Thankful Thursday

When it comes to celebrating blogiversaries, I have been fairly taciturn to publicly share those dates and have never posted anything about receiving any awards but since being recently notified that our “Ranch” was one of PetNitro’s Best Dog Bloggers to Follow for 2017, as well as realizing over 600 of you amazing readers follow us, it seemed appropriate to acknowledge both milestones and express my gratitude to those responsible. That’d be you guys! Sure I know there are gazillions of you who have scads more followers and been doing this blogging thing a whole lot longer and are far more successful than the likes of us, but I kind of had to think…WOW! Had you asked me after publishing that first post (A new baby arrives) a year ago this week (which came a month after setting up the blog) whether I’d have thought any one other than maybe my kids or a friend or two would have read it, I’d have laughed myself into delirium and needed oxygen. Apart from an eye roll, even contemplating such a silly notion of having a blog read by anyone, let alone something still being read 3 years later, from my vantage point at least, was so far off the radar-screen, it still makes me chuckle even thinking about it.

I mean, I had this stress filled nightmare job with an unreasonable boss whose purpose in life seemed to be to hoist me on a petard every day. Who’d want to do anything else, right? Ha! He could have cared less about what I thought or did so long as his personal life was made easier. But I did somewhat enjoy the client work and my co-workers were the best so that generally got me through most days. But as the years and ignoble personal requests piled up taking their toll on my soul, I realized a creative outlet was imperative for sanity and decided to try blogging as a creative outlet to avoid committing some criminal act. I had no idea what I was doing, had minimal graphic skills (some things just never change) and yet, there was this voice inside that was awakened and needed to be shared. Originally I wanted to create a design blog and then quickly came to realize that wasn’t gonna happen. Sure I had co-owned a hardware store before and could wield a mean paint brush and cut a key in record time, but who was I kidding? I didn’t have the wherewithal to move interior walls and handle plumbing projects from scratch (I’d rather set my hair on fire frankly than deal with ANYTHING plumbing related) let alone do an amazing makeover like the rest of the Martha Stewart/MacGyver types who are able to create something fabulous from paint, pillows, a bit of spit and maybe a rubber band or two.

Then it hit me…the real muse was wagging his tail at me in a hospital room so what better way to harness that inner voice than to share stories about a certain lovable knucklehead rather than trying to redesign some tiny little kitchen or rehab project around the house without dynamite or a Sugar Daddy. We were already doing therapy work and it seemed natural to share our adventures on hospital visits. It was fulfilling and rewarding beyond measure. Was I terrified hitting the ‘publish’ button in the beginning? You betcha…I still am! But life has a funny way of encouraging you to make changes or to see that most of the time you spend working doesn’t have to be constant misery-inducing for someone happy to suck the life out of you.

So after finally having a steaming mug of crap filled to overflowing (aka end-of-the-year cluster), I came to the conclusion life would be infinitely better blogging full-time than to be someone’s whipping-post for their unhappy existence. With that, I left the legal biz a little over a year ago walkING out with my head held high, a smile on my face and never looking back.

Those of you who know me well, know I’m not into tooting my own horn and any level of accomplishment is not dependent on awards or anniversaries but instead comes from smiling when YOU guys take time to comment on our escapades. I am grateful beyond words and know my rewards are about the back and forth dialogue and sharing of your experiences. For that I continue to be grateful. Your warmth and support have been re-affirming and you taught me the “3 E’s of blogging.” Engage, educate and entertain, for which I can’t thank you enough. We invite you to stick around and continue to hear our drivel stories.

This peanut sized space on the Internet where people come together and have a genuine love for their 4-legged-better-parts, sustains and fills me with a joy that is often indescribable. The fact that you are so generous with your kindness and comments is beyond touching and makes my day. Thank heavens I had the good sense to avoid the design genre (far too many design peeps seem to lack any kindness DNA…and besides, who wants to paint rooms the color of puce just to be part of a catty, mean-spirited clique anyway?). Love you guys for your kindhearted encouragement, empathy and smiles! So as I commemorate these two events, I hope we share half as much joy in your life as you do to ours. Sending tail wags and nose nudges to you all.

Live, love, bark! ❤︎

81 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

    1. Thank you! The fact that I’m still blogging and people still keep reading blows me away. I’m so grateful to have ‘met’ readers from all over the world. It’s just too cool to make those connections and share our love of our pets. ❤︎

  1. Blogoversaries are things we all need to celebrate. We acknowledge the little tribes that gather around our campfire and listen to our stories and share our treats and treasures.

