Reunited Friday

Well thank heavens, it’s finally here. Thank goodness for Fridays! Got any swell plans for the weekend or any wicked pranks set for tomorrow?

The forecast is for rain and snow today and tomorrow. We’ll see if that fickle Mother Nature delivers or if she continues to tease us. Here’s hoping your weekend is grand.

Live, love, bark! ❤︎

29 thoughts on “Reunited Friday

    1. Haha! I actually like and enjoy those life sustaining spring storms. It’s the months of snow shoveling and bitter wind I object to. If anything accumulates, it’ll be gone within 36 hours. A nice drink of nitrogen filled moisture. Everything will be a lovely shade of green for a day or two there after. 😁 We live in a high mountain desert after all.

  1. Ah-ha-ha, I love your little meme! I’ve never seen that one before, but boy is it true! The snow is already falling here……and we were just finally seeing bare ground in the yard again yesterday!

    1. It’s raining here and should turn to snow this evening. I actually ❤️ spring snow storms, they have some of the most moisture rich dumps and then leave as quickly as they arrive. Win-win. Happy weekend!

  2. lol of course it’s raining…. here too. I have a cold so all plans may be off. cough cough

  3. That quotation – too funny!

    We’re heading to a pre-season White Sox-Brewers game over in Milwaukee tomorrow. It promises the smell of green grass, cold drinks and excellent ballpark food in a nice, warm, domed environment. You just have to bundle up for the walk between your car and the stadium! (Or, as we will be doing, drinking your way in.)

  4. I get to play with a new friend today and Thursday was good too as I got to play all day with my friends at the doggie place! Live, love, play, Benji

  5. One April 1st, when I was a kid, I replaced the salt in the shaker on the stove with sugar. It almost backfired when that evening my Mom reached for it while making my supper! I haven’t played one since. 🙂

  6. We had another t-storm early this morning. Now the carpet is damp again – it had finally dried out and I was going to vacuum it today – and the porch is a damp, dirty mess again. UGH!! I am SOOOO sick of this crap! If I could afford to, I swear I would rip out the carpet, move the furniture and treadmill out, and turn the room back into a carport. And then move out, to a house on a quiet street where I could walk the dogs without worrying about flying cars and trucks.

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