Nature Friday ~ April 12, 2024

Welcome to Nature Friday where we share a few slices of Nature from around our ‘Hood. As always, we are joining our hosts from Adventures of the LLB Gang. Please click on the link to see what other posts were shared.

ElsaIt’s been an exciting and busy week around the Ranch. For a couple of days both me and the New Guy wondered why Mom was gone so much. I mean, what could possibly be more important than us? Elsa here. Well, it turns out our family increased in size. We will now have five, yes FIVE living generations around the Ranch House. How is that possible, you ask? Mom’s first granddaughter gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl (who was just a tad reluctant to leave the comfy womb but who finally made her debut at 12:34 pm on Tuesday). Mom, Dad and baby are all doing well even if they’re massively tuckered out.

Baby Halia
Courtesy of Bella Baby Photography

I can say without reservation Mom is over the moon even if she’s not sure about being called a great grandma. I think that means she’s older than dirt but we’ll love her just the same. We can hardly wait to meet this little one. The Pony told me he’s an excellent and very responsive baby watcher. We’ll see but he does seem to respond to crying babies, puppies and mewing kittens whenever he hears them in a video.

Wilson: I say, little sister, does this mean I’m an uncle now?

Elsa: No Oaf…you’re not an uncle. Because this is a G-rated blog, I can’t say what you are but you will be expected to be on your best, furry behavior.

Wilson: So what do WE call this bundle?

Elsa: I was gonna guess Princess, but Mom says her name is Halia which is apparently Hawaiian for “remembrance.” Her name is an homage to all the grandparents who didn’t live long enough to welcome her to this world. She’s going to be so loved by this family.

Wilson: Bravo, I suspect Mum’s dad is over the moon too? He’s very attached to Hailey, the baby’s mum.

Elsa: He most certainly is which means you’re no longer going to be top banana at his house. But I’m positive he’ll still be glad to see us the next time we go down to visit him.

Wilson: I should hope so. I’d hate to think we’ve lost our station. {sniffling}

Elsa: No chance of that, I mean…after all we’re pretty, cuddly and irresistible still so put your British insecurities at rest.

Wilson: Well if you say so…now what else do we have to share this week.

Elsa: Well you can bet your tea and crumpets it isn’t going to be a weather report, though it has been pretty gorgeous outside and Nature seems to be fairly happy. She’s coaxing more blooms out in the garden. What did you find to share, Hoss?

Wilson: Hmm, there you go again with another nickname. Since there appears to be no point in correcting you again, I’ll just continue and share some lovely blooms from around the neighborhood. First up are some Creeping Phlox. They are blooming everywhere in loads of shades of pink and purple.


Elsa: Well everywhere but in our yard. Mom had a small patch of it but it didn’t come back this year. That one is from the guy across the street’s garden. Mom’s going to ask him if he knows why her’s failed to come back.

Wilson: Gosh how sad, I know how much Mum likes to see flowers in the garden. Look at these grape hyacinths we discovered on our walk this week. We hadn’t noticed these ombre colored ones before. How brilliant is that?! Dark on the bottom and lighter at the top. Ours are only one color-be they purple or the blue ones.


Elsa: Whoa…the ones in our garden aren’t ombre colored. That IS pretty cool.

Wilson: Quite right!

Elsa: Some of the flowering trees have started their annual show too. I think these are plum trees. I’ll know more if the squirrels start munching on the fruit.


Wilson: Squirrels?!?! Where? I’ll take care of those rotten buggers.

Elsa: Down Bucko. Don’t get excited just yet.

Wilson: Well you know how I feel about squirrels!

Elsa: Unlax dude. Why not share some of the pretty pink tulips Mom found recently. She’s been looking for tulips that weren’t red for the past couple of weeks and they’re finally out. Yay…maybe now she’ll stop whining about it.FlowersWilson: I can see why she likes them. They are quite lovely. Well, she really doesn’t mind the red ones, but she says she wanted to see other colors. She still hasn’t seen yellow, white or purple ones yet…

Elsa: {interrupting} Gah…don’t bring it up or we’ll never hear the end of it. Let’s move along and share this other tulip instead.


