiday…..it should have been on Saturday but it was changed to Monday to enhance a non existent tourist industry….the mind boggles.

    1. No doubt cashing in on 3-day weekends like we do here. I suspect it will still be enjoyable and probably more so without pesky tourists. 😈

    1. In that case…all well worth it. 😉 Happy Monday to you and the girls.

  6. It is, Mate! How the ‘ell did that ‘appen so quick?
    I am so far behind in my blog reading, I’ve decide to go backwards and yours is the first.
    Happy Monday to you and your sister and your Upright!

    1. ‘morning! We’re honored you read us first and know how easy it is to get behind. Hang in there and have a super day! 🥰

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