Larks and Lavender ~ Colorado Style

It’s full-blown summer here now and while it would be fabulous to travel to Provence, in the south of France, the next best option presented itself over the last weekend in the Mile High and bonus points were scored for not having to deal with TSA. While still relatively new as a commercial enterprise, Colorado’s lavender production has been increasing. Our arid climate lends itself to production of the herb with a climate that is similar to the Provence region with scads of sun, low water and few natural pests. The Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Farms located in south suburban Littleton hosted a wonderful festival showcasing the garden’s 800+ plants with demonstrations and products, tours of the farm, and including music and kid activities. Beautifully landscaped mounds greeting visitors under gorgeous blue skies along with loads of vendors to share all manner of lavender products including soap, essential oil, dried bunches, potpourri. I wandered around sniffing to my heart’s content. Indeed everyone there seemed mellow and calm, no doubt due in part to the terrific effects of this special herb. We all know how wonderful lavender smells but did you know about all these positive properties?

  • Reduces anxiety and emotional stress
  • Heals burns and wounds
  • Improves sleep
  • Restores skin complexion and reduces acne
  • Slows aging with powerful antioxidants
  • Improves eczema and psoriasis
  • Alleviates headaches

Although I arrived a bit too late to attend any of the formal morning classes, I talked with a number of the vendors who were all extremely informative and happy to share samples of this fabulous smelling herb. I never saw a cranky person or child there and the hot temps \ would have been reason enough to be fussy. Lavender is such a great mood elevator and mellows out everyone.

Look at those beautiful mounds!

This vender was charming and cheerful while being ever so patient answering my questions on growing techniques. I have a number of lavender plants in my garden but learned several tips that may provide even more success with this fabulous herb.

Lavender bundles. No extra charge for bees.
There were other beautiful flowers at the festival
English lavender does better with our winter climate

Loads of happy ‘chill’ people at the festival.
More than just lavender at the Chatfield Farms
Fun garden art made from old spoons
Tons of lavender skin care products
Pretty Echinacea
More Echinacea plants
Even the Clydesdale was mellow





Lavender Association Booth with distillation equipment

All in all, it was a great day in the sun and I was able to gain some valuable info about maintaining and improving my own lavender garden. Even when leaving the parking lot that was filled with hundreds of cars, I was relaxed and calm no doubt due to all the sniffing of lavender plants and infused products. How do you enjoy lavender?

Live, love, bark! ❤︎

71 thoughts on “Larks and Lavender ~ Colorado Style

  1. Lavender is wonderful, I love it in my tea! I’ll post a recipe soon on Please check it out. Thank you and safe travels!

  2. That looks like my cup of tea! I love lavender and have a few plants of my own, but nothing that rivals a lavender farm. One can dream!

  3. I’ve never really liked the scent of lavender, at least not in commercial products. I’m not sure I’ve ever smelled the real, fresh plant! I wonder if it would be different…I’d certainly like to find out since it has such wonderful benefits.

  4. Wow, Monika. I’m going to stick my head in a lavender bush tomorrow to start inhaling the calm. It’s been a stressful night of bad moods here. I’ll stick them all on the lavender farm for a week or two I think.
    Thought I’d take you on a journey to a lavender farm right near where Geoff grew up in Scottsdale, Tasmania:
    I’ve never been there but his family used to go there a bit when they were living there.
    Geoff’s cousin’s family owns Ashgrove Farm Cheese and the lavender farm asked them to produce a lavender cheese. I love it.
    BTW I don’t know if you know Merril from . She put me onto which produce crackers based on crackers they’d tried in Sydney, hence the name of the company. Have you tried them? Now, you’ll have to go and find them and let me know what you think. I’ll be with you in spirit.
    I am currently watching the Masterchef Finale and they’re having to reproduce these desserts which looks like fruit, with multiple layers:
    Hope you were feeling like some homework, Monika. There’s a bit to keep you busy there.
    Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Ro. Not familiar with those crackers or that particular cooking show but recently become familiar with The Great British Baking Show and am enjoying it. It’s going to be pretty hectic for the next 3 weeks with relatives visiting and this week of me getting ready for their visits. 😉

      1. All the best with all of that. I don’t know what your place is like, but I think most of us have a big spring clean for visitors. Thinking of you and hope you enjoy their visits! xx Ro

              1. I remember seeing my sister in law cleaning up her place and dusting out the china cupboard when her son was bringing his fiance home for the first time. I made a joke at the time about what if her family were messy. Well, her dad had an entire house stored in his backyard. But, at the same time, we all play this game. Scrub up, put on our Sunday best and try to make the house look like something out of Vogue, or at least not like something out of hoarders anonymous.
                Good luck with it all.
                BTW I think I mentioned that we’ve been looking at minding a dog. It’s been on and off a few times and she’s back on and due to arrive on Thursday. We’ll see. I’m trying not to get emotionally vested after she didn’t arrive on Sunday. Take care xx Ro

