Memorial Day Monday ~ May 27, 2019

Memorial DayToday is Memorial Day in the U.S. where we remember all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice serving their country. A national ‘howliday’ now,  it was originally known as Decoration Day back in the years following the Civil War. On May 30, 1868 General John A. Logan, head of a Union veteran association spearheaded the decoration of the graves of fellow comrades who died in defense of their country. Many Northern states held commemorative events and reprised the tradition in subsequent years so that by 1890 each one had made “Decoration Day” an official state holiday. Still bitter about the loss in the Civil War, many southern states refused to officially recognize the day until after WWI and many southern states (Texas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Tennessee) held separate days honoring their Civil War hero’s. Memorial Day did not become the preferred name after World War II. In 1968 Congress mandated Memorial Day as the last Monday in May creating a three-day weekend for federal employees with the change going into effect in 1971.

Memorial Day is also the ‘unofficial’ beginning of summer and as is often the case, been turned into a shopping fest. We however, will mark the day with quiet reflection.

FlagPlease join us as we honor those who served and gave the ultimate price for the freedom we have been blessed and remember the two and four legged who served and gave their all.

Live, love, bark! 🇺🇸

53 thoughts on “Memorial Day Monday ~ May 27, 2019

  1. I actually didn’t know all that, so thanks for the little history lesson! We did NOT go shopping on Memorial Day. We simply had a quiet day too.

    1. Good for you! I thought the historical facts surrounding this holiday were quite fascinating.

  2. We prefer your quiet reflection to all the hoopla these kinds of holidays inspire. I had no idea the history of the day – seems like that’s a good place to start in honoring the day.

  3. We stayed home and watched the original M*A*S*H movie and then two episodes. My Dad served in the Merchant Marines on Liberty ships during WWII. My brother served here at home in the Coast Guard after graduating college in ’70. (His eyesight was too poor for the Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marines.) And he retired from the CG after more than 30 years. The fireworks last night made poor Ducky a bit anxious, but she did well despite the noise.

    1. Gawd, I wish these organizations would switch to laser light shows-cheaper and better all around. Veterans are also freaking out with stupid fireworks.

  4. Leave it to us to turn a somber day of remembrance into one of sales, drinking and fireworks! We honored two young men who graduated from the high school I worked at and were both lost before their 20th birthdays.

    1. I don’t think they ever get enough recognition for their bravery or all they’ve done for this country.

    1. Thanks, Molly. Every day is a good one, some are just better than others 😃

  5. We want to join you but our folks went away for the weekend and took the car and we can’t drive the truck cause it has a stick shift. Xox Xena and Lucy

    1. 🤣 You guys are too literal sometimes which is why we love you 😍 Hope the pawrents are having a good time.

  6. In Australia and New Zealand the 25th April is set aside as ANZAC Day in which we not only remember the fallen of World War 1 but also the fallen of all wars that Australia has served in. The day begins with a Dawn Service – then breakfast. The Dawn Service is held in Turkey and France as well as communities across Australia and New Zealand. Shops generally remain closed until 11:30 – after the ANZAC Day March and the Service of Remembrance. I very rarely attend the March but I do attend the Dawn Service. From here, we do wish you a safe and peaceful Memorial Day.

    1. When I researched the origins of Memorial Day, I say the April 25th for the land down under. Belated wishes of remembrance to you. 🇦🇺🇺🇸

  7. That was a wonderful Memorial Day tribute, I love that Photo, you both look spiffy in your red, white and blue!

    1. Thank you, and thank you for swinging by our Ranch. We ❤️visitors!

  8. Awww, you two are adorable and so patriotic. Today is a day to remember those that have given their all.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. We hope yours is a peace filled day remembering those who gave everything so that we could stay free.

    1. Thank you. Far too often people think it’s just a 3-day weekend to buy things on sale.

    1. We think it’s ‘impawtant’ to know some background about today’s celebration. It’s not just about saving 20% on mattresses. 🙂

    1. Aww, thank you for the kind words about the header. Two burgers with cheese sounds like a good way to reflect. ❤️

    1. Thanks, Dakota. Here’s hoping your ‘howliday’ is safe and peaceful. 😍

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