Tuesday Treat

Because yesterday was Labor Day, we didn’t post our usual Monday Musings. A few days ago, I saw this browsing the ‘Net so while today’s title may be somewhat misleading (I will have a post about pup treats soon), this is the treat I’m referring to…the annual (and some would say, far too overdone flavoring of everyday life) opportunity to wash down some good old-fashioned Pumpkin Spice latte at your favorite Starbucks. You do have to admit though, the “Pugkin” spice is pretty adorable.

Are you a fan of the ubiquitous flavor, be it from Starbucks or some other coffee shop or do you limit it to candles? I used to be a big fan, but it’s just too sweet for me anymore, so now I just like to scent candles with this seasonal autumn scent.

Live, love, bark! ❤︎

58 thoughts on “Tuesday Treat

  1. I am catching up on the Sunday Selfies REALLY LATE (you know we are late because we have been running an auction for Austin Pets Alive). Its good to see you in the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  2. I like the occasional pumpkin spice latte, but for the most part I like my coffee black. But pumpkin spice muffins? Irresistible!

  3. Mom tried pumpkin spice creamer once and did not like it although she loves pumpkin pie.
    Hazel & Mabel

  4. I love pumpkin spice and you are going to crack up when you see what the bayou Boys are reviewing along those lines. Haha!

  5. That pugkin spice latte is adorable!! My humom loves that pumpkin spice latte but she has to ask for it half sweet because otherwise it is much too sweet!

  6. Not big on pumpkin spice coffee drinks..way too sweet or me, but Tazo has a great Pumpkin Spice Chai tea bag that comes out this time of year!

  7. Too cute! Coincidentally, I am reading this while sipping on an iced pumpkin spice latte from SB! (Seriously)! And, I just stocked up on pumpkin spice cereal, breakfast bars, hot cocoa, baby food, coffee creamer & pure pumpkin purée from Target, so a perfectly timed read here! Yep, my daughter and I are PS addicts!

  8. Funny shot. I also like the internet photo of the two guys with fishing poles using pumpkin spice lattes to “hook” coeds on campus. As for moi, never had one and probably never will. Nothing against the frou frou drinks but I’m just a plain old black coffee guy. Boring.

  9. Believe it or not, our human mommy hasn’t ever had the pumpkin-flavored Starbuck’s treat. (She says she’s deprived. Right. 😉 ) But she is a sucker for pumpkin- and spice-scented everything and anything. Pretty sure Tallulah and I will be perfumed by pumpkin before it’s all over.

  10. I see no purpose to a pumpkin other than to make awesome carvings out of every Halloween. I’m sure in some way they can be made into things that are edible (or potable), but not by my taste buds!

  11. I drank coffee for many years. One day I was having an exotic drink at Starbucks with friends and I realized that I had never really liked the taste of coffee. It’s been tea from then on. Our little town has 5 Starbucks!

    1. We used to have nearly one Starbucks on every corner in downtown Denver and while I’m not a huge fan, I confess I visited the one in my office building often, but mostly as a way to get away for a few minutes with colleagues. Now there are twice as many MJ shops as Starbucks. Some call this progress, I think it’s more insanity. ☕️

  12. That Pugkin Spice latte is adorable. I don’t do either – no latte’s, no candles. I’m allergic to most scented candles, so I never burn them. I do love the smell of a pumpkin pie baking in the oven, though.

  13. I have to admit that I never was at starbucks… the next one is too far away… but if we see one once I will give it a try… and I probably will order the most exotic thing they offer ;o)

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