Nature Friday ~ April 19, 2024

Wilson & ElsaWelcome to Nature Friday where we share bits of nature from the urban landscape. As always, we are joining our friendly hosts from Adventures of the LLB Gang. Don’t forget to click on the link to see what other posts were shared.

It’s been another crazy weather week with wide swings in the temperatures which have seemed to accelerate spring’s presence. Fifty degree temperature swings are not uncommon around here, especially at this time of year. Let’s see what we have, shall we?

Elsa: First off, on behalf of Mom who has become super forgetful since the birth of her great granddaughter, we need to apologize for not expressing our shock gratitude for being a winner last week on the Teaser. She’s never first to arrive  but she was first to correctly guess on April 9th, the day Baby Halia arrived. Naturally she’s been gaga ever since so we hope you don’t hold it against her. Originally she thought it was a photo of a pile of gravel she had delivered many years ago but I convinced her to look for some clues to figure out where that photo was taken. Many thanks to Two Spoiled Cats for awarding her this cool badge. We have our paws crossed she starts to remember things better. {shouting out}…oh Mom…don’t forget to put your pants on today, okay?

Teaser Badge

The Mom:  Umm, for the record, yes, I remembered to put on  my pants {eyes rolling}.

Elsa: Whew…anywho…now that we’ve expressed our thanks, I’m gonna wake up the Pony and see what he’s put together for today.

Wilson: {butt wiggling with excitement} I’m here, I’m here…let’s get going!

Elsa: Down Sportor…don’t weird out on me.

Wilson: Well I just wanted to let you know I’m quite bright eyed and bushy…

Elsa: {sighing while interjecting} Ugh…this guy is way too literal, not to mention, way too bouncy. Let’s move along, shall we? What do you have to share first?

Wilson: {giddy with excitement…tail and bum wiggling like crazy} Well, this week Mum installed this cool garden whirligig that she received as a Christmas gift. She had put it away in the garage and forgot about it…mostly because the ground was frozen at the time. But she came across it and decided now would be a good time to install it. It took her a few minutes to figure out the instructions but figured it out. I can stare at that thing for ages. It’s very calming and Mum is hoping it will not only be lovely to passersby but also that it’ll the squirrels from coming in the front garden. Notice the wet stuff. We are grateful Mother Nature decided to gift us a little bit of moisture but hope she is even more generous later today.

Elsa: Erm…o-kay. Whatever cranks your handle. I suppose if it keeps you from going bananas, it’ll be worth it.

Wilson: As you well know, I’m pretty plugged into anything that moves so maybe this will keep me occupied. Otherwise, Mum is going to have to go back to the drawing board.

Elsa:  I’m guessing this is the first of many strategies Mom is going to have to employ to keep you from killing her.

Wilson: {protesting and sounding slightly miffed} I’d never kill Mum. I just. am. always. hyper-vigilant about my surroundings.

Elsa: Hyper-vigilant? How about you’re a crazed lunatic?

Wilson: Name calling is not necessary. Besides, I’m the big strong one and must protect Mum.

Elsa: Ha! She’s managed to survive on her own without your help for 87 years so don’t flatter yourself. Just try not to run either of us over, and we’ll all be cool, okay.

Wilson: So…moving along. I thought this week we’d share photos of how accelerated spring is this year. Mum tells me she’s never seen perennials in such an early state of blooming.

Elsa: Yeah, I’ve noticed things in various stages of bloom and I’m not just talking about flowering trees although they’ve been nice. Here are a redbud and crabapple trees.

Flowering trees

Wilson: Oh I love that redbud tree and Mum tells me all of us dogs love it too because we always try to potty beneath its low branches. She’s not having any of that and at least with me, she drags me off.

Elsa: Don’t feel special. She does the same thing with me while she’s grumbling something about how she’s not bending over like a gnome picking up after us under those low branches.

Wilson: Oh yes, she said the same thing with me. She was quite testy about it, too.

Elsa: Old people…what can you do but humor them. But I know we’ll both try every time we walk past that house. Angels Norman and Sam did the same thing. Maybe someone can explain to Mom why we do that. I can’t explain it.

Wilson: It’s quite a mystery to me but then I’m the new guy and a lot of things are mysterious to me here.

Elsa: So what’s up with this next pic? Care to explain it?


Wilson: Mum said it’s a mushroom clump and she thought it was rather fascinating. Because of our lack of humidity, seeing clumps like this are fairly unusual. It was quite a fragrant spot but Mum dragged me off again. She won’t let me pee on plants.

Elsa: She mentioned to me she can’t remember the last time so many perennials have started to bloom so early in the season. Mother Nature seems to be playing tricks on us. From poppies to irises and peonies and Bachelor Buttons from seed…I mean, for crying out loud, even some lilacs started blooming. In the middle of April! Say what you will, there is definitely something about this global warming thing. How else can you explain it?

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Wilson: It sure seems that way, but I’m a herder, not a scientist so don’t rely on my observations.

