Monday Mourning ~ February 24, 2020

As most of you know, the inspiration and muse behind this blog was a sweet knuckleheaded and loving dog. It is with a broken heart I share that my dear precious boy passed away suddenly on Saturday. One minute he was his goofy self and the next minute he was gone. To say there is a huge empty place in my heart would be an understatement.

Sam was many things but foremost he was always a loving, devoted companion. He was my heart and soul dog. Making me happy along with hundreds of others was at the core of this special dog. He loved life and he loved making others smile and feel better, even if just for a brief moment. He did it with such charming panache and with an ever wagging tail that just never stopped moving. While he recently retired from his hospital visits, he never really stopped being a therapy dog, instead ministering loving affection to all he encountered, every waking moment, including me. He loved delighting patients and staff alike with his one and only trick…licking his chops on command, first on one side, then on the other.

The Ranch is a dimmer place now and we all need time to heal from this devastating loss and thus will be taking time away to grieve and adapt to the new decidedly, empty normal. I know that Sam would want you to pay extra attention to your own special pet in his memory. We never know when their time will be up so please make the most of the time you have, while it’s happening.

My sweet buddy


“Yosemite Sam”
October 7, 2005 ~ February 22, 2020

Live, love, bark!🐾

187 thoughts on “Monday Mourning ~ February 24, 2020

  1. I thought it had been a while since I checked in with the Ranch, so I stopped by and just saw the news. I am so sorry about Sam. He was clearly a special boy who brought happiness and love to so many. We will be thinking about you, Monika, and sending love your way 💕

    1. Thank you. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 3 months. Some days it seems like yesterday. Thanks for stopping by. You’re probably super busy these days. ☺️

      1. Time is so strange! It seems to fly by while also passing at the speed of molasses.

        Things are a little better this week – we just sent our little one back to daycare because my husband is working in the office again!

        1. Congrats on realizing a bit of a normal past. I’m sure your little one is growing like a weed. Best wishes for a terrific weekend.

  2. I was away from blog world for a while and missed this very sad news. I saw today’s post and looked back to see when and what happened. I am so sorry for your loss! I loved reading about Sam. He brought so much love to so many. He will be missed.

    1. He really was a special dog and one that remains deep in my heart. The behaviors he used to perform all the time are now being done by the other two…a living legacy. This boy keeps giving joy to me even though he’s been gone just shy of 3 months. I love that knucklehead with all my heart.

        1. Thanks ever so much. I’ve been incredibly touched by everyone’s kindness and comfort. 😍

    1. Thanks. It my most favorite image of Sam and really captured what he was all about.

        1. He really was special. Everyone loved him. A sweeter more goofy dog you’d be hard pressed to find.

    1. Many thanks for your comment, Helen. I’m so sorry you also suffered a recent loss. These amazing pets may be gone but will never be forgotten. May all your tender memories provide you comfort through your loss.

  3. We are so very sorry to hear about Sam, purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy for your loss from all of us here at ATCAD

    1. Thank you. Saw a white feather the other day, took it as a sign that Sam was saying he was ok.

  4. I’m so sorry to be so late, we just heard about your precious Sam. We know there are no words so we send gentle hugs and all our love your way. It sure is never easy.

    1. Not to worry, Brian. Thank you for your kind words of condolences. We are truly missing that sweet boy but know he touched many lives.

  5. Oh Monika my heart!! I missed seeing this post and my eyes teared up as I read! I am so very sorry!! ((((Hugs))) to you and prayers for comfort!

  6. Lulu: “Oh no! We’re very sorry to hear about Sam’s sudden passing!”
    Charlee: “Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, Sam, and be sure to stop by Tucker’s Everlasting Rainbow Bridge buffet for a special treat.”
    Chaplin: “We send lots of purrs your way.”
    Lulu: “And I send fluffy tail wags!”

  7. Oh no, no, no. I am so sorry. The love between you two was palpable through your words and photos. I am sending lots and lots of love to you.

    1. Many thanks for the condolences. They mean so much while we all are coping with this huge loss.

    1. Thank you, Kosmo. It was very unexpected and a surprise to me since he was in good health.

  8. We are deeply sorry for your loss. We lossed our Charlie in Oct we miss him every day. Time will help the pain and hole left in your heart. You and your family are in our prayers 🙏💔

    1. Thank you. The loss of a beloved pet is always difficult. Sorry about the loss of Charlie, no doubt he is running free with Sam.