    Well done and Happy Thankful Thursday!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  2. Congratulations! Well deserved award. I know you don’t like tooting your own horn, but this will probably send more people your way that you can connect with. So, it is a win win! I love reading your blog and am glad that you decided to quit the soul-sucking job and follow your heart.

  3. Congratulations! We love the three of you. You’re always ready with a bit of humor … a bit of the absurdity of life … a bit of the follies of sharing one’s life with furries … and a gazillion helpings of love. I never mention blogoversaries (half the time I can’t remember anyway) – but it was such a blessing to me when people started paying attention. I was shocked and humbled. The furbaby blogosphere is something else … I’ve never seen so much love and acceptance – and for those of us who came to furbabies because of the cruelty of humanity … well, it’s even that much sweeter 🙂

    1. Thank you! I know what you mean-a day is a day is a day. So long as I can share it with fur-iends we’ve made in the blogesphere, we’re happy about it. Thank you for following our silliness. I love your convos with Bear. Too clever!! ❤︎

  4. my grandma always said never hid your light under a basket.
    so heres to you for letting your light shine and sharing it all with us. Congratulations on your award.
    the photo of you an Sampson snuggling always warms my heart and makes me smile. its just so beautiful to see your special bond.
    and now we have the very special ninja to also read about and care for. a big happy happy joy joy smile lily asked me send to you all.
    happy me to have found your blog thru a blog hop and to be a part of this warm and caring community.

  5. Congrats on the very nice honor! We’re new to your blog but we are glad you happened by our Blog Hop. I say you should toot your horn from time to time so others can see the terrific vehicle you’ve got here. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Congratulations! I think we need to celebrate every accomplishment, whether big or small. There’s a lot of people out here writing about their lives with pets, so recognition is hard to come by! But what a great community of people it is!

  7. Congratulations…such a great blog to read and enjoy.
    Tell you what, let knucklehead and the ninja do a design blog……they have to be better than the majority of those so doing…

  8. I am so glad you are part of my daily reading! Your peanut size corner of the net never fails to make me smile and to remind me why dogs matter so much.

  9. Congrats Monika. I don’t recall how I first landed at this peanut-sized space on the Internet but glad I did. No paws or claws here…just a pair of hands clapping for your blog being recognized in such a manner. Live, love…and bark on!

  10. Oh Monika, I am SO glad you didn’t decide to do a design blog. I would have never gotten to know you and your knucklehead and ninja. I feel like you and others in the blogging community are part of my extended family. Thanks for being you, and being here.

    1. Oh Amy, you and me both. To know we’re a part of this community warms my heart to no end. I cannot imagine the pillow-tossers being anywhere near as kind. They relationships we’ve built online are of such substance and sustain my soul. 😇

  11. Huge congratulations to you! After reading your post, I went to look at the list and was shocked that we were there too (we are quite small as well, you are probably larger than us!) I am honored to be with so many wonderful blogs such as yours!!

  12. Yay you, congrats on making the top 100. I am glad you hit and continue to hit publish, finding people who adore their pets the same way I do, gives me tiny bit of sanity. 😉

    1. Us crazy girls with our crazy dogs gotta stick together. So glad to have encountered you along the way. I can’t tell you how many times I have laughed out loud at your prose and your kiddos’ antics. So happy you’re continuing to be a voice that often gets me through the week. 😍

  13. Congratulations on your awards, including this latest one, which are truly your just desserts for such a fun blog. Proud to say we knew you when! Well deserved recognition…now, did I mention dessert? Well, let’s go…

      1. Yes, life is treating me well. Thanks for asking! I’m keeping up with following you and other blogs. I just don’t comment much nor blog (much) myself.
        Have a great time,

  14. Hi Monika. It has been a real pleasure Following you (sounds like stalking!!!) and Sam… and of course your latest four-legged fur coat. Hopefully all the interest and comments will keep you going for many more years. 🙂

  15. Congrats!!!!!! I agree with you the best muse has four legs and a wagging tail and to write about our best friend is a special way to say I love you…every day….:o)

  16. Enjoy reading your peanut space! Congrats too on your blog award!!! Only four folks read my own speck-o-sand space…counting you! That’s OK…like you, my intention was a creative outlet. It’s a journey to keep the grey matter from going to mush that’s for certain but its better than the alternative! Keep the words flowing. <3

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Cristina. How well I remember the beginning when it appeared no one was listening and yet slowly, one by one, they made their presence known. Here’s to loads more sharing for us both. Hugs.

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