Elsa: Boy you can say that again. Trust me, I wouldn’t rely on your thoughts, even if you WERE a scientist. But the absolute wildest thing we saw on our walks from yesterday were some blooming Bleeding Hearts. We were almost to our house and Mom saw them as she walked by. And BAM! she stopped and yelled, “What the bloody dog?!” and walked back to take a photo. I thought I was going to have to revive her, I tell you.Bleeding HeartsWilson: It’s quite something, that’s for sure. Well that’s it for the flora this week but Mum was super excited that she saw some wildlife as well. It’s not a very good photo since all she had was her cell phone but she was blown away to see what she thinks was a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk in her silver maple tree. They’re not unheard of but seeing one in the city seems somewhat unusual.


Elsa: We need to remind Mom to get an arborist out to trim that tree. The squirrels are playing havoc with new branches and there are lots of old ones that need to be pruned away.

Wilson: Squirrels??? Where, I’ll get them!

Elsa: Down Pony…I said we need to have Mom take care of it. You’ll just create a mess and hurt yourself or more likely, someone else. I know you mean well but I’m starting to grow used to you and would hate to see you get hurt. Besides, I think I used up the entire veterinary budget this year. So let’s agree to let Mom take care of this. Guess that’s it for us this week. We hope you have a great weekend. So dude…are we doing anything exciting?

Wilson:  Don’t think so. Mum said something about seeing the baby again. I wish she’d let me go with her…I definitely want to meet her. Mum can’t stop banging on about how fabulous she is and hopefully I’ll get to meet her soon when Mum’s sister comes to Colorado for a visit in a couple of weeks. We hope you have a splendid weekend and are able to get outside and take in the beauty Nature shares with us. In the meantime, we’ll leave you with this week’s image of the little sprout on her one week anniversary.

Baby Halia
Baby Halia – one week old

Nature Friday

Live, love, bark! 🐾

44 thoughts on “Nature Friday ~ April 19, 2024

  1. Oh Wilson, you look so sweet sleeping, but I’m glad you woke up to join Elsa. You all are a hoot! 😄
    Elsa, you must have the patience of a saint to pose for 87 hours for pictures. 😂 And you do have patience in teaching Wilson language comprehension . LOL!
    Wilson, yes, listen to your Mom and Elsa, leave the geese alone! They aren’t your friends, though everyone should want to be friends with someone as charming as you!
    Love the pretty flowers!
    Happy weekend to all of you! I have no specific plans, but one never knows what could happen. 😉

    1. You’re so right…I AM a saint…now if only I could convince Mom about that. 😉 Sorry gotta go buff my halo now. Mom thinks it’s a horn but we know better, don’t we?

  2. Java Bean: “Ayyy, I like the stump with the mushroom clump! I would totally sign my name on that if you know what I mean!”
    Lulu: “We always know what you mean.”
    Java Bean: “I bet Wilson would sign his name too, am I right?”
    Oona: “Look at the baby! So smol! Just like Oona used to be!”
    Chaplin: “Just like Oona still is …”
    Oona: “BUT MIGHTY!!!”

    1. Thanks, guys. That mushroom stump was pretty fascinating, even Wilson thought so. Must have some great sniffs to it.

      As for mighty and smol…that’s a bit of an understatement. When she wants to wail, she can compete with the best of them. And it makes her fur-sister very anxious. She gets distressed and protective, thinking something is hurting her baby. 💙

  3. I love that whirligig. Whomever gifted Mom with that definitely came up with a very cool present. The baby Halia is beautiful, and I love that Penguin-themed wrap she’s chilling in. Nobody has more insane weather than the Ranch experiences. We thought we had passed the threshold of Spring into Summer, but we’re back in the 50’s and shouldn’t see 70 again until next weekend. Wilson and Elsa: Great job. Hope you had a swell weekend!

    1. Isn’t it the coolest? My son gifted me that-he does gifts super well.

      Springtime in the Rockies is always interesting and April is the second snowiest months. Do t mind these storms. They dump a bunch and leave quickly. At 90% of more than 6 inches was melted by this morning. Baby Halia has captivated everyone who sees her. She’s a real cutie.

  4. I like the colorful whirlygig. 🙂
    Always fun reading your posts Elsa and Wilson, and seeing the pics but the picture.of baby Halia takes grand prize today! 🩷

  5. I’ve never seen poppies that looked like that. Think Wizard of Oz…
    Halia is a beautiful tiny one-week-old and Wilson, as she grows, I think you’ll be her guardian and best friend.

    1. Thank you. I love looking at them when they’re in that fuzzy, bud stage. Watching Halia change from day to day has been absolutely wondrous. Even when she sleeps, I’m just captivated at the peaceful expression on her little face. Can’t wait to see her again this afternoon! 🩷

    1. Aww, thank you! She’s so adorably cute-we call her our little flower. Have a great weekend.

  6. First of all Halia is gorgeous – no wonder your Mom wants another visit – she probably is going to want MANY “more” visits……my Mom told me that girls always have loved to play with dolls and a live one is even more fun!!!!! Anyway, CONGRATS again on getting the Teaser right on one of the strangest Teaser photos we’ve EVER had. Queen Maeve’s grave was a real stumper but not for your Mom – WOO FOR HER! Your neighborhood photos of “goings on” are always fun – everything is SPRINGing up for sure. Sending huggies……….

