Almost Wordless Wednesday

I kind of like this sentiment though I can think of other sweet treats that I’d love even more. So what’s your idea of a terrific Wednesday?

Live, love, bark ๐Ÿพ

64 thoughts on “Almost Wordless Wednesday

  1. I love donuts, but I’d choose glazed over jelly (and I try to only have them as an occasional treat!). Also, there absolutely has to be a cup of hot coffee along with that donut!

  2. We had a pawfect Wednesday. Pleasant (no hot) warm sunshiny day. Breezy not windy
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. Oh, don’t gets Ma started! She does loves the occasional donut, she really loves IScream. And cake,butts with light whipped cream frosting…..oh man, nows she says she’s hungry! (she never shares ๐Ÿ™ )
    Ruby โ™ฅ

  4. A chocolate-creme-filled donut with a Caramel Latte would suit me just fine. Or just a good mug of extra-bold, medium-roast coffee with some half-n-half in it.

  5. Mom says a day without rain (and mud)!!!

    We say a big bag of chicken jerky!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Our local HEB has a sweet they call “doughnut croisssant”, and I could die for that! It’s basically a croissant with glazing. Yummy to the max. Dangerously yummy. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Have a wonderful Wednesday y’alls,

  7. A warm day … blue sky ….. a seat in a park overlooking the lake … Tim Horton’s Boston Cream….. a really nice latte …… good human and canine company …. lots of free time!

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