Super Model


Sam may have a new budding career as a super model. Our Pet Therapy program has only one fundraiser which bankrolls the program throughout the course of the year with sales of the pet therapy calendar at the gift shop which includes photos of all the participating therapy pups. Who doesn’t love seeing photos of pet therapy pooches-no one apparently because we sell out every year. Over the weekend, the calendar came out and I’m happy to share that Sam is rocking the runway with his own month for 2016. After working with patients both Saturday and Sunday, the puparazzi swarmed him but this boy took time out of his busy modeling schedule to pose in the garden. Though it’s not the photo I thought they’d use in the calendar, we’re nonetheless thrilled with him finally having a month all to himself to showcase his doofus-ness in all its glory. All of the pups had fabulous entries so it’s no doubt difficult to pick out which one will be featured with such a terrific group of pooches.

Though he’ll always be a super model in my mind, I think he looks pretty swell as 2016’s Mr. October. 🐾

How was your weekend? Paws crossed that all our friends on the East Coast survived the rain and kept safe from Joaquin’s high water levels. We’ve had you in our thoughts and prayers.

Live, love, bark! <3

33 thoughts on “Super Model

  1. A super model poodle.
    “I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.”
    See, I always knew something good would come from you watching all those Zoolander repeats. 🙂

  2. Hi from the South Carolina Upstate! We are okay. Had A LOT of rain but no damage. Folks in the middle of the state and along the coast were not so lucky. Praying for their safety. Love the photo of the K9 Mr. October!

  3. What a handsome lad 🙂 and sooo well it wrong that i wish there was a blooper calendar 🙂 stay safe and dry my sweets ..loves to you and Mr Studley there 🙂 loves Bev xxx

  4. omg and we know you… gives us street cred for sure. Congrats Sam on a great month and picture. So handsome… it’s in the eyes don’t cha know. The hurricane skirted past with only rain and wind this time. Poor SC and VA got hit hard. LeeAnna

  5. Sam that’s so great that you are a calender boy… and that you are the october-boy is eggs-tra pawsome! it’s the best month of the year and this month is YOURS in 2016 :o)

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