Wilson: Right. So what do you think about this shrub? I think it’s a flowering quince. I checked it out but it was decidedly unfriendly to my nose.Quince

Elsa: I’d be unfriendly too if you stuck that big ole honker up my grill.

Wilson: Ahem, excuse me…I’ve noticed you sniffing at things a lot more since your surgeries. Sniffing is how I process the world around me. I’m still getting used to how differently things smell from my old home. Things here in Colorado are quite different. Some things remain the same scent-wise to humans but I still need to check and make sure. That’s where my nose comes in.


Elsa: And here I thought it was because you’re a nosey-nellie. I stand corrected.

Wilson: I’m going to ignore that comment. Mum has also noticed loads of Creeping Phlox along our daily walks beyond what the neighbor has. It sure is a cheerful addition to a sidewalk path.Phlox

Elsa: Here’s another blooming tree branch I found on my walk yesterday. Looks like pink is this week’s showcase color. It sure makes Mom happy when she sees it.

Wilson: Seems only fitting that pink is the week’s theme color. After all, it goes well with the little pink human who arrived. Flowering tree

Elsa: Good one, House Pony. You may actually be on to something.

Wilson: Well I’m not just a furry face, you know.

Elsa: Umm, the jury is still out on that.

Wilson: {ignoring the snarky comment) So Mum showed me this art installation. She waxed on and on about how clever it was and how original but I’m afraid I didn’t get it. Can you explain it to me?

Elsa: There’s no explanation, dude. She just likes it. You have to realize art is in the eye of the beholder and leave it at that.

Wilson: Okay, but it was almost creepy. I wasn’t sure I should sniff it or growl at it. I’m always suspicious of faces with big eyes that don’t blink. It’s a bit unnerving, don’t you think?

Elsa: That’s nothing-you should have seen it when it was wearing a gigantic mask during COVID. Talk about unnerving


Wilson: Oh dear, glad I didn’t see that! I like looking at faces, they usually have a smile, an ear rub and offer me a treat. I’ll try to be on my best behavior whenever I see them. Mum says she’s going to start training me to join the pet therapy dog program soon. She thinks people will love meeting me. And well…if there are treats involved, I’m sure I can do it without any trouble.

Elsa: {eyes rolling} You and your treats. Dude, you gotta be a bit less enthusiastic about eating things.

Wilson: {eyes moving from left to right and back again…mulling that thought over} Why…I’m not sure I understand that but will try to make Mum proud, regardless. Well, that’s it from me. You have anything to add?

Elsa: Other than Mom’s strawberry just set some fruit which made her mouth water, no. I just hope everyone has a great weekend enjoying Spring. I can’t wait to meet little Halia and hope we get to do that over the weekend. Otherwise, we’ll have to be content with enjoying the sights and sounds of spring and hope you are able to get outside and enjoy Nature at its prettiest. Have a great weekend.


Wilson: Yes, what my dear sister said. Happy weekend. And I can’t wait to taste those lovelies.

Elsa: Oh for dog’s sake. Have a good weekend everyone!

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

68 thoughts on “Nature Friday ~ April 12, 2024

  1. Concatulationss Miss Monika!!! Say what due you think of GG-Ma fore yore titel??? Iss cute an short an not say ackshuall werd Grandma…..rite? Halia iss reelly cute fore a Hu’man Kitt!
    An so many flowerss bloomin! Wee still got nothin! Just rain an cold an chilley an iss UCKY outside. Wee enjoy seein yore flowerss so-o much!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

    1. I think we’re going to go with just “GG.” Short, sweet and to the point. On our walk this morning, we are starting to notice the trees leafing out. Finally. We actually saw irises in bud today-yikes! What the dog? In middle April-they are about a month early. 😳

  2. Lulu: “Welcome new human baby Halia! I love babies, they smell very interesting!”
    Chaplin: “According to Dennis, Tucker also liked babies. Apparently they taste good.”
    Java Bean: “What?! Tucker ate babies??? I don’t believe it!”
    Chaplin: “He didn’t EAT them, he just LICKED them. Something about food getting everywhere when babies eat.”
    Charlee: “I don’t care if babies are made of food, they’re weird and I’m not getting anywhere near them.”
    Oona: “So in other words you are going to treat babies the way you treat any other human you don’t know.”
    Charlee: “Any one of them could be an axe murderer!”

