Briggs-Myers and Dogs

I'm a what?!
I’m a what?!

A colleague of mine recently suggested I take this online personality test this week (a modern-day Briggs-Myers) and it came up with the same outcome as it did 25 years ago when I first took it (guess there really is something to the methodology used).  It got me to thinking, would it be possible to convert that test to find out about Sam’s personality?

So I did what any curious dog mommy would do, I took the test for Sam, answering the questions in ‘his’ voice.  🙂 Seems as though this particular personable goofball is an ESFP, generous with time and energy like no other personality.  And ESFPs do it all with style and go beyond their comfort zone.  Yup, that’s totally Sam and that is precisely what makes him a great therapy dog.

ESFPs love the spotlight soaking up attention yet enjoy the simplest things (he still has a major crush on an elk antler that I would not have thought possible after 8 months). There’s no greater joy than having fun with a group of friends which is exactly how we feel after we’ve left the hospital. And it may not always seem like it, but ESFPs know it isn’t always about them–they are observant and are very sensitive to others emotions providing support (people ESFPs provide practical advise but so far Sam hasn’t conveyed anything…at least not in English although he is pretty transparent  and you always know what’s on his mind and in his heart).

ESFPs are bold, original, possess excellent people skills, are readily into ‘entertaining’ others and they are super observant.  They’re welcome whenever there’s a need for someone who can play/laugh or volunteer to try something new and fun and there’s no greater joy for them then to meet that need and bring everyone along for the ride–which seems just the right qualities to have in a therapy dog and describes Sam to a tee. ESFPs will gladly share their friends and loved ones emotions through good times and bad. I can definitely say Sam was most perceptive during my recovery last year after my accident and he continues this perception with patients, visitors and staff at the hospital. He just seems to know what to do during any encounter with people, wherever.

ESFPs do have a few shortcomings however. They find it difficult to focus (um, you think?…ADHD Sam has the attention span of a gnat!), can be overly sensitive and extremely expressive and make no pretense concealing their feelings.  They usually experience difficulties in academic environments (it was definitely touch and go during some of our training sessions with this loveable dimwit).  They are always seeking excitement and loathe conflicts and seem driven toward fun, fun, fun. But you know what, I wouldn’t trade him for anything and I don’t think the folks at the hospital would want Sam any other way either.

So which personality type are you?  What’s your dog’s personality?  Did you think the test was accurate?  Come on…dish the dirt.


11 thoughts on “Briggs-Myers and Dogs

  1. I must have an identity disorder because I get different results every time I take that test. Or maybe it means I’m just moody. No way!! 😉

  2. I love this so much. Such a clever and thoughtful way of looking at Sam’s nature (and nurture.) Beautiful post. PS. Loved studying Carl Jung.

  3. Max refused to take the test unless I provided a lot of treats up front. I imagine he would rate high on the bribery and extortion scales. Me, I’m an INTJ. That’s probably why mothers pull their children away and make the sign of forked fingers when they see me coming.

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