Good Monday morning peeps

Sam here.  imageWe mom worked very hard in the garden over the weekend (and of course I snoopervised her work-she’s getting a little better at it since I took over on that front) but she conveniently neglected to mention that she’d be taking a few days off so color me super happy.

Yesterday morning she took me for a ride and guess where we went…Grandma and grandpa’s house!! Woo-hoo. Man, I can’t believe she didn’t tell me we’d be coming down to visit them for a few days to celebrate Grandpa’s ‘bark day’ tomorrow. The ‘big dog’ turns 85!  ♪░HAPPY BIRTHDAY░░♪ Grandpa, we <3 you!  And can I just say I’m in bunny nirvana? They are EVERYWHERE, hopping hither and fro but always away from me [cue the sad puppy face].


With all the monsoonal rains, the prairies are covered in glorious sunflowers providing loads of hiding places for those bunnies. Mom tried several times to hold me back take photos of them but they keep scurrying away from this great fur-hunter’s grasp. Those wily rascals just won’t cooperate by posing for photos or letting me check them out up close and personal if you can believe that?! So she decided to take photos of the 87 jillion sunflowers instead. At least they don’t run away from her like the bunnies do.

image  Hope you guys all had a fabulous weekend. With all the forest fires in the western US, our skies have been smoke filled so if there’s any kind of positive to be taken from that, it does provide some spectacular sunrises and sunsets. What exciting things did you do over the weekend?

Live, love, bark! <3

46 thoughts on “Good Monday morning peeps

  1. Thanks for sharing this with me, Monika. I reckon Lady would’ve loved to join Sam on that walk, but something tells me she could well’ve caught a rabbit, especially if they were working as a pack. I love sunflowers and your photo was great. I’ve seen a few fields of sunflowers on my travels and they were simply amazing.
    xx Rowena

      1. That’s so funny, Monika. Lady is a professional hunter and being so black, she’s well camouflaged too. She might not be interested in chasing the ball. She’d much rather chase critters.

        1. 😆 Sam could give a whit about ball chasing, being what he thinks is way to ‘sophisticated’ of a poodle. I, on the other hand, just think he’s a knucklehead with a dim brain, but love his sweet nature to pieces.

  2. Hi there my friend,
    must wish your grampa a very Happy Birthday….85!! Wow. We’ll never live that long. Your grampa is awesome. We loved the sunsets…beautiful. We saw the damage fire can do last year. The people in southern BC and CA saw the damage for themselves this year.
    What did we do over the weekend? We chilled on the deck. We mean we really CHILLED on the deck. It’s cold here already. Last night was -2C which is 28F. We snuggled with mom in the early morning.

    Shoko and Kali

  3. Oh the bunnies. There are a few near us and my best chance of getting a photo is from quite a distance away, BEFORE the dogs see them. Once they’ve been made, all hope is lost. LOL

  4. Great photos! San your description of the prairie is wonderful. I could use a little prairie right about now… Kali and I worked in the garden this weekend putting in our final batch of annuals for some end of the summer/early fall color in the yard. If only I had some water to put on them…. My garden used to be so colorful and robust with flowering trees, shrubs, and lots of ground flowers. Not so much this year with the 30% mandatory rationing I’ve tried to be a good citizen and only water a couple of days a week which in 90 degree plus weather does not cut it. Dry and brown are the colors of 2015. Hopefully El Nino is in our future… Happy BD to G-Pa!

    1. My parents have been lucky this year with a decent amount of rain to make the prairies burst alive with sunflowers. Can’t remember the last time I saw so many. A dear friend lives in CA and I know how grim the heat and lack of rainfall has been. So sad and completely understand the whole water restriction thing (kudos BTW for doing your part in these trying times). The Farmer’s Almanac seems to think there will some El Nino effect for the first part of winter, so fingers crossed for you guys there will be some relief soon. Thanks for the birthday wishes; he had a great day. Ear scratches and head pats for Kali. Hang in there on the garden. 😉

  5. Hi there! 🙂

    My friend has a puppy and a bunny, and neither get on well! Bunnies in cages are even more tempting than bunnies out of cages!!

  6. OMC there was a FLAT Sam! Tell your Gramps happy Birthday from Mom and Me please! No one here can catch those darn bunnies either! Have a wonderful time with your G-Parents!
    Marty and Mom

  7. Hi Y’all!

    You’ve got to keep a close eye on the Humans least they get up to some kind of mischief! As for grandparents…so glad you have some. It must be nice to have a fun place to visit with extra hands to give you lovin’ and treats!

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Yeah, Klaus does more snoozervising in the yard than anything. Lulu, however, would like to know if rabbits are faster than cats and if so how much? 😉

  9. You’ve got to be sneaky and fast to catch wabbits. I’ve caught over 20 of them easily. I wish I could be there to help you out! Happy birthday to the “big dog”.

  10. Remember, what happens at grandma’s stays at grandma’s! Our smoky skies cleared.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Hi, Sam!!! You look like you did a FABULOUS job snoopervising. I know how you feel about the bunnies. We have them in our yard and I have NEVER been able to catch one. One time, before I lived here, Khia found a baby bunny in the yard and brought Mom and Dad to it so they could see it. She never touched it. Can you believe it?! Wish your grandpa a happy birthday for me! *ear licks* Noodle

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