  5. I changed my front yard from grass to drought-tolerant perennials 5 years ago–about 60% of the yard is lavender, salvia, and penstemon. I have every color of lavender but pink–it sells out before I get to the nursery. I even have yellow lavender. I do love the smell, but my favorite garden smell is rosemary. Bees of all kinds love my yard, but honey bees go ape over my Chinese tallow tree when it blooms–you can hear them buzzing from the back door. Then the tallow berries feed the birds most of the winter

    1. Good for you; I’m a huge fan of drought tolerant gardens! Have not seen the pink variety but have seen white. Sadly rosemary doesn’t survive winter here but always plant one in a container and then take it in the house for winter.

  6. Very cool, we like lavender and find it to be very calming for us. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. OMD, I would have looooved to run through their lavender fields! You thinks they would have let me? Ma says, then maybe I would smell nice. I don’t knows what she means, butts I thinks her snooter is broken….Anyhu, everything just sounds so lovely!
    Oh, Ma can’t believes you had OES’s!!!!! Ma had one too! She says Panda (yes, she had Panda markings…isn’t Ma creative?? ☺) was the sweetest and easiest doggie she’s ever had! Though, she only ever had terriers, so she thinks there’s that….BOL!!! wait..what? someone is in for a beard shower……
    Ruby ♥

    1. You can run through my lavender garden anytime, Ruby.
      Yes two sheepies. The female was Sam’s BFF and he still does a double take whenever he sees any in the neighborhood. Puck was a real pill and both her and Eliot were canine comedians who used to make me laugh all the time. LOVE those panda headed OES’s. Too cute and oh-so clever.
      Sounds like surf’s up, Ruby girl. Enjoy that bath!

  8. Unfortunately lavender doesn’t do well in Mississippi but now I have another reason to visit Colorado. ~Alasandra

  9. What a super festival!
    Not the climate for lavender where we are…so I no longer make honey and lavender ice cream nor weave the stems of a bunch of lavender together to make a case for the flowers which then goes in the clothes drawers.
    Good luck with your plants.

  10. I hope that you can grow your own lavender! I doubt it’s possible up here but I’ll look into it 🙂

  11. The smell must have been amazing! Lavender is not one of my go-to smells for things like soap and the like (it’s just a tad too floral for me), but I would love to get a chance to smell this much at once.

  12. The scent of lavender is one of my all time favorites! I just LOVE it! How lucky you were to be able to go there! Do you know that last weekend there was a Lavender Festival here in Michigan? It was too far from where i live so I didn’t go, but I would have loved to! Thank you for sharing! xoxo

    1. It’s the time of year when lavender will be harvested so I expect there are lavender festivals all over. The state festival was the week before. Trust me, it wasn’t a hard sell to go to the local one. I absolutely LOVE lavender. In everything and anything. 💜

  13. Looks and sounds like a great place to be. I love lavender essential oil! Not only do I use it in my home and on myself, I use it for my pups too! Has TONS of benefits! (I have posted about lavender essential oil benefits too)

  14. Thanks for the update on Lavender MoniKa. I think it is a beautiful plant but know very little about it. I will try to get out to Chatfield to see the varieties. I’m heading for Crested Butte for some wild flower experience–have been going this time of year for 4 years and the flowers are at their peak. Happy summer. Nancy Fischer ​

    1. Lavender has nearly magical properties; I use it in probably 90% of all my balms, cremes, and remedies. Chatfield has done a terrific job with plantings; it’s a beautiful way to stroll around and see the gardens. Have fun in CB, I hope you share some wildflower photos.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. I have heard of the therapeutic effects of lavender, but have never tried it myself. Maybe that is something I should try to grow.

    1. It’s probably the first essential oil I grab for everything from pest repellants to healing creams. Plus it smells divine. Luckily it’s an easy and forgiving plant once established. Mine receive routine neglect. 😇

  16. you’ve made me want to come to the festival! Gotta get rid of half this stuff and the house, and we’ll be right there!

  17. I wish I knew about it, I’d love to go next year. I have one lavender plant but have no idea when/how to harvest the flowers. You’ll have to educate me 🙂

    1. It’s a date for next year then. You’d have loved it. Now would be a good time to harvest the flowers. Earlier if you just want buds. Grab in bunches and slice through. Easy-peasy. Hang upside down to dry. I can show you at the next family get-together.

  18. it is such a super beautiful place ;o) I like lavender it has something good inside and it reminds me of my granny :o) how cool that we both featured this little blue plant today ;O)

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