  9. Oh no we are just heartbroken at this news. Sam was such a special one of a kind boy. Sending you tons of pug hugs and prayers at this very difficult time.
    Mabel, Hilda & Mom

  10. It’s a catch 22. The one who would give you the best therapy and love is the one that’s gone. Hugs from the south of you. A soft squawk.

    1. Thanks much Kismet. The others are doing their best to soothe my aching heart. They seem to realize something is quite amiss.

  11. Wee are so sorry fore THE loss of Sam!! Hee was THE gratest Knucklehead efurr! May all yore memoreess bee a comfert to you durin this time of transition Miss Monika…..
    All our <3 an **purrsss** BellaDharma an {{huggiesss}} LadyMew

    1. Thanks, Bernice. They never stay with us long enough. I’m convinced they are just on short term loan from heaven.

  12. Oh no! I’m so very sorry to hear about Sam. I’m terrible at trying to find comforting words at times like this, but you have my condolences. One of the first things I thought of when I read this sad news was that Sam had just retired from a long and successful career as a therapy dog… and if ever a dog lived out a purposeful life, Sam definitely did, and left this world a much better place than it was before.

    1. Thank so much. Your kind words of condolences hit the right note and I appreciate your support. Sam was extraordinary at bringing people together and continues to do so even in passing; I was blessed to have been able to share him with others.

    1. Thank you, Sandra. The kind support we have received has been quite amazing. I am so very grateful.

      1. we have had five dogs in our 35 years of marriage, each time one leaves us the hurt is almost to hard to bear. I always hurt for others in their loss. When our Jake died, since we are age 75 and 83 we decided not to get another dog. the house was so horrid without a dog, at day 7 we decided to adopt a senior dog, a black one because people don’t adopt old or black dogs. he was a perfect decision. we love Big Boy whole heartedl

        1. Bless you for rescuing a senior dog. That’s so awesome. Even though there are two other sets of paws, I’m really missing Sam’s distinctive click, click click on the hardwoods. In time I’ll get used to it but for now it’s so noticeable.

  13. WHAT?? OMD, I can’t even……oh man, my heart is breaking for you. I know just how much Sam is a part of your heart and soul, and the loss just is unimaginable. I am so very sorry. We know that our furries are only here for a scary short time, but it is still a shock when they cross the Bridge. I am sending lots of {{{hugs}}} and love and AireZens your way. I am thinking of you and your pack, and sending everyone my and Ruby’s love. Ruby would also like to send you lots of slobbery kisses and beard showers. (she is convinced that they are good things ☺)
    Judi and Ruby ♥

    1. Thanks so much for the AireZen love and condolences, Judi and Ruby. Sam was a special boy and will remain in my heart. As I grieve for his loss, I am trying to focus on all the positive things we did and shared over the years. Hugs and ear rubs.

  14. Dearest Monika,

    Whether sudden or expected, losing a dear pet is a horrible feeling. I imagine writing this post was very difficult with many tears. Peace and strength to you.

    1. Thanks for your kind condolences. Indeed, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever written. Sam was such a loving, special companion and tears for the loss will flow for some time. In the meantime, I am recalling happy memories to provide a small amount of comfort while grieving. Thank you for your friendship and kindness-it means the world to me.

  15. You are now undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself on the trek, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.

    1. Many thanks for your kind words. The road through the grieving process is pretty lonely but it’s comforting knowing there are others who have managed it and offer their help. I truly appreciate the outpouring of loving support and kindness at this time.

    1. Thank you, Patty Anne. Sam touched so many lives; it’s his legacy, around our neighborhood as well as through this blog. I was so blessed to be able to share how special he was throughout his life.

    1. Thank you for the condolences. I am overwhelmed with the warm support from so many in Blogville.

  16. I’m so sorry. I hope that eventually, soon, all of your fond memories of Sam smooth the harsh edges of your grief so that you find yourself smiling when he pops into your thoughts, offering his love and comfort all over again.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. Whenever I see his face in my mind or re-read a story I’ve shared from his therapy days, my heart smiles through the sadness of loss. He was a gift that continues to provide joy to those who most needed it.

    1. Many thanks for the supportive kindness. I truly appreciate it. Please hug those precious fur-babies for me and Sam.

  17. My heart hurts at this sad news..Sam was such a big goofball and as much as i am not much on social media seeing his sweet face always made me smile..i can only send our love to you all as i very much know the pain shock and grief that comes with such loss…sending gentle hugs and heartfelt sympathy to you all Bev and Layla Belle xxx

    1. Thank you so much, Bev. It means the world to me to read your message. Give your sweet Layla Belle an ear rub from me. Hugs.

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