A helping paw anyone?

Of course we all know Sam is a therapy dog, who despite being somewhat dim is pretty good at it. He comforts patients at the hospital like nobody’s business. His role as the canine concierge welcoming everyone on our block is without parallel. But I think he’s taken all this helping out stuff to a whole new level where I’m concerned. I think he secretly thinks he owns me, not the other way around. Why do I say that? He simply cannot leave me alone for a single minute.

It always been pretty ineffective to go into any room in the house and close the door since Sam arrived on the scene. If there isn’t major scratching, then there’s major whining or snuffling noises coming from that long schnoz of his from under the door. The ruckus was too much so now I just leave doors open which pretty much makes personal hygiene issues interesting. Since my accident, I’ve opted for baths rather than showers, but this view is starting to unnerve me. For a long time, I thought he was just mimicking his sheepdog siblings who probably taught him all his annoying habits. If you know anything about OES’s, you’ll understand.

If he isn’t draped across my lap, he’s leaning against me. Or just standing there, watching every move I make (sheesh, wild animals just spray!). This is the view I see when I try to take a bath.

Need any help?
Need a little help there?

At those [ahem] more delicate moments (like when using the “throne”) a fluffy redhead will either lay patiently across my lap with two soft amber eyes looking up at me as if asking, “need some help?” or I’ll get that snuggle head on top of my knee. It’s ironic since I tease Sam out loud about not having a thumb which just seems to tickle his fancy and he’ll snuggle up closer. Maybe he pesters me because I give him the attention he wants (personally I kind of enjoy making fun of him so maybe I’m reaping what I sow). Who knows what goes on in that simple little brain? Mostly I just chuckle and think nothing else of it. But lately, I’m starting to think he actually does believe he OWNS me, not the other way around.

When the sheepies were still with us, they used to do the same thing and I always expected that kind of behavior from them since they were after all, ‘herders.’ Didn’t realize Sam took such good notes! But for crying out loud, he is a Standard Poodle and there’s nothing herding about that breed. I just don’t get the “I can’t possibly be away from you for even a nano-second” mentality?

Lately he’s taken to sitting in front of me as I watch TV or if I’m working on the laptop, he’ll get as close as possible and then lays his head across my knee. Then there’s that plaintive look and then…slowly. ever. so. slowly. he’ll put one foot on the thigh, then the other and then Poof! he’s straddling me like I’m some sort of chattel. Heaven forbid I say anything out loud because that’s the signal for the tail to start waving back and forth like a flag on July 4th and he becomes quite animated. At just shy of 60 lbs., that animation across the lap can get a bit uncomfortable when an elbow is digging into the quad. Maybe it’s because it’s colder now and he’d rather share body heat though I’ve never seen anything that indicates Standard Poodles have a drop of Eskimo DNA in them.

What’s an independent dog mommy supposed to do? Sure I can banish him to his nice cushy warm bed near the radiator (and when I can’t stand the heat or being burritoed any longer, I do), which just leaves me feeling like one of Cinderella’s wicked step sisters. But I swear, this is becoming a daily routine. Sometimes, he’s worse than a clingy boyfriend and anyone who knows me, knows that “Homey don’t dig that shizzle nonsense!”

It makes me wonder if he’s trying to subliminally tell me something, either about him or about me. Either way it (mostly) makes me smile and when it doesn’t he gets the “be off with you, knave” treatment. The theatrics following said banishment are pretty entertaining and the heavy puppy sighs and flops on the floor are beyond priceless. Those antics usually make me take a time out and get down and play with him. That’s probably the problem with his being so damn cute and so damn manipulative!

Does your dog own you or is it just me? 🙂 How do you handle being owned? <3

19 thoughts on “A helping paw anyone?

  1. Same goes for my two, except in winter when they only follow me into WARM rooms. If I head into a cold room, I’m on my own. Priorities!

  2. Oh yes, Trev owns us too…It is so not just you!!!! 🙂 Giggles… He rules the roost…We just live here!!!! Happy Holidays to you and yours!!!! Hugs

  3. My dogs have two different strategies: Ottie, who came with strong abandonment issues, has a need to know where I am in the house at all times, so he follows me around. Portia is more independent but, the moment I sit on the couch, she has a need to come sit on top of me. All 60 pounds of her. I have given up shooing Ottie away but when I need alone time on the couch I will literally throw her off, put on a stern face and indicate her bed. With a wounded expression she complies.

  4. I am definitely owned by four dogs who think there is a backdoor in the bathroom.

  5. Oh how I can relate. Delilah follows me everywhere. I can’t even sit on the toilet without her face in mine. I feel badly, but sometimes I just push her away. Of course, when I want her to stay by my side (like at the park off leash) well that’s another story entirely. 🙂

  6. Easy is my shadow too… even in the bathroom, he is always on my side… most emabarrsssing moment: our neighbor talked with my husband on the door, why Easy opened the door of our guest toilet were is was busy…fortunately our neighbor is a farmer and he nearly saw all things between heaven and eart :o)

  7. Oh yes, be glad you are down to just one 🙂 It is all of us in the bathroom, if I make a peep it is a mad attempt to all be right on top of me or peering in the shower. Jostling for my lap when I am sitting down. Mom and Dad laugh at my “fur blanket” when I am sitting and my “Lab footwarmer”. Bed time? FORGEDDABOUTIT! I have to try to fit in my own (full size) bed and GOD FORBID ask someone to move and let me get settled! The latest is that poor little Anne thinks that she can’t do her business outside unless I go out with her. Now it is all four of us Girls out, no matter what time or weather, so that everyone potties! Have been doing physical therapy for my shoulder. The floor exercises consist of me trying to avoid being smothered by 2 little face kisser and 88 lbs. of Lab lying on top of me thinking that it is HEAVEN and play time! I wouldn’t trade it for the world either, no matter how infuriating at times 🙂

    1. 🙂 Sam takes downward facing dog a bit too literally when I’m doing yoga for my shoulder so I completely emphasize. At least he doesn’t lick the top of my head like the Old English Sheepdog did! Life is all about the little victories when you have critters around, isn’t it?! <3

  8. Sam sounds like Forrest and Doc..i am rounded up (like our sheep) constantly..i move they move..we have a walk in robe and an ensuite at the other end..even wih two doors often a clever minx (Pickles ) will open it..as me doing the throne sitting is too much to miss out on..i look up to see 2 dogs and four cats ..all I can say is thankfully the sheep are outside…so I feel your sense of being cornered hahahaha 🙂 and I say bless the simple pooches Forrest is like Forrest Gump..sweet loving and a little simple 🙂 hugs Bev xxxxx

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