    1. Thanks, Lulu. You’re so right, those tiny ones do smell interesting. And that’s probably why dogs lick them so much. Oh Charlee…you crack me up. 🤣

  3. WOW! Such wonderful news and such a beautiful little one. Welcome to the world sweet girl! The flower photos are very pretty too!

    1. Many thanks! We’re very excited to welcome this little cutie into our crazy family. 🤣

  4. What a beautiful new life!!! Congratulations on the new great-grand. All the grands here are growing up so fast, Mom really misses have a little one around.

    Gorgeous flowers, and your photos, as always, are just amazing.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

    1. Many thanks, Kathie. Spring has definitely sprung flower wise. Still waiting for trees to leaf out, but after another day of upper 70’s/low 80’s it’s safe to think they’ll be catching up. Hugs and tail wags 💙

  5. The tiny baby is adorable and so tiny! Congratulations on being a great gramma! So many pretty flowers around your area. We are still working on turning green here, so it will be a week or two at least until we see some blumes. Hope you are having a pawtastic weekend!

    1. Halia was 7 lbs. 7 oz. 20-1/2 inches long, so not that tiny. But being burrito wrapped makes her look very small. The trees are trying to leaf out but I’m hoping we get some moisture soon-everything is dry from last week’s violent winds. A great weekend to all of you as well!

  6. Congrats great granny! They are so sweet and innocent. Love the creeping phlox. Wish it bloomed more often during the summer but I’m cultivating it here. The colors are so welcome at this time of year.

    1. Thank you. This latest addition has been very exciting. I’m a big fan of the creeping phlox, sadly it isn’t a fan of me. But at least I can enjoy it when walking the dogs.

  7. What a gorgeous little GreatGranddaughter……she looks precious…..congrats! AND thanks for all the beautiful little “signs of Spring” in the neighborhood there. Spring is springing here finally too. It’s about time!!!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    1. Thank you, Pam-I’m over the moon ablout baby Halia. With the temps being 80ºF over the past couple of days, It seems as if Nature is fast forwarding toward summer at breakneck speed. I hope she allows us to enjoy this transition season a bit more as the trees (finally) start leafing out. 🌳

    1. Thank you. This spring has become very exciting with this new addition. I hope the toasty temps don’t mean we’re headed directly to summer (it’s been 80 and I’m not quite ready for that just yet). Have a wonderful weekend and don’t work too hard.

  8. Concatulations on the birth of your great granddaughter, Monika. Halia (love that name) is very beautiful and you all must be so purroud😻 And Elsa and Wilson, you two always make us smile, we’re sure the flowers popped out just for this special occassion🌸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

    1. Many thanks! We are so excited about Baby Halia’s joining our family. Seeing spring flowers now has been even more enjoyable. We hope spring is making an appearance on your end-your garden is always so pretty. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Many thanks for your kind wishes. Spring is such a beautiful time of year, even if the weather is unpredictable.

    1. Thanks so much. We couldn’t be happier with the new addition or the springtime blooms this week. After Elsa’s surgeries, this has been such a joy.

  9. Congrats great grandma! Spring flowers and tree blossoms abound her too – so nice to see. And leaves are starting to appear on the trees, and the world is becoming green again. Hallelujah!

    1. Thank you. Slowly but surely, spring seems determined to appear and we couldn’t be happier. Wishing you a great weekend.

  10. Welcome, baby Halia! And congrats to your great-grandma for being a, well, a new great-grandma! Our neighborhood has a lot of creeping phlox, so, despite you alleged failure with it, I think just maybe I could get some to grow, even with my brown thumbs, LOL! But freestyle season is also here, so there may be no time to mess with flowers. Have a great weekend.

    1. Many thanks, Amy. I;m looking forward to spoiling this little squirt even more than I spoiled her mama. 😉

      Not sure what I did to that phlox-I suspect it was a certain lack of sunshine that doomed it. The big trees in my yard play havoc on all sunlovers. Enjoy your weekend!

      1. Yep, flowers around the outside of my house die from either too much or too little sun. And I’d rather be putting my time into the dogs than flowers, LOL.

