Wordy Wednesday

The absence of blogposts lately can only mean…


What do you do when your muses don’t percolate?

Live, love, bark! <3

25 thoughts on “Wordy Wednesday

  1. The new pup is adorable! Hope she’s settling in well!

    As for the muse… when she’s not providing inspiration, I just take a break! For the blog, I write most of my posts at the last minute -something usually comes to me, but I do keep a little list of ideas going and a stash of pics for when no inspiration strikes.

  2. Well…you know I’ve been struggling of late, BUT when I really want to post and the dogs are being slackers, I go through drafts (I have a ton in my dashboard.) I have also thrown it out on Facebook, “What should I blog about tomorrow?” Or I read some blog posts and see if I can get inspired, OR I look through photos. Often times a photo will start a spark. Good luck getting the slackers out of the sun spot. 🙂

  3. Ha- I’ve been there. “come on Kali”, I’ll say. “Do something cute or funny- I need some inspiration”. She stares or snores and I go back to my photos seeking something that sparks an idea…

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