Gambling on Nature

Hello sports fans, it’s moi, Elsa. Mom said if behaved myself and didn’t get too rowdy, I could join the fun with our friends, Rosy and her brothers from LLB in Our Backyard for this week’s edition of the Nature Friday Blog Hop.

Paw prints
Art paw prints by Elsa and Mother Nature

Well all I can say about Nature this week is…what the dog?! We experienced it all this week-warm/cold/wet/dry/grey/sunny…and that’s unlikely to change any time soon. Wednesday there was a slushy snow/freezing rain that fell on top of the 4″ of snow that fell earlier. By Thursday probably 80% of it had melted except for northern exposures. Then there are humans who try to influence nature by changing time, which happens this weekend. Yup, the dreaded Daylight Savings Time switch arrives early on Sunday in the US. On the surface, it seems like a good idea…dinner arrives an hour early…color us dogs happy!  But then there’ll be an hour less of sleep which will make for crabbish sleepy huMoms and one hour less of any potential Spring. Messing with time seems like hoping a Vegas casino croupier will be your friend when he smiles and says, “Go ahead, roll the dice, hit me, or place your bets,” but we know how that often ends up where spring is concerned. When you play Blackjack-Spring edition, shouldn’t you actually win once in a while? 

More than likely, nature will deal these guys instead of the Spring we’d like.

Deal the cards

When we went out for our walk, we saw more signs that Spring might be in the air but I’m not holding my dog breath. When we got home, mom looked at the calendar that saw that the dreaded time gyp arrives and then groaned. We all know mom groans are never a good sound.

Tulip bulbs

The reticulated irises and crocuses mom shared managed to survive the snow fairly well. Talk about hardy little devils. They must be Ninjas in the bulb world.Irises

More than likely I’ll end up being up to my elbows in white stuff soon since March is our snowiest month of the year. But it’s not all bad, snow is fun mom, trust me.

Elsa in snow
Here’s my happy face that doesn’t want to walk on a cleared sidewalk and stay dry

So what’s your bet? Aces or jokers? Either way, don’t forget to ‘spring’ forward. Whichever way the cards are dealt, we hope there’s a full house or three of a kind for weekend fun, even if it will be an hour short.

Live, love, bark! 🐾


69 thoughts on “Gambling on Nature

  1. Mommy says, “March: in like a leopard and out like a bull.” ~Xena
    No she doesn’t! The saying is, In like a lion and out like a lamb. ~Lucy
    That’s just stupid. ~Xena

    1. You guys crack me up. Either way, I just hope March becomes bullish on spring. And soon.

  2. I usually get out of the DST pickle by losing an hour at work, but no…. not this year. I got convinced to stay an hour longer. So now I lose an hour of….. I guess my morning. I will vote for any politician who promises to get rid of Daylight Savings Time….

    1. Me too. It’s such a stupid and antiquated practice. Next thing you know we’ll start building moats to go with walls. 👿

  3. I’d love to have daylight savings time ALL year, and never have these awful time changes… I love the bulbs that are growing and even blooming. I visited my dad in your city the other day, and I was jumping up and down about the bulbs sprouting. All the natives were not excited. It’s just normal, they said. I don’t care – I love it!!!!

    1. When you are conditioned to some phenomena, you tend to overlook the simple miracles that happen each day. Add technology/social media to it and the apathy is even more prevalent. It’s too bad…we end up missing some amazing sights.

      I agree, I wish they’d pick one way and stick with it. Changing back and forth is such a cluster in so many ways.

  4. Hey gurl!!!!! Lookin’ FABulous in that snow! I would trade you anyday for the yucky rain that keeps falling from above. sigh. Even when it’s not raining, it’s cloudy and overcast. sigh. And ,yes, Ma groaned too when she was reminded of losing an hour of her precious beauty sleeps. It’s not good when the Moms groan. they may forgets treaties and cookies when lost in their sorrow! Not good! Remembers to not let the Moms forgets our cookies! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  5. We don’t like having our sleep or our fun cut short by an hour! It definitely makes us humans crabby.
    It’s Jokers here, as we’re getting another few inches of snow tomorrow!

    1. Oh no, not more snow! Just looked and saw there’s some in our forecast by Wednesday. Doggone it, Mother Nature, it’s supposed to be spring!

  6. We are now into Autumn (Fall) and the clocks will be going back on 7th April. Nearly a month away. The fact that we have – officially – changed seasons makes not the slightest difference to Mother Nature and our temperature is still in the mid to high 30sc. The flood water is making its way down from Queensland into South Australia and within a few days it should reach Lake Eyre. Within a week or so, that whole region in and around Lake Eyre will be alive with vegetation and wildlife. Much of it short lived, but welcome in the area all the same. Your Happy Face, is such a lovely face. Good photograph!

    1. That instant transition from parched to lush is so reaffirming.

      While you’re still in very warm temps, it’s been chilly and snow squalls once a week. It’ll be butt chilly cold one day, then 50 F the next. Such a weird winter this year.

  7. Winter seems to trying to get in what we hope are it’s last gasps. We don’t mind this time change (except going back to dark mornings) as much as the fall back for some reason. the peeps sleep their usual time and change the clocks when they get up.
    Hazel & Mabel

    1. It takes me forever to get used to the new time, in spring and in the autumn. I probably wouldn’t mind if Elsa didn’t require medication every 12 hours. It’s a hassle and a pain to level it out so she doesn’t have seizures.

