Where Does the Time Go?


It’s been just over a week since entering the retirement/work at home ranks and I’m just wondering out loud…where does the time go? Is it really “Hump Day?” Does time have any context when you work from home? Do days just magically morph from one to the next with no impact on which is which?

Do you think it’s made a difference in Sam’s life? Yeah, me neither. Here’s wishing you all good things today and everyday. Happy Hump Day!


Live, Love, Bark! <3

Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa

Holy moly…Christmas is nearly here! Yikes-where did the time go?

Sam here…you remember me, right…that handsome stylin’ dude from Denver who lives on a ‘ranch’ near downtown? Yup, I’m still here, though I wonder where the heck my mom is who has been AWOL for some time now.


Recall with me some of the wild stuff that happened over the past few months around the ranch.  My grandma had a serious health scare back in October and was placed in hospice care right about the same time things got crazy busy for mom at work and simultaneously while her personal life took a decidedly wild (but incredibly wonderful) turn with someone with whom she went to junior and high school with some 87 years ago. Right now, mom’s in end-of-the-year sheer hell closing crunch with clients suddenly realizing “oh jeez, it’s almost the end of the year…we gotta close this deal ASAP!” Twelve to fifteen hour days are beginning to take their toll on her but the end is in sight. After months of having to be in non-stop ‘pounce into action’ mode, she evaluated what the really important things are in life…good health, family and special loved ones, plus a tasty elk antler every now and then. You know…great stuff like that. Now that we’ve turned the corner with good news on grandma (she’s getting better with each passing week, thank you very much) and I have a new dad (I know…how cool is that?!), mom decided she’s had enough of being ridden like a rented mule so she gave notice that she intends to ‘retire’ right after New Year’s from the firm. Will she get another job remains to be seen, but after nearly 25 years at the firm, she has decided that working there just wasn’t worth the stress. Wow, what a relief…I for one can’t wait to have my mom back again. Woof-woof! 🐾

And so this Christmas, despite the craziness in this world, it is clear that we around the ranch have much to celebrate. Whether or not you believe in Santa, I know we sure do. Apart from the obvious holiday celebration, it’s also my grandma’s 85th birthday. Back in October when she first got sick, we weren’t sure she’d celebrate anything, much less another birthday, but it’s very clear that this remarkable woman is as strong as nails with so much more to do. As her family, we couldn’t be more thrilled and look forward to a spectacular 2016 with her. Mom’s nephew from Pittsburgh made good on his promise to ‘put a ring on his love’s finger’ (after dilly-dallying for 3 years-inspiration and nudging straight from grandma who made him promise while she was in hospice on her deathbed to do so) as well as welcoming my new dad to our family. Wayne and I have become such great friends hanging out all day while mom does heaven only knows what for those lawyers. He’s good to me and has taken great care of my mom. I even wait for him by the bedroom door every morning for him to get up so we can start having fun rather than wait for mom to get out of the shower. In February we are welcoming a new baby girl from another nephew as well so you can see there are loads of fantastic goings-on in our family for us to be totally over the moon and agree that…yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.

So as you and yours celebrate the birth of Christ this holiday season…from our family to yours, please know that we send you our very best wishes for a very Merry Christmas. I know ours will be the best. Christmas. ever!


Live, love, bark! <3

Thankful Thursday


It’s been beyond a wild and crazy work week with zero time to blog which I do not like. That said, it occurred the best way to deal with the stress would be through gratitude. I’m grateful for so many things especially lately 🙂 and as I was going through my photos for some inspiration, this graphic kind of jumped out at me. It said it all and more (I constantly read between the lines all the time). Here’s hoping your week has been one that reminds you of what’s important and not the noise the rest of the world is screaming at you. Be thankful and love the source of your gratitude. Awareness is hard when things are crashing all around you, but when you take a second to stop the merry-go-round, some of the best life offers is staring right you in the face (or through the screen). Embrace it, revel at it, love it and be thankful, I know I am thankful beyond words.

