Some Bunny Loves You

Whether you celebrated Passover yesterday or Easter this Sunday, the Ranch hands send their best ‘howliday’ wishes to everyone. With social distancing/stay in place mandates, please remember some “bunny” in Denver loves you and sends their best virtual greetings. While we may not be able to physically touch or hug, we still want you to know that we’re thinking of you at this time of year (with a-pawlogies for being a day late on Passover greetings).


Chag Sameach, Happy Easter!

Live, love, bark! 🐾

93 thoughts on “Some Bunny Loves You

        1. It’s always good to be able to snap pics quickly which sometimes is a challenge when you’re balance camera and treats in one hand. Lots of treats to maintain interest. LOL

            1. They sure are…and remind me of it every time I pull out any hats or head or eyewear. I consider myself very lucky if I can pull off a successful photos in 15 seconds or less! Definitely a challenge with the Ninja. 🤣

              1. Lol Bear just gives me this look when put hats or ears on him that just says… why are you doing this to me again?

    1. Why thanks…from our house to yours, w hop however you celebrate the occasion is a wonderful one. 🐰🐣

    1. Thanks! Clearly they’ll do just about anything for a tasty treat. 🐣🐰

    1. Thank you. Elsa’s not too thrilled with my attempts to make her look festive but she agreed with a little bit of bribery. Hoppity Easter 🐰🐣

        1. With a new case of Stella Artois and some Lindt mini-chocolate covered eggs, I think we’ll be just fine. Besides, a snow storm is forecast so we’ll probably be watching mindless TV. Gawd, how I miss sports!! 🐰🐣

            1. No kidding. I’m willing to watch Stanley Cup action from 10 years ago!

    1. Thanks, John. Norman must enjoy my laughing during those photo shoots, Elsa is definitely not a fan and if I take too long trying to get a photo that isn’t blurry from laughing, she will bolt. Silly girl. Guess she doesn’t realize time is all I got these days. LOL

        1. Elsa asked me if she could move to Texas where other dogs don’t have to dress up! 😂

  1. Mew mew mew sumbunnyss’ here love all of youss too!! Norman yore so hansum an proud inn yore Blue Bunny earss. An Elsa yore so purrty inn yore matchin bandana an Bunny earss!!
    Wee are Jewish-Mewish butt wee have nothin to cellybrate Passover with. LadyMew red sum purrayerss an shee called Mistur Eric a nice Jewish man who iss alone an spoke to him today. LadyMew’ss Couzin Bruce brott her a nice card an a potted plant with a purrty yellow flower….mee will show off flower over weekend on bloggie!!
    So that iss our howliday. Wee wish you a guud easter with what efurr yore heart dee-seiress an hopefully sum guud foood an treetss.
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

    1. Thanks for the kind words about our ears, dear kitty. Things will be pretty low keyed around the Ranch. The last time I was at the store I found some Lindt mini chocolate eggs and hope they make me feel somewhat festive despite the stay at home rules.

  2. Great ears! Great masks! Yes, this will be another year when I hide my own Easter eggs. At least they’ll be indoors which increases my chances of finding them within a month or so. Once again Max will be showing off his rabbit ears later this week. Can never have too many dogs with rabbit ears photos! We found an insidious side effect of the stay at home rules: since we cannot give Easter baskets to the twin grand-spawn we reverted to Hallmark cards with cash. The cash I can handle but have you priced Easter cards? Holy egg.

    1. And that is ‘eggs-actly’ why I make all my greeting cards! Yes, you can call me ‘cheep.’ 🐣

    1. I’m sure they’d enjoy, your kitties, probably not so much. I’m beginning to think Elsa thinks that cats are another type of squirrel. 😳

        1. That’s why they make short leashes. No unnecessary chasing on my watch!

  3. And s Happy Easter to you. BTW, you’re not late on Passover. Yesterday was 1st Seder, when Passover starts at sundown. Today is 2nd seder, and I have today and tomorrow off. Passover is again celebrated next Wedne6 and Thursday, when I am again off work. Working at a synagogue has its benefits!

    1. I always try to get my greeting out on the first day but not this year. My old boss always invited me to he house for their seder which I loved attending. I suspect there may be a lot of folks struggling this year with the holiday, both Jews and Christians.

    1. Thank you. We’re trying to keep things light and fun in the face of unspeakable chaos. “Hoppity Easter howliday” to you and yours. 🐰🐣

    2. Hoppity Easter to you and Finley. We’re big fans of rescues and rescuers.

    1. Thank you…we’re doing our level best to avoid problems that could put us in danger. WIshing you and Mary an Easter full of peace and love.

  4. You’re not too bad.. Passover lasts two nights 😉
    And I adore your two bunnies… Sweetest ever.
    Happy Easter to you!

    1. Normally I send my Passover greetings on the first day, but these are no longer normal times. The bunny brigade (at least the Elsa portion of it) is becoming less than enamoured with my idea of coping in these challenging times. Norman on the other hand seems to relish the idea of his mum falling down laughing hysterically.

      1. Well, you understand I was trying to ease your guilt – and no, these times are far from.normal. Norman has to make up for Elsa’s lack of enthusiasm…

        1. Being Catholic I know all about probably know as much about guilt as you do. 😇 Norman is doing yeoman’s work in these weird times.

          1. Yes I am a Catholic – though a non-practicing one; however, I know all about the guilt hey speak of 😉
            Norman is going above and beyond.

            1. Ditto on the non-practicing catholic thing. Between Judaism and Catholicism, we got this whole guilt thing down pat.

  5. Happy Easter and Passover everyone! Aren’t you 2 the cutest bunny/dogs!

    1. Best wishes right back atcha. The ‘bunnies’ bark their greetings to you and yours.

  6. The Poodle and I wish you and yours a “pawsatively (your word, I believe?) perfect Easter filled with love, joyful songs, and chocolate bunnies. Stay well. 🐩❤️

    1. Stay well, stay home and keep smiling, Cristina. Poodle ear rubs for your boy 🐰🐣

  7. Wait a second…I thought this blog was about dogs, not giant egg-laying bunnies. Feeling a little disoritented…
    But they are GOOD bunnies!

    1. Desperate times these are, Miss Amy. Certainly not normal. Best wishes for a pawsome ‘howliday’ with ear rubs for the Corgi brigade. 🐰🐣

  8. Happy Holiday to you too – I love those two bunnies on your front porch guarding the front door! Hopefully they’ll step aside long enough for the mailman to take those letters!! HAHA

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    1. They are absolutely in love with our mail lady who is equally enamoured by the Ranch Hands. They probably help carry her mail bag for her! 🐰🐣

  9. Elsa looks like this is beneath her, while Norman is having a ball dressing up! I love this picture!!!
    Wish they could hop over to our house and play with Milo. Happy Easter, Monika. May your basket always be full!

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