Earth Day 2020

Earth DayIn a world where we are battling a war against the coronavirus, is it possible to celebrate Earth Day? Last night as I took the dogs on a different route for their evening constitution, I came across this latest piece of chalk art and wondered if it would be possible to mark the 50th anniversary. Obviously with social distancing being the new norm for safety during the pandemic, marching in person wouldn’t be possible. Enter digital technology to step in and continue this important work.

Do you know why Earth Day exists? Earth Day began as a unified response to an environment in crisis. Between oil spills, choking smog, and rivers so polluted that were literally on fire, it is credited with launching the modern environmental movement, and is now recognized as the planet’s largest civic event.

On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans gathered on streets, college campuses and around hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and to demand a new way forward for the planet. Launching a wave of action, including passage of landmark environmental laws in the United States, the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts were created in response to the first Earth Day back in 1970. Many other countries soon adopted similar laws. President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to that civic engagement soon after the first Earth Day.

While the coronavirus will force us to keep our physical distance, it will not force us to mute our collective voices. The only thing that will change the world is a bold and unified demand for a new way forward. We may be apart, but through the power of digital media, we can still stay as connected than ever to demand necessary change to save a world in great peril.

Over the 24 hours of Earth Day, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day will fill the digital landscape with global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins and more. While it will be digital, the goal remains the same: to mobilize the world to take the most meaningful actions to make a difference for saving the planet.

No matter where you are, you can make a difference. And you’re not alone, because, together we can save the Earth. Please visit on April 22 as activists from around the world go digital with live-streamed discussions, a global digital surge, and 24 hours of actions that can be taken right now from wherever you are. It’s been said we may only have about a decade to save our planet. Will you begin by taking a step now by adding your voice and demanding action of governments to implement life-saving to rescue our world? Mother Earth is counting on you. 🌎

Live, love, bark! 🐾

60 thoughts on “Earth Day 2020

  1. We have found that the flowers always look better after a late season snow storm. I think the plants get slowly watered by the melting over a period of hours. Your gardens look awesome.

    1. Thank you. Yes, there’s nothing quite like a spring storm to make everything come alive. Have a great rest of the weekend.

  2. Thanks for posting. Earth day has a special meaning to me as it was the day my dad died. I plant trees in memory of him on this day.

  3. I try and do my part by shredding the papers in the recycling bin….Ma doesn’t appreciate my efforts, butts I don’t care. Shred on my furiends…shred on! (oh, and I try not to pharts, apparently that causes holes in the ozone too…BOL!!)
    Ruby ♥

  4. It’s been interesting to see how much Nature has been shining brightly without Man’s interference. We can only hope that we do what’s necessary to keep her shining.

    1. Hope springs eternal we’ve learned a valuable lesson during this epidemic. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  5. Thank you for the history lesson. I think we are doing the best thing for the Earth. Without traffic jams and lots of flight the air is getting better every day.

    1. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I know I’ve certainly noticed air quality being much better during our daily dog walks.

  6. That is wonderful chalk art. No one will forget. I don’t think that our lack of care for our Earth is unrelated to this pandemic. Just my opinion.

    Happy Earth Day!

    1. We can hope in the meantime. I’ve certainly noticed the air is cleaner walking in the city. I hope people put 2+2 together. 🤞🏻

  7. The longer I’m on this Earth the more I worry about it……I’ve always HATED all forms of pollution – ever since I saw my first garbage-strewn beach and riverbank. We can’t keep dumping garbage and polluting our air and expect life to go on. Period. It’s such a beautiful planet – how amazing it is and how little we seem to care how we treat it.

    Hugs, Pam

    1. I’m hopeful the recent clearing of air will turn the light on in some people’s minds. Powered by solar of course. 😊

  8. Thank you for all that info on Earth Day. We hope the world will join together to make it a healthier and better place for all of us to thrive.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

            1. Eek! We certainly wouldn’t want that. It’s most unfortunate to be victimized by an aggressive gun culture leaving people feeling reluctant to express simple views.

  9. I started caring about the environment when I was a young child, and I have a feeling the first Earth Day may have been what inspired me (I don’t remember for sure). I started an “anti-pollution club” with my friends! I learned a little bit more about the history of it here, thank you.
    Happy Earth Day!

    1. Good on you…that’s awesome! We must protect our planet-it’s the only one we’ve got. Happy 🌎 Day.

    1. Regardless of what you think of Nixon politically, you gotta give him props for doing some positive things for the environment.

    1. The pandemic feels a lot like being 16 again where gas was cheap but I’m grounded. Hopefully cleaner air coming out of this epidemic will give us the impetus toward making enough changes to make a permanent difference.

    1. Every president has received his fair share of criticism, I think we’re just more focused on the partisanship these days from our respective bunkers. Saving the earth should be the concern of everyone who occupies space on it.

  10. “On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans gathered on streets, college campuses and around hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and to demand a new way forward for the planet. ”

    Oh, is that needed now, more than ever, with our present administration!

    1. With each administration/government, we can no longer deny everyone’s culpability in earth’s peril.

      1. I agree – partially. Of course each and everyone is responsible, but administrations – and businesses – have by far a great impact.

  11. Happy Earth Day. Without question, our country has come a long way since 1970. However, continued progress is a tougher and more expensive climb.

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