Whoopee Wednesday ~ February 10, 2021

While we may have missed posting a smile on Monday due to International Epilepsy Day, we realized we couldn’t let the week go by without finding something to share. This one tickled me and makes for a ‘subtle’ reminder for you to follow us on ‘Sniffer’ (otherwise known as Instagram). Please check out our visual observations about life around the Ranch and in our urban ‘Hood @tailsaroundtheranch.


Our ‘cruising toward Friday’ pace is picking up speed, how about yours? It won’t be long now. Stay warm, friends. The Polar Vortex is definitely alive and well these days and doing a number on us (it’s single digits with the windchill at publication time).

Live, love, bark! 🐾

68 thoughts on “Whoopee Wednesday ~ February 10, 2021

    1. Many thanks! Warm tea will be most welcome. It’s -2 with a windchill of -11. Even the dogs are not interested in the Sniffer app today. 🤣

          1. yes – and last night things flickered for an hour and we thought we’d lose power – glad we didn’t
            and now just enjoying the pause winter brings – it can be so good for us – eh?

            1. Glad you’re safe with power. We hope it stays that way while these storms and cold make their exit.

              1. our neighbors had trees crush their fence on saturday! the ice made the trees stressed
                and whew – otherwise that – all is still well

                hope you all are warm and safe

                1. Glad you’re safe. I’ve storms are so destructive for trees. Continue to stay safe and warm.

  1. Thanks for the hilarious ‘toon ! We aren’t sure WHAT to make of our weird weather. They called for a huge snow event – we got rain……they call for rain and we get snow/sleet. In the middle of all that we get an almost 60 degree day. I think the weather is as confused as most of us are these days!

    Hugs, Pam

    1. My pleasure to provide a chuckle. Yeah, me thinks Mother Nature needs hormone treatment. 😄

    1. Happy to provide a good belly laugh. It’s good for digestion and blood flow. Especially important when it’s freaking cold outside! Awk…my blood may probably be downright stationary when I walk the dogs this morning. 🥶

  2. That is hilarious. The polar vortex seems to be bypassing us. Well, sorta. Compared to the prairies and Alberta, that is. Tomorrow will be a balmy 18F in the afternoon… 😉
    Friday and Saturday we are gonna get about 5F Still very much my walking weather…
    Have a great Thursday!

  3. BOL!!!! That is a funny funny guys! 🤣
    Oh, I hopes it warms up for you guys soon! It was 70, sunshine and blue skies and beautifuls! Butts, rain returns tomorrows. sigh. You knows I don’t likes wet furs! BOL!
    Come on overs, and we can have a pawty!
    (no peeps allowed….they could have the Covid cooties!)
    Ruby ♥

    1. Oh 70 sounds like paradise. It’ll remain chilly the rest of the week but next week is looking better. 🤞🏻 Norman and Elsa ask if they can bring limes for their visit! 🍈

    1. It’ll remain chilly down here at lower elevations through the weekend. Next week should be better ‘sniffer’ weather. 🤣

  4. So cute. We had fantastic weather today – sunny and 65°F. I know it is going to get cold again, but really enjoyed today. I hope you get some warmer weather soon.

    1. Next week for sure but cold will stay around through the weekend. 🥶 Glad you enjoyed the cartoon. It cracked me up. I could see Norman saying something like that. 😊

  5. It’s cold here too, with a dusting of snow and more on the way. I love snow, but the bipeds are not as enthusiastic! 😀

    1. I vaguely remember those days and look forward for them. Stay cool, calm and collected. Ear scritches to the Thug Gang.

  6. Where do we sign up? Sniffer sounds like something we would love!!!

    Bitter cold here, but at least Lightning the Old Man is loving it.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. 😆 There were some seriously crossed paws before we went out for the morning constitution.

    1. There’s some good stuff there. And we try to post different photos from the blog. Sometimes even successfully. 😇

    1. Brr…I shivered just thinking about it! Too bad I enjoyed the 60ºF days last week a bit too much. Stay safe and warm.

    1. We’re doing our best. Thank goodness for layers. I’m thinking it’ll be another 2-dog night.

    1. LOL, when it got to 20 yesterday afternoon I thought “my, it’s downright balmy compared to the morning temps!”

    1. Oh no…sorry about that. The rest of the week will be cold but next week looks promising weather wise. Stay warm.

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