  8. Meow meow Elsa grate post!!! Yore weather has bin just like ourss….it iss so frustratin! Today (Caturday) Sun iss shinin butt too cold to bee out inn Condo. FISHSTICKSSS!!
    Mee lovess yore paw prints inn THE snow; furry kewl.
    An yore photoess are lovelee as are THE flower photoess. LadyMew sayss yore Irsess are her faverite an they are furry hardy to withstand crazee weather….
    Sendin you an Sam an Miss Monika lotss of <3 an ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

    1. Thank you, dear kitty. We hope you are able to spend some time outside in the condo soon.

  9. Darn it. Listening to Helen Reddy, thanked Marc for putting it up there and lost my own comment!
    I’m with you on the whole foolishness that is Daylight Savings Time. What a crock and it just makes everyone unhappy. I wish they would do away with it once and for all.
    As for March… it is the trickiest of months. All the worstest storms happen in March!

    1. So much truth in your comment. While March is our snowiest month, I absolutely love spring storms. They come in with a vengeance, drop a boatload of the white stuff and are gone in a jiffy. Now that’s the perfect way to do snow!

      1. Only sucks when you get kicked off the plane for over-booking, set up in a hotel, get kicked off the plane for overweight (but your bags are long gone on the previous flight so it ain’t yours that are adding the weignt) decide to rent a car and drive from Philadelphia to Vermont (where your car is parked) in the 2nd worst snowstorm Vermont has ever seen, following an F-150 with a snowplow attached so your rental with four-season tires that aren’t worth shit in the snow can follow along and where you stop at a hotel to sleep for a couple of hours because you are so wired you can no longer see and then of course you barely do but just want to get gone and get to your car (a minivan) that is recognizable by the two mirrors jutting out of a mountain of snow and then you clear off your car and finally make it home two days later.

        1. Eek…talk about a perfect storm (and not in a good way). Airlines have made travel unbelievably unpleasant as well as economically distasteful. 👿

            1. More body shudders than chuckles. That kind of spring storm scenarios makes me feel badly for anyone having to go endure that.

              1. Honestly. I’ll have to tell you about it one day. Mind you, I pretty much covered most of it in that sentence 😉

                1. White knuckle driving on unfamiliar roads terrify me. I’d love to hear the rest of the story. Over a nice cuppa Joe or sudsy beer. Your choice.

                  1. I’d love to go out in your neck of the woods. And I have another friend to visit so you wouldn’t be stuck with me for the whole trip?
                    We’ll do both! ☕☕🍻

    1. The snow really brightens them up and they dare mother nature to dump on them. 😄

    1. Gardening in the Mile High is not for the faint of heart. We’ve had snow squalls the week of Mother’s Day for the past 3 years! Happy weekend.

  10. We love Spring forward but dislike Fall back☀️
    Most Epi Warriors get anxious due to medication time adjustments but HuMom simply gives me my winter 10am & 10pm meds at 11am & 11pm.
    This usually means I sleep in even later😉
    Hope you get your snow Elsa; you can have all of ours. We’re done with it😉
    Here’s to a 3 of a kind(are they edible?) weekend🐕
    Love those prints Elsa🐾
    💜nose nudges💜

    1. We get so grumpy with the change, now and in the autumn. Such a dumb idea. Aces all around! 🂱

  11. I’d be happy if they quit messing with the clocks at all. We either have the longest day ever or we’re tired because we lost an hour of sleep. Oh well.

    I don’t ant any jokers. How about aces. I’m ready for spring. A little warm would be most welcome.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. You and me both. It’s a stupid idea that makes no sense. 🃁🃁🃁 for you!

    1. Three queens would be ok too in my books on this International Women’s Day.

    1. Just goes to show how hardy spring bulbs are to be able to do that with our weather.

  12. I’m with your HuMom, Elsa – big groans to “Daylight Savings Time”! It’s a sick joke perpetrated on those of us who have to deal with it. The original justification for it has been void for decades, but don’t get me started. Enjoy whatever snow you do get – and send us some for Ducky to play in! Love and Hugs to you, Sam and your Mom from Ducky and Me. 🤗❤️🐾🐾

    1. For a whole that’s supposed to be innovative and use technology for betterment, DST is sooooo antiquated. We’ll do our best to send some snow Ducky’s way. Hugs and tail wags (( ))

  13. Mother Nature is for sure one finicky gal. WE had winter last week…spring this weekend.
    No telling what will be here next week.
    The rumbling you hear will be my Hubby DST plays havoc with getting our grandfather clock set…usually takes 2 or 3 days to regulate in the spring. Fall is easy though
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. We were lucky to find a spot that wasn’t trampled with prints of any kind!

  14. Mother Nature is one finicky lady…she just loves to confuse us all.
    Winter returned last week. Spring will be here this weekend.
    As for the time change…the loud rumble you hear will be my hubby fussing. DST plays havoc with getting our grandfather clock regulated
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Resetting clocks and resetting circadian rhythms…ugh. We always have to re-navigate 12 hour dispensing of medication, in addition to the missing hour of sleep. If people were going to intervene with Mother Nature, you’d think they’d find a perfect prescription hormone. She’s been wildly erratic lately. Happy weekend. Hugs and tail wags (( )) from all of us at the Ranch.

  15. We’ve had some crazy weather patterns for March that are unusual for us. Today our his will be 37 degrees and the first day this week that it will be above freezing. We should be in the 50s. Hopefully there is warming trend although they treated the roads today. That’s never a good sign! Hang in there. In another month it will be wonderful! (we hope)

  16. A woman told me this week, not to expect a Spring so I’m just going to wake up each day to see what will come… that day. Live in the now should be CO’s phrase. A robin sighting is the closest to seeing a change for us. The ground is swampy right now, standing water of about 3 inches that can’t be absorbed. At least I can now cross streets as a lot of ice melted yesterday. I blocked out the time change… thanks for the reminder. Elsa you and Milo look so much alike.

    1. Milo’s legs are longer, but these two could be related, in appearance and personality. 😇March is the wettest month of the year so be prepared.

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