Good News Tuesday ~ July 2, 2019

An interesting story in the paper caught my eye over the weekend. Last week, the small town of Berthoud, Colorado (pop. approximately 5500) made history in Colorado by becoming the first (and only) municipality in the state to ban the sale of puppy mill dogs in pet shops. While probably just symbolic (Berthod has no pet shops), the town is making a statement on the topic of puppy mill pets.

Puppy millsIn his statement, Mayor pro tem Jeff Hindman said, “We can be up front and take a stand and hope this will spread to other towns and other pet shops across the state,” following the 6-0 vote approving the ordinance banning the sale of puppies from inhumane breeding facilities. You may recall that Elsa herself the product of a puppy mill, came from Greeley, a mere 29 miles (45 Km) away from Berthod. Local residents, many holding their rescued dogs in their laps, filled the Town Hall and applauded the vote. Loveland, CO resident, Lauren Kujawa said, “I’m hoping it spreads to Loveland, Fort Collins, Omaha, Oklahoma, everywhere.” We share Lauren’s sentiment.

Rudi Taylor, who founded Harley’s Dream, a Berthod-based organization had proposed the ordinance. Harley’s Dream was established in 2016 to create awareness and educate the public about cruelty in the commercial dog breeding industry, aka puppy mills. By using a grassroots approach, Harley’s Dream believes large groups of concerned citizens is the most effective way to bring about change regarding these cruel, for-profit farms. Their sole focus encourages advocacy by providing the tools necessary to educate the public on the puppy mill crisis.Puppy Mills

Let’s keep our paws crossed that more cities around the country accept the challenge to ban the sale of puppy mills dogs in pet stores. Hitting these profit based farms is likely the best way to combat this insidious practice of abject animal cruelty.

Well done, Berthod! Elsa and I tip our hats to you for your efforts in getting Berthod to ban puppy mills dogs. It’s the first step which I hope snowballs across the state and country.


Live, love, bark! 🐾

60 thoughts on “Good News Tuesday ~ July 2, 2019

  1. This is amazing news and we hope this is the start where they shut all puppy mills down. Elsa looks so adorable and those other furries are just the cutest. 😀

  2. aarrrggg.. We have pet shops but these are for selling supplies and pet clothing etc. not animals. But we do have two rescue places, but run by local vets, and they hold bi-monthly dog washes to raise funds for rescue. It’s all good. Sorry about the previous comment – me fingur hut the rong kee :o)

  3. Here, here!! Hopefully what starts as something small grows into something big across the country! I am familiar with Harley….I believe he started out at National Mill Dog Rescue, also in Colorado?

    1. Small steps will begin to add up. I do believe Harley was a National Mill Dog Rescue alum. Ironic two national iconic advocates are based here-you’d think something would be in Missouri or Pennsylvania, two of the biggest puppy mill states. Then again, maybe that does make sense!

  4. IN Los Angeles, pet stores cannot sell puppies from mills anymore. Only rescues. And if you want a pure bred, you have to get it from a proper licensed breeder.

  5. Puppy mills are still a big issue here in Lancaster County.

    Talk about prison sentences. Those who run these mills deserve it.

    Big props to Berthoud.

    1. Prison is too good for them. People are surprised to learn puppy mills are big business in Amish country.

  6. Very very awesome news Monika!! We only have 1 pet store left in town…the man who owns it is nice but we know many of the puppies & kittens are from breeding mills. We have 2 local shelters & 2 rescues so there are options when looking for a new furbaby. I suspect after the pet store owner retires the City will say no more pet shops! I sure hope so. Elsa you are looking very pretty too!
    ((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen

  7. Anytime the puppy mills are banned it’s a great idea. On the other hand, I may go out and ban something that I don’t have, too. Maybe I’ll ban cigars in my house. There’s never been a cigar in my house but I think I’ll ban them anyway. 😉

    1. Elsa, the mill survivor, thinks you should ban cigars. Just in case. 😉

  8. California banned that this year state-wide; only dogs from public shelter or private rescues can be sold in pet stores. Not perfect, but a beginning. I fell like sting a public shaming of Craigslist for not even trying to enforce it’s own rules

  9. This is great, let’s hope that small town will be an example to follow to other cities. I just can’t understand the cruelty against animals, like puppy mills, people who do it are monsters, not human beings.

    1. I sure hope more and more progress is made. It is completely incomprehensible that people can do such things to living animals in the name of profit.

    1. It is great news! Thank you for swinging by the Ranch. We 💖 visitors.

  10. Well done Berthod indeed. Puppy mill conditions are horrific. There is a group in Texas. Dog Ranch Rescue who attend puppy mill auctions for th esole purpose of buying dogs on the block so that they can be set free. Little Twiggy was one of the pups born in freedom after her pregnant mom was put up for auction and bought by Dog Rance Rescue. Thanks for this, Monika.

    1. With Elsa’s situation I have become passionate about puppy mills and the horrors they inflict on innocent animals in the name of profit. Horrible conditions and genetic and social problems are just a few of the perpetuated problems with mills. I hope I live long enough to see them all shut down. Digital ear rubs for little Twiggy. 🐶

    1. 😲Oh gawd. The mere thought. But let’s hope exposure to the problem results in far more Berthouds.

    1. Isn’t it though? I was doing the happy dance-both dogs thought “well, she’s finally lost it.” 🤣

    1. Every avalanche begins with a small snowball. We have our paws crossed.

  11. This is great news. Let’s hope it spreads and becomes the law of the land.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

    1. Getting the word out is the first step, then legislation like Berthoud enacted. Enforcement through the USDA has been spotty at best (probably due to the sheer numbers of puppy mills) Fingers crossed.

  12. I wish the AKC would stop handing out registrations en masse for puppies they know are from puppy mills but then they could not afford their fancy offices.

    1. Agreed. Until they get on board, this will be climbing Mt. Everest in sneakers…without gloves. 😕

    1. I didn’t either but loved reading his story. Onward and upward so that everyone gets on board!

  13. profit over decency. Oy. If people can find a way to make a dime, they don’t care who it hurts. I like Berthod, a small town with attitude! Elsa is just so gorgeous, glad she came to live at the ranch and know what love is.

    1. Even Sam is glad to have a ‘little’ sister. Most of the time. 😈 I saw the place from where Elsa was rescued and the shape she was in back then. Talk about disgusting! She’s certainly come a long way, baby.

  14. Excellent! I hope it spreads across the country, too! The pet stores here in Greenville haven’t sold puppies or kittens in years. They allow local rescue groups to hold adoption events, though.

    1. If bans become more commonplace, hopefully the profits will shrivel up and go away.

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