Monday Musings ~ A new title

Last week you may recall that the Management met with the Ranch Hands to discuss safety protocols. While I’m sure the status quo will return in no time making winter walks dicey again at some point, I’m happy to report they have been on their best paws during our walks. No assassination attempts have occurred but then again maybe it’s because the weather warmed up and gloves haven’t been needed in the balancing act of leashes, filled poop bags, squirrel alert, etc. We’ll continue to keep our fingers crossed.

K9 ShopThat said, Management has been offered and accepted a(nother) new role around the Ranch. Some of you already were aware that we recently launched an e-shop and several of you have already purchased products from our K9 shop for which we are grateful. In case you haven’t checked it out, I hope you’ll consider swinging by as new items are being added all the time as we gear up for the ‘howliday’ season. The Ranch Hands decided the new title was a good idea and promptly dubbed me the Ranch’s CEO/Pet-trepeneur. Like all good companies, when you want to make someone feel good without giving them a raise, what do you do? You give them a new title.

So what does a Pet-trepeneur do exactly? I’m still learning the ropes of the new position but the Ranch Hands say I’m supposed to create products, try to maintain the website(dear Lord), advertise and market our little corner of the ‘Net and of course, handle customer service. The dogs tell me that last part includes baking organic, healthy dog treats like we used but I’m waiting for a marketing analysis report to come back. Yeah, that’s the ticket…marketing analysis. LOL

So to launch the e-shop properly and as my first official act as the new CEO/Pet-trepeneur of the Ranch, the dogs thought we should offer a contest just in time for Halloween; one of our reversible bandanas. This particular bandana comes in two sizes, regular and small. How can you win one of these reversible 100% cotton bandanas? Leave a comment and the official Prize Committee will choose a winner. Who’s on the Prize Committee, you ask? One Knucklehead and one Ninja. We’ll do this all very scientifically (till I can figure out the Rafflecopter plugin – oh boy, another digital cluster) going old school by printing each comment and having their busy-body noses decide sniff out a winner. Should be interesting so leave us a comment to be entered into our first official give-away. Sam and Elsa said they will accept bribes but rest assured, I put the kibosh on that. Knuckleheads! Good luck, ‘effuryone.’

P.S. We’ve added a few Howliday items  and will hopefully add more this week. Just 63 sleeps till Christmas. Don’t mean to rush to it before Halloween, but they’ll be here before you know it.

Live, love, bark! 🐾

60 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ A new title

    1. It’s great for seizure control, pain management, anxiety, arthritis sufferers. All 3 of us us it for one reason or another! Thanks for dropping by the shop. We 💖 visitors.

        1. You’re most welcome. This product has been a godsend for me and Elsa. Since switching to this brand in late April, she hasn’t had (knock on wood), a seizure to date. Impressive, especially considering she was having them about every 6-8 weeks. After a bad scooter accident a few years ago, I have struggled with lots of shoulder pain and it has made such a difference. I’m not one for taking pills so applying topically for relief has been so very welcome.

              1. Ok, now I get it. We use an oral hemp CBD for our arthritic senior poodle. I’ll keep this in mind if we need a topical product. In fact, I might reaearch it a bit. Thank you.

                1. It works great as a topical (or sublingually) for humans. For the dogs, I just add drops to their food or on a treat. For myself, I apply it directly to the spot where it hurts. 😇

  1. How did I miss your FABulous new storefront??! I’m gonna have to steal….um, I MEAN borrow, Ma’s Fleasa card and do some serious retail therapy!!! BOL!!! Oh, and on a side note…I do loves me some bandannas! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  2. We wish you lots of good luck with your store. Your bandana is very nice, and we would love a chance to win one.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Congrats about your new shop!! Hope it goes great! A reversible bandanna is pretty cool too. 🙂 LOL about the bribes. Hey they have to try. 🙂

  4. Reversible bandana??!! I have never had one of those! Sniff my comment out, Knuckleheads! And keep us posted about the homemade treats. There’s certainly none of that going on around here….

    Love and licks,

  5. I have always thought Benji looks splendid in Bow Ties and Bandannas. We were out for our walk and at the end of each walk he gets a treat. The vet today says he needs to loose a bit of weight – perhaps we should exercise more – ahem — 38.5 MILES a week is a fair amount of exercise, don’t you think? Well, I do anyway :o) Glad the shop is progressing and the “Ranch Hands” are adjusting to the new and developing venture.

    1. Gulp…38+ miles?!! That would put me to shame. Even the Ranch hands emphatically said nope. Ear scratches to Benji.

  6. Monika, Sam and Elsa personally appealed to me to give them a testimonial about their new e-shop, endorse their merhandise and sing their praises about customer service. In return, they promised I would win a prize. I told them explicitly that I am a man of integrity and while I am beyond bribes I coincidentally enjoy feeding Monika’s excellent dog cookies to my pet and using the fine CBD oil from Black Dog Botanicals now available in 600mg size!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Sam and Elsa have their paws crossed for you Max. 🤞🏼

  7. Sewing, baking, being the CEO/Pet-trepeneur of the Ranch…you are staying busy. And I’m sure everything has to be Knucklehead and Ninja approved! Hope you still have time to enjoy this gorgeous weather while it lasts.Oh yes…
    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Xena
    That’s obnoxious, Xena, besides, Sam likes me best. And I would look bee you tee ful in that scarf Lucy
    Phthh! Xena

    1. Oh Xena…you’re just too cute! We’ll have our paws crossed for you (or your sister). We’re equal opportunity luck wishers. 😇

    1. Yeah, that whole licensing thing is proving to be a bit of a challenge ☺️ Darn bureaucracy anyway.

  8. How exciting! We’re heading over to your new e-shop to check it out right now (and I’m spreading the word here at work).

  9. I like the new title! Hope you can add treats to the store’s offerings – my girls love them! – and I know I’ll be checking out the store again soon! Happy Monday!!

    1. Aw, thanks for the kind words. I’ve had several requests on treats so chances are very good. 😊 Have a great week!

  10. So is there also a drawing for a billion dollars like the Mega Millions? What? There isn’t? Well, phooey!

    Feel free to exclude me from the drawing too since there are others who could actually use the prize. My cats would revolt if I tried to put an accessory on them, and I don’t look too terribly handsome in a bandana (Or anything else, for that matter)…

    1. You’re too funny. I could substitute a cat themed ornament so the cats don’t feel left out.

  11. wowie! Big changes down at the ranch! Sam should just take over customer relations, and Elsa can think up trouble… er… new products. I’d like to see Milo in that banadana!He’d like me to order some cookies. Good luck on this new adventure. I never enter rafflocopter because it’s too problematic for my widdle bwain. LeeAnna and Milo

  12. I like the idea with the dog treats and I hope you can realize this super idea… the mama asks if she can help you, please say NOOOO!… we all know her abke-ventures LOL

    1. Bwahaha! Baking isn’t hard; we just need to find the time to make dog treats. Hopefully with the seasons changing it’ll become easier. 🤞🏼

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