    Teddy and Mom too

    1. You’re too kind. Halia’s mum and dad are outdoorsy types so we’ll see how girly this little nugget becomes. After all those pretty spring flowers, today our landscape it about 6 inches of white. And very wet so they’ll likely love it. Mom had to brush off sagging/bending branches on an elm tree this morning and got buried in snow. Couldn’t help but chuckle about that. Have a great weekend!

  7. The baby is beautiful. Congrats to your mom for getting the teaser correct- that is tough to do. XO

    1. Thank you. She got lucky. I think my ‘Net skills are finally transferring to her simple brain. 🤣
      Your friends,
      Elsa & the Pony

  8. I love your wind sculpture, very cool! Your plants really are way ahead of ours and we’re running about 2 weeks ahead of average. More weather weirding!
    Your GGD is super adorable, I can see why you are gaga. 🙂
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you. I’m gonna spoil that kiddo like crazy 😍 I’m thinking the higher altitude is contributing to the early blossoms along with the warmer weather. The new normal sure seems weird! Have a great weekend.

  9. Some of your blooms are a little earlier than ours but I did see some bleeding hearts this week and my lilacs are ready to bloom. All early. Just hope it doesn’t mean a brutally hot summer. Baby Halia is sweet. I didn’t know that about swaddling. As long as they are healthy and happy!

    1. Bleeding hearts NEVER bloom this early! Ever. Like you, I’m hoping this doesn’t mean we’re going to broil over a long, hot summer. Heard yesterday that the El Niño effect is supposed to end soon in favour of La Niña. Time will tell.

      Halia’s so adorable; I can barely stand it but I’m sure I’m just being overly grandma-ish biased. Healthy and happy…that’s exactly what we prayed for with crossed fingers. Have a great weekend.

  10. Baby Halia is gorgeous. The photos and video were terrific. Love that redbud. I also like your garden sculpture. It has a great motion. Happy weekend to you and the ranch hands.

    1. Aww, thank you, John. I’m pretty smitten by her. Redbuds are such pretty trees when they’re blooming. It’s a very unremarkable, almost homely sort of tree once they’ve bloomed. I walked past that tree all the time and never realized how pretty it could be till it bloomed.

    1. Thank you! We love the Teaser too and most of the time I’m wrong with my guess, but a couple of times lately I’ve been right, much to my surprise!

  11. My favorite time of year! Love to see what’s popping up in my old stomping grounds, keep those flower pics coming!

    1. Thanks, Lisa. Seems awfully early for perennials. Hope that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a scorcher of a summer. 🤞🏼

      1. Hmm, being in SoCal for 10 years has left me a little out of touch with normal growing seasons in cooler climate zones…

  12. Bleeding Hearts? In April!!! What the dawg! Well, as you know, I am pretty chuffed to have some magnolia blooming right outside my office window so, I’ll not complain. My daffs are thisclose to finally opening their flowers (seriously…so slow) and my tulips? Well, they are all pathetic and I’m tempted to just dig them up and start over in the fall. Out of the half dozen or so pop up, I get barely two flowers.
    Anyhoo. Baby Halia is just too precious!
    That redbud photo is just exquisite! As is the mushroom clump.. Just beauties!
    Have a marvellous weekend all of ya!

    1. That’s what I said. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I’ve always had trouble with tulips-mine always flop over if they even bloom. I don’t think my garden has enough sunshine for them to do well but it’s been quite the banner year for them this spring around the neighborhood.

      1. Sheesh! So, got home and still no daffs…smh.
        The tulips haven’t really shown their capabilities here, yet. Never mind my house, it doesn’t count! 😂

  13. We’ve had warm weather all winter and it was hot last weekend, but there aren’t any early blooms to be seen. Gramma has what we call a sculpture garden behind her house with all kinds of fun metal art and sculptures. You new one would fit right in. Our Mom wants to know how babies can sleep all wrapped up like a package of meat. She likes to move around when she sleeps, so it is a good thing adults don’t get wrapped up tight to sleep. Have a fun weekend!

    1. They seem to do better when they’re swaddled-it’s supposed to resemble the wob I guess. And it keeps her from scratching her face.

      I’ve always loved those titanium whirligigs and loved the colors of this one. It wasn’t a bad winter but apparently Nature was tricked into thinking it was time to wake up. Yesterday and today it’s been chilly and a tad wet. Just hope those buds don’t suffer from a soft freeze. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. I can see why Wilson would be so keen to see baby Halia…she’s so sweet!
    Well, spring is certainly in the air to judge by those photographs…just as if it has been playing hide and seek and decided to pop out at you…

    1. We think so too. Nature can’t decide if it wants to be spring or winter. Yesterday it only reached was 4ºF and currently it’s 36ºF though the weather person has assured me it’ll get up to 50 today. Next week we’ll be close to 90 by the weekend! Have a lovely weekend.

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