For the Health of It ~ Treat Tuesday

Commercial vs. Homemade ~ Always a dilemma isn’t it? We want the very best for our pups and sometimes we think we don’t have the time. I can tell you this is one of the quickest handmade treats you can make. Not only is it quick and easy, it contains healthy ingredients too. We’ve shared homemade snacks made with peanut butter before, but this one has the added benefit of banana. I don’t know about you, but my best intentions of using the beautiful, yellow fruit before it gets too ripe seem to fail on a regular basis. What do you do with that last banana that is past its prime? How about making some of these?

Oatmeal Peanut Butter and Banana Dog Treats

  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1 medium, peeled and quartered banana
  • 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter

Preheat oven to 350º F. Pulse oatmeal, banana and peanut butter in a food processor until a dough ball is formed. Roll out on a lightly floured surface to 1/2 to 1 inch thick. Using a cookie cutter, cut out and place on a non-stick baking sheet or parchment paper. Bake 12-15 depending on thickness until golden brown on top. Allow to cool 5-10 minutes. See what I mean…easy-peasy. These treats will stay good 3-5 days in an air-tight container (unrefrigerated) or you can freeze them to last longer. The trick is waiting until they’ve cooled off enough to taste. After all, quality control is big around our kitchen and burnt tongues are definitely frowned upon. Happy noshing!

Live, love, bark! ❤︎

73 thoughts on “For the Health of It ~ Treat Tuesday

  1. Sold! I was just mulling to make some treats for the hounds – for being so patient, shut in the house because of the unbreathable air – and I have everything on hand, including a banana past its prime. Perfect.

  2. OMD those look so good!!!! My humom has been making more homemade treats too since Nymeria’s stomach is much more sensitive than mine. Her farts are even stinkier than mine if that’s even possible! BOL! We’re definitely going to try these!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Holy Milkbones! I thinks EVEN MA could do that!!!! wait…I wonder if it’s safe to turn on the oven???? you never knows with her! BOL!!!!!
    Thanks for the recipe, I’m printing it for Ma now….let you know how it goes…
    Ruby ♥

  4. What a fabulous recipe. Tallulah and I give it five out of five buckets of drool. 😉 We love homemade treats, and this one is definitely going into our very special dog treat recipe binder!

  5. Those sound great!!!! I’m afraid that we have “special needs” eaters around here. Grains badly alter R’s urinary pH, and peanut butter doesn’t agree with Shyla. I guess that these ones won’t work for us but I bet that lots of dogs would love them!

  6. Wow, who knew homemade could be so easy? We always have bananas in the house…Dad and Luke share one every morning. I think – know – that Luke would love these easy treats!

  7. They always know, don’t they?!? This combination sounds yummy for humans too. I hate over-ripe bananas – the only way I’ll eat them is in banana bread. This just gives me one more idea. Especially for Bear Cat …. who loves peanut butter!

      1. Any grain will change the ph in their stomachs and they won’t be able to properly digest raw bones. Did I give you the recipe for my coconut flour doggie cookies? They are great.

        1. No, but I’d love to get it from you. I totally understand on the digestive PH changes. I’m a firm believer in making life easier for everyone concerned. I started using some coconut flour mixed with peanut butter into a paste for distributing Elsa’s medication. Works great!

  8. Wow, those are easy peasy!! Jakey isn’t a big banana eater, but I may have to give these a try for Rosy!

  9. gosh, all of you can sit at the table for these. I guess I could give up the sugar… well, maybe I’d have mine dipped in chocolate.

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