Wordless Wednesday ~ March 6, 2019


Trier, Germany

Live, love, bark! 🐾

93 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ March 6, 2019

    1. Sam is the same way. LOVES the idea of riding but freaks out as soon as the key is turned. #Knucklehead

    1. It sure is adorably cute, even if small. Sometimes, those little cars are deceiving, my MG Midget easily accommodated people well over 6 feet tall. 😉

    1. I would so love to have one to tool around in. Think scampering. Much like your squirrels. 😃

  1. If I ever won powerball, I would never drive again. Except maybe that car. I’d drive to get the Sunday papers, and keep it parked in the garage the rest of the week.

    1. Wouldn’t it be a blast to toddle around in that sweet ride? With or without a lottery win!

    1. Hee, hee. I’d love to see Rosy and Arty hanging out the windows. Now that would be a riot.

  2. So cute!!! Love the details. We have a toy and doll museum in Kansas City that the grands love to visit (and Mom too).

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. That little car captivated my imagination so much, I forgot to tour the museum!

  3. A toy museum! I wonder if they have a feline toy place. This is one small car….with a door at the front….maybe this is how one is supposed to get in and out. It’s funny.


  4. Now that’s something new to me: I didn’t know they had a toy museum in Trier.
    As to the song: I don’t know it at all.
    But, from my younger days, I do know that car. I can’t figure out, though, if in the picture it’s the BMW Isetta or the Heinkel Kabinenroller. In the title picture of the song/video it certaily is the BMW. Both, btw, were known as “Schlaglochsuchgeraet” [pothole search machine] because, even if you were able to get the pothole between the front wheels you’d surely hit it with the rear ones.

    1. I like that expression. Poor thing would get completely swallowed up in Denver’s potholes!

    1. I’m familiar with a slightly different version here down in the states. It was with a Little Nash Rambler. 🙂

  5. It looks like an Isetta. 4 high school students could pick it up and carry it. My peep ought to know, his dancing class instructor couldn’t find her Isetta one day and then couldn’t figure out how it got to the back of the building on its own.

    1. Maybe I’ll show a photo of a Smart car from Hamburg between a couple of regular sized cars next time. ☺️

  6. I remember the Bubble Car! My uncle had one when I was a child. In the UK you didn’t need a car driving licence for them but could drive them on a motor bike licence.

    1. I think I may have a similar photo of a bubble car when I was a wee kidlet in Germany. It was only slightly bigger.

  7. That’s not a Messerschmidt bubble car, is it? A friend had one in our student days…it had no reverse so he had to carry a broomstick to push it off against walls when it was parked…

    1. Where in the world would you put a broom?! You almost can lift it and put it in your pocket. Would definitely save on parking meter fees. Yes, it is a Messerschmidt bubble car-only one tire on the back end.

      1. Nothing was beyond that man….went on to serve in the S.A.S. and in later life became a housing officer in London. His solution to complaints of vandalism and harrassment of tenants was to assemble some of his old service friends…..who dealt with it.

    2. I think you’ll find that the pic is of a Heinkel bubble car. A friend of mine had one (a very long time ago) and, just for a joke …. a few of his friends parked cars very close on both sides of it, and then lifted the Heinkel to turn through 90 degrees i.e. the door (and only way in) was facing and very close to one of the parked cars! They had a laugh watching him try and figure out how he was going to get in to it! 🙂

    3. No, it’s not a Messerschmitt. In those, the people sat one behing the other. In this here [either a BMW Isetta or a Heinkel Kabinenroller] poeple sat side by side.

      1. I was told it was a Messerschmidt by a local person but maybe it’s a Isetti.

        1. The Messerschmidt was designed just like the cockpit of its namesake fighter plane of WWII. To get in, one had to open the roof and climb in, and then pull the roof down. If you google images of Messerschmidt bubble car you will get a better idea. 🙂

        1. Surprisingly some of the littlest vehicles can be remarkably roomy inside. I had a friend who comfortably road around in a Mini Cooper and he was 6’7″ tall!

              1. All we need now is a picture of a Robin Reliant. Until you have driven down a country road in an RR with grass down the middle you do not know what driving is…

      2. 👍🏻Right you are. From the images I found, it seems to be the BMW Isetta. Either way, it’s beyond adorably cute. And like you noted, makes a great paper weight! 😆

    1. And you never needed to worry about parking: you could simply take it into your office and use it as a paperweight! 😀 What an advantage!

  8. I’m not sure I could get into that car. I’m old and not as flexible as I once was. It’s cute though.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. ♥

    1. Thank you for hosting. Actually some of those little cars have a surprising amount of room. The getting out part is the real trick! Happy mid-week.

    1. Whenever I see this image, I have to chuckle. That was the tiniest car I’ve ever seen. No doubt with as much zip as 16 hamsters can muster.

        1. It was like a toy. Adorably cute and I could picture the owner zipping through the traffic to run errands.

    1. Aren’t they a hoot? Makes the Smart car look big! I’m sure they had to add a few extra hamsters and gave them a running start to climb over passes. 🤣

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