Monday Musings ~ April 29, 2024

Happy last Monday of April, 2024. We’ve returned to gorgeous Spring weather and are looking forward to spending the next few days with out-of-state family who are visiting Colorado. Nice weather on the patio will make the get together that much more fun.

But first before we hit the road, we need to take a moment to share today’s smile. Since Elsa’s last surgery, her nose woke up dramatically so when I saw this cartoon, it made me think of how she’s seems to have become more of a Bloodhound than a Spoo on the walks. Before finding this epiphany, she was an all business kind of girl, finding the absolute right spot (which often took at least 90 seconds of walking in a circle to find the exact perfect spot) before she would potty. I always get a kick out of how male dogs and female dogs differ in this regard. I often think Wilson could pee anywhere, whereas the location is critical to Elsa’s way of thinking, er sniffing. For her it now takes several minutes checking out all the ‘messages’ left, scanning the landscape for ripe spots, determining who replied, what and how they communicated their presence and goodness only knows what else. It does however brighten my day knowing she’s exploring her environment through sniffing and I welcome it. Most people rush their good dog’s walk, but they really should embrace it. It quiets dog’s minds and makes it more enjoyable for everyone on the trail.


Whatever you do today, we hope you take time to, at least metaphorically, smell the roses and let your dog do likewise (though I doubt it’ll be roses they’re sniffing). Happy Monday.

Live, love, bark! 🐾

46 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ April 29, 2024

  1. HURRAH that Elsa can enjoy guud sniffa’ss now!!! Wee agree walkin a Poochie shuud bee a clam an nice xperiece. Wee see so many peepss around heer that tug on their Poochiess leedss an pull them! BellaSita spoke to a few peepss a few yeerss ago an they told her to ‘due sumthin not nice” an ‘mind her own busyness’….So shee reeported them to Animal Bye-Law Officerss!!
    Have a giid vissit an bee safe!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Yeah these days you don’t dare say anything to people-you just never know what they’ll do. It’s so sad for the dog but also that people are so angry with others any more.

  2. Lulu: “This is just like how we walk! I pick and choose my spots carefully, whereas Bean marks everything he goes by, even after he’s out of ammunition and only shooting blanks!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, I am not shooting blanks! I am just marking stuff with invisible ink is all.”

    1. Mom thinks male & female dogs do the same thing everywhere. 🙃

    1. Thanks; we’re keeping our paws crossed. I’m hoping with last night’s Nuggets win, the Av’s will follow suit. 🤞🏼

  3. Finding the right spot is essential. We used to stop so often, check things out but move on. Then she’d find the place. You’re a good dog person to let her explore and catch up.. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Thanks Dan. It’s easy to let her go on sniffari when I’m retired and have a fairly flexible schedule.

    1. Very clever…I belong to a FB group of standard poodle owners called “I Have Standards.” Ellie Mae is very sharp.

  4. We get to do some sniffing on our walks but not over the top. There are four of us that need walking, so Mom doesn’t have unlimited time. We are all good about peeing quickly, Madison likes to do this little dance and move in a certain sideways track before she does her business, but the rest of us do that quickly too. I guess we learned early on walking is for exercise and business with a side of sniffing. Have a fun week and we are glad your nose woke up.

    1. Peeing around the Ranch can take a while with Elsa. But I know there’ll come a day when I’d give anything for it so we just savor that time together.

  5. LOVE the cartoon……Teddy enjoys finding “deposits” from animals in our yard – usually deer – but it fortunately doesn’t inspire him to join in and leave a competing pile. LOL Have fun with your company and here’s to a magical May!!

    Love, Pam

  6. LOL that is a funny cartoon. Our Daisy used to circle around too before deciding a spot to go. I saw a funny dog cartoon about that. The pilot was a dog and he told the passengers that he was going to circle around the airport a few times before putting the plane down.

    1. Bwahahaha. Now that is a funny cartoon. Didn’t find that one but thought this one seemed appropriate since Elsa seems to think she’s a Bloodhound these days. Happy Monday.

  7. Living in a development, we get to see many folks out and about with their doggies and to be sure, some of those walkers definitely allow for “unlimited sampling” along the way as opposed to other owners. I am sure some dogs just like to take it all in, getting their “money’s worth” on their walks. The good news is the majority of folks I see walking their dogs are into the walk completely, and not into their phones.

    1. Well color me jealous. My neighborhood is very millennial/Gen X based and they seem to think multi-taking is cool.

  8. Dalton has to leave a message on every other blade of grass or pole, but Benji hardly whizzes at all during a walk. MJF was more of a let’s check it out and then add mine, BOL!

    That is a funny cartoon. When you want to get them to pee before a car ride or the bedtime, they can take forever…
    However MJF was quite smart and he would ‘be a big boy’ on command…not D 0r B!

    1. But of course. Happens on a daily basis. Especially around midnight…during a snowstorm. LOL

  9. When on walks, our Lucy tries hard not to dirty anyone else’s yard. She waits, if possible, to return to our yard to do her businesses. Thank, Lucy, LOL!

    1. We knew she was perfect in all ways. And what a way to be so considerate of the neighbors, Lucy.

    1. Thanks! And thanks for swinging by-sorry for the delay in approving your message. WP filtered it into spam. 😵‍💫

  10. No problem here…they have 7 hectares but I wish I could catch the one using the sweet potato bed as its loo….

  11. Our Angel Little Bit was very choosy about where she was going to potty. We always let her sniff as long as she wanted. Often we’d ask her where she wanted to go and when she headed that way so did we. Being in charge made her happy.

    Enjoy your visit and the good weather.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays as always.

    Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

    1. Thanks for always including us in the Aww Monday blog hop-you’re too kind. Females seem to be far more particular than males when it comes to finding the perfect spot. Have a terrific week.

  12. Gracie likes to walk back and forth, sometimes completing what I am sure is a mile, before finding the perfect pee spot. I only mind if the weather is not lovely for being out and waiting on her.

    1. I think females are far more discerning when it comes to where they potty. I’m with you, those late night outings in ugly weather can try a pet parent’s head quicker than just about anything else.

      1. So true. Oue male lab mix will pee instantly and anywhere, but we have a male rat terrier mix who will walk blocks before finding the right spots (never just one…need to water lots of places!)

    1. Elsa thinks being deciding about all things olfactorily is a good way to figure out life.

  13. One cannot be in a rush when walking our dogs. Good for Elsa that she has someone so very understanding!
    Happy Monday!

    1. It probably helps that I’m not rushing to walk the dog before going to work but most people hurry their pets along, preferring to read their cell phones rather than observe their pet and the surroundings. 😬

      1. There is that (they just have to get up earlier 😉 ) And yes, that is a sad thing. I am blown away by how many have their eyes glued to their phone while they walk their dogs.

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