Live, love, bark! <3

Wordless Wednesday

Sam has this "tell"
Sam’s tail gives away his “tell”

Happy mid-week on a wordless Wednesday.

Release the Hounds

Release the Hounds!
Release the Hounds!

I WANT that doorbell!  Not because it’s adorable beyond all get-out and really describes answering the door at the ‘Ranch.’  And not because I don’t have more than one ‘hound’ currently, but because I need the ‘hounds of creativity’ to be released.  I’m stuck.  I got nothing…bupkis.  My brain is on overload and while there are a few drafts in the works, it seems no amount of editing or resource checking has made a difference to magically transform them into something fit for public view.  So what does a part-time blogger do when she suffers from writer’s block?  Come on all you creative types, please dish and share your secret!  Puleez?

My first thought was to binge watch Breaking Bad (what can I say, I L-O-V-E that show), The Walking Dead (meh, not in the mood for Zombies right now but just wait till the season premiers though) or GoT (Game of Thrones).  Yeah, not so much.  Westeros will have to continue looting and pillaging without me.

This past weekend I spent a few days visiting my parents and celebrating my Dad’s birthday.  It was the perfect trip–we laughed, played games and cards, talked politics, watched the most amazing sunset, enjoyed cool evenings under a sky full of twinkling stars with tasty drinks and ate-boy did we eat…only the best kind of relaxing stuff and exactly what I needed after experiencing several rather stress-filled weeks at work.  When I drove home on Labor Day, I hoped the relaxed vibe I experienced at my parents’ house would translate into some fantastic inspiration for a couple posts.  Instead, I slipped back into overload running around trying to get laundry, housecleaning, and yard work done before having to hop back onto the hamster wheel at work.  I didn’t even realize it right away until I noticed Sam gave me that “hey, how come all of a sudden you’re not doting on me sigh” that only he can give following our Monday evening walk and just before plopping down on his dog bed while giving me the evil stink eye.  Personally I think he got a little spoiled with my parents, and particularly missed my Mom’s hugs and treats (I mean who wouldn’t, but get used to it dude, we all have to soldier on—it’s called Reality 101!).

But you know as I look back at the terrific time we spent together, it occurred to me that even though I didn’t get the writing boost I had hoped for, my inner need for family time was well met and far more important.  And right now, I’m good with that. ❤️ Thanks again, Mom and Dad.  Love you!

So until the blog spirits revisit me and release the ‘creative’ hounds, I’ll smile and relish the ‘pawsome’ weekend spent with the people who know me the best and who still love and accept me for it.  Then I’m going on line and ordering that doorbell!

Hope Labor Day fueled your soul (or your creative juices).

I’ll have what she’s having…

image25 years ago on July 12, 1989 (egad…am I really old enough as to have an “I remember when” moment?), one of the most delightful movies of all time opened in selected theatres across America.  When Harry Met Sally debuted, it became the quintessential template for future romantic comedies. And who could forget that classic line by director Rob Reiner’s own Mom in the deli scene…I’ll have what she’s having?”

The movie (loosely based on Reiner’s own return to single life following divorce) examines whether men and women can ever be just friends and established a new way of thinking about everyday male/female relationships as viewed in the 80’s.  All those back and forth, quirky one-liners we heard throughout the movie set the stage for an enduring and enjoyable film.  Meg Ryan went on to become America’s sweetheart and Billy Crystal underscored his chops for impeccable comedic timing.

I, for one, hope that this weekend there’s at least one showing of this timeless film so I can at least record it for later viewing and relish all the classic exchanges between the title characters.  Like this one: Harry Burns: There are two kinds of women: high maintenance and low maintenance. Sally Albright: Which one am I? Harry Burns: You’re the worst kind; you’re high maintenance but you think you’re low maintenance.😄

Wishing you a fabulous weekend.  Just thinking about what to order the next time at a deli, makes me giggle a bit.  ❤️