    1. Thank you. That’s kind of what I’ve been leaning toward since my grandkids call me Omi.

  11. How wonderful. A great Granddaughter to spoil. A great start to the tour. Speaking of which, the tour was beautiful and the spring blooms gorgeous. Thanks, Monika.

    1. Thanks, John. You’re always so kind about the photos we share. 😊 Here’s hoping your weekend is fur-bulous!

  12. That was utterly delightful, you two! Thank you for the tour.
    That new little human Halia (such a lovely name, too).
    Yay to all those beautiful blooms!
    Have a spectacular weekend!

    1. Many thanks. Spring blooms are bursting forth everywhere except on most deciduous trees. Buds are forming but they seem slow to set leaves this year. Please do have a lovely weekend!

  13. Awh! Congrats on your great-grandbaby! Adorable! Pretty name. Adorable baby and pretty flowers. What a cheery blog post. 😊 and Wilson and Elsa always bring smiles!
    Tulips and phlox are wonderful!
    I think a trip to Holland to see the tulips would be so fun!
    Happy weekend to all of you! ❤️
    Thank you so much for the sweet surprise in the mail 😉 it was perfect timing and made my day. 🥰

    1. Thank you so much. I couldn’t be happier for the family.

      So glad your surprise arrived (and so sorry it took me forever to send it). Yes, a springtime trip to Holland would be amazing.

        1. …and to mine for your sweet response. That is exactly why I love making those. 🎨

    1. Thank you, Eliza. The pups and I are super excited to see this beautiful baby in her own home. I’m sure Wilson is going to be a great nanny pup.

  14. First off, CONGRATULATIONS on the new arrival!!! Such a beautiful little one!

    It’s like someone turned a switch with Spring this year and in the past couple of weeks everything is blooming! So much beauty(and pollen LOL)

    1. Yes, the pollen is definitely beginning to impact peeps with allergies. Thanks; I’m head over heels with little Halia. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Many thanks, Paul. We’re all very excited with the new arrival. Have a great weekend.

  15. OH my gracious, what a beautiful brand new Halia to bring the family joy. I am so glad to meet her here, and to see the lovely Spring flowers as well. Mine are not as plentiful now but the flowering trees are still beautiful.

    1. Thank you. I’m probably biased about her but I think we all can appreciate and agree on the blooming spring flowers. Have a great weekend!

  16. Congrats, great grand mom! A milestone to be sure. A beautiful baby to be sure. Elsa and Wilson…you certainly stayed focused here and brought the beauty of spring into clear focus with these great shots. Wilson…don’t worry, I am sure the pet therapy program will feature a lot of treats.🙂

    1. Thanks, Bruce. Normally I wouldn’t share this kind of news but I’m practically giddy with joy. She’s just such a cutie. We’re pretty excited that spring is sprung around here (oops did I say that out loud-that will likely trigger a spot of snow now 🤣). I hope Wils will do well; he seems very intuitive and totally loves people. I’d love to be able to share him with folks at hospital. Have a great weekend.

  17. Oh how precious!!! She is just beautiful and her name is perfect! It sounds interesting starting therapy dog training with the “big oaf” 😝per elsa. Let us know how he likes it! I bet he’ll be great.

    1. Thank you! He’s becoming more comfortable with all the sounds of the city and I think Wils could bring a lot of joy to folks who can definitely use it. Have a smashing great weekend!

  18. You must be so happy to have greeted Halia – at last! What a lovely name to have given her.
    Before I forget – again – what a super header, and gorgeous spring flowers. I used to make jelly from the fruit of the flowering quince…..

    1. Thanks, Helen. I’m still trying to wrap my head around being a great grandma but am so looking forward to being around this little one. And thanks for commenting on the header. It’ll probably be the only time there are berries on it-the stupid squirrels stole all of them last year. Little varmint! Quince jelly is delightful but boy you have to be careful harvesting those bushes-those thorns can be painful.

    1. Not sure how ‘great’ I’ll be but I’ll sure give it a good try! I still can’t get over the 5 living generations-not everyone has that luxury. My Mom would have so loved this little one but Dad will take up the mantle nicely. He was quite chuffed about the news.

  19. Congratulations and she is so beautiful. You could say she is like a spring flower that just bloomed. My cats Freddie and Morticia send their sincerest wishes for a good weekend to Elsa and Wilson, Have a good one!

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