Monday Musings ~ November 22, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving week! We want to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful holiday and to let you all know how grateful we are that you continue to stop by our little acre on the ‘Net. Your caring support over the years underscores just how truly amazing this community is.

We hope your Thursday forecast is filled with abundant  blessings. May your day be spent in the company of those most dear to you. In the words of the Roman statesman, Cicero, “A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.”


Thanksgiving is more than just about festivities; it gives us time to reflect on lessons we’ve learned and how we can share more joy. At this time of year, as we look back at all the memories, people and their good pets who have come into our lives, we want you to know how much we appreciate you all. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your loved ones. And because it’s Monday, we offer the following little holiday poem.

We hope your stuffing is tasty, your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious, while the desserts take the prize.
And may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs. 🦃

Live, love, bark! 🐾

76 thoughts on “Monday Musings ~ November 22, 2021

    1. Thanks; it was a lovely family affair. Can’t believe there’s now less than a month until Christmas! Yikes.

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    I have to work on Thursday…so we’ll celebrate on Friday.
    Working a holiday such as this one, is not that awful, I get to meet family members of those I care for, and they get to meet me…one who helps care for their loved one(s). It helps to make nice memories as well. Our sons are adults so they understand what I do is important, they are willing to share me with my residents:)

    That cartoon and your little poem made me giggle!

    1. Thanks for the kind wishes and thank you for spending time with your patients. Working in medical care on holidays makes you an angel in our mind. Bless you!!

    1. Hope you got some snow with the storm that moved through Wednesday. I have been out of town but it looks like maybe 28 flakes fell in town. Everything is brown and dusty.

  2. Thanks for the good chuckle and the funny blessing. We hope you and family have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving too.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. And likewise to you as well. We thought that was a funny poem and figured most people could identify with it.

  3. We are going to see how eggplant lasagne pairs with homemade cranberry sause, LOL. The sweet potato pie will in a gluten-free crust will round it off. Hoping you have a great week and Thanksgiving day.

    1. I’m drooling just reading your menu! Love sweet potato pie! Have a wonderful thanksgiving!

  4. Aww…thanks for the kind thoughts and wishes and we hope your T-Day is totally delightful from start to finish, full of many good things and devoid of stray dog hairs in the Tofurkey. Keep in mind that Cicero also provided sage advice for dealing with the last piece of pie: “Carpe Jugulum” which of course suggest you go for the throat.

    1. Hahaha! Who knew all these years I’d been following Cicero’s sage advice (which probably explains my appearance. 🤣

  5. Happy Thanxgivin Day Sweet Norman an Elsa an Miss Monika!!!
    Yore cartoon iss heelareeuss~~it tooked BellaSita Mum a bit to ‘get it’….that made it funnyer!!!
    Wee are grateful to call youss’ our frendss!!!!
    ***purrss*** an ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an {{huggiess}} an <3 BellaSita Mum

    1. It was one that I had to look at twice before I got it! We consider you one of our favorite fur-iends! Hugs and tail wags!

  6. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving Day in Australia, but I give thanks for all the lovely and wonderful people who have come into my life through being on here – past and present. I treasure those of the present and miss those of the past. I wish everyone a great and wonderful week.

    1. Thanks, John. We’ve enjoyed getting to know you and dear Benji and count you as one of many wonderful folks all over the world. Hugs and tail wags to you, Annabell and our favorite down under pup.

  7. Love the funny and love the poem. I don’t want dinner on my thighs either.

    Have a fabulous day, week and Thanksgiving. Scritches to the pups, a smooch to Norman and a big hug to you. ♥

  8. a blessed and warm Thanksgiving to all on the ranch – both physically present and those who reside in the heart

    1. Thank you. While the year has had its share of pain and heartache, we are grateful for our blessings, including dear bloggers like you. Mwah!

    1. Thank you. Hoping your Thanksgiving in the midst of renovations is peaceful and calm with the kitties.

    1. Right back, atcha Michael. Best wishes and digital ear rubs for my favorite Golden Girls.

    1. Thank YOU, Helen! We love your clever posts and wish you, Leo and the Thugs a great week!

  9. how funny that cartoon. At first I thought you were referring to the weather here at the moment. It’s going to be near 70 most of the week. what a change in one year

    1. Yeah, I thought given our warm temps it was funny and fairly accurate. 😉 Happy Thanksgiving week with best wishes to you, Milo and Drew.

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