Monday Musings ~ June 14, 2021

Whether you fall in the master or minion camp, we hope your Monday and the entire week is full of joy and happiness. Stay cool but make it a pawsome day!


Live, love, bark!🐾

56 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ June 14, 2021

  1. My Xena can relate to that funny. We finally had time to go over some Freestyle this morning and she is rockin’ harder than an earthquake. Maybe it’s me who has to brush up!

    1. Thanks. I thought it was pretty funny too and ever so close to the truth. 😆

  2. The three pups here are green with envy since they aren’t allowed anywhere near the upper bedroom chambers:( Enough flying fur to handle on the main level:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Ha! Hair hasn’t seemed to stop the fur-children from claiming the ‘master’ mantle. And truth be told, I’m ok with that. I still have the thumbs. 😆

    1. No kidding. It’s their castle, I’m just a serf kept around to serve.

    1. Oh yes, we always thought that cats think of themselves as both lord and master! 😻

  3. Hey, how did you gets a pic of me in Ma’s bedroom???!!!! 🤣
    HEY, did you see the Westminster Doggie show??!!! CONNOR won the Herding Group!!!! OMD, he is sooooo handsome!!!! (um…that was Ma, not me btw…..the Airedale got snubbed AGAIN!!!!! sigh)
    Ruby ♥

    1. I’ve actually met Connor! He is a well known dog from Colorado Springs and a bit of a celebrity around here. Don’t feel bad Ruby…Westminster is biased against most bigger dogs…once again picking a Peke over the fan favorite. That choice practically broke Twitter. 😆

    1. It’s good they are kind enough to allow you to acknowledge the fact! 😆

  4. So, moving into an apartment, I think this will be the new battle. Koda is already sneaking into my daughter’s bed. So far, I’ve been able to keep him off the bed, but I don’t know how long that will continue.

    1. Some dogs can really humble their uprights. Especially those small ones with loads of charisma, right Max?

    1. I for one, certainly won’t be telling the Ninja she’s not the master! #genderdoesntmatter

    1. Hahaha! Even when the dog(s) is the master, sometimes the bed is a tad snug for any minions.

  5. Yes this is pretty much how it works. Thanks for the chuckle.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to Elsa and a smooch to Norman. ♥

    1. The ruling of the roost starts out subtle, but soon it’s apparent who really calls the shots in a home when you own a pet. Happy Monday, Sandee! Norman and Elsa wiggle with joy after your scritches and smooches.

    1. It really is the norm when pets are in the house…otherwise known as ruling the roost. Happy Monday!

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