Monday Musings ~ April 17, 2023

Quick…call 911! We blinked and the weekend flew by. What’s up with that?! Not to be wishing life away, but doesn’t Friday sure seems like a very long way off?


We hope your weekend was full of joyful fun and this week treats you kindly.

Live, love, bark! 🐾

35 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ April 17, 2023

  1. Monday to Friday is structured – Doctor: Hospital: visiting Nurse, so I know what I am doing. Weekends, well….. nothing really happens and I get worried over little things and the way things are there is an invisible umbilical cord between me and my mobile (cell) phone – where I go – it goes too. Sort of similar to Linus and his blanket. LOL – where did my life go??

    1. After years in the salt mines, it’s now baked into our DNA. Every day is a Saturday when you’re retired but I guess we retirees just like being part of the working class.

  2. YES it really does feel like that sometimes – did we REALLY have a weekend? Oh well. We’ll have another one coming in a few days…..we’ll all just hang in there!

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. I swear the weekend just hopscotched past us! Here’s hoping you’ll get some therapy visits-that always puts a smile on frazzled folks.

  3. Ah, weekends. They do tend to fly by, even if you’re not doing anything special. We stay home 99% of the time, entertaining ourselves in the back yard or taking naps in the living room. With Zoey’s isolation anxiety and Zen’s full-on hormones making life interesting, it’s just easier to stay home. Life at the zoo, aka “The Golden Retreat”. (I just made that one up. 😉)

    1. Like you I try not to be ‘out in it’ on the weekends but had an event that took up so much time this time. It’s rough leaving our fur-babies at home alone-I always feel guilty when I have to run to the grocery and need to leave them home.. The Golden Retreat…I LOVE that!

    1. Most weekends goes to quickly but I’m not certain this past one even stopped by! Have a pawsome week.

  4. Bwahahahahahaha. It did speed by indeed.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups, a smooch to handsome Norman and a big hug to you. ♥

  5. Wee agree Sweet Norman an Elsa an Miss Monika!!! Who stole THE weekend?? THE comick meowss it all….
    Wee DID have a peecefrull weekend (alltho’ VERY smelly) so wee sat out alot!
    At leest No Pawlice or Fire Truckss or Ambulancess or Idiotss 😉
    Wee did get a Funderstorm last nite…that was weerd!
    ***nose bopss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Weekends are always too short but this one was so jammed with activities and catching up, we think we were robbed! Here’s wishing you a peaceful and beautiful week.

  6. Ugh…weekends are definitely NOT for doing taxes! But glad you and Teagan will be bringing smiles at Lutheran. Have fun.

  7. We are exhausted from spending a weekend doing taxes. But Tegan and I are going to Pet Therapy later today, which makes us do